Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by warfighter67

  1. Minecraft won't start

    You were installing API before forge this entire time? Well THERE'S your problem. xD Forge ALWAYS comes first
  2. Got the board, chip, and RAM!

    So me and my dad decided to go for the ASUS Sabertooth as a motherboard instead because it has a 5 year warranty while the other one doesn't come with one at all. It has a few less PCIe slots, and it's $80 more expensive, but if it goes bad, at least we can get a replacement. I'm going to talk to him about getting a 64GB SSD (under $100) for the OS. I have to ask though, would putting the OS on its own drive (not even the applications) work well?
  3. Blaaaargh! A word from the straightjacket...

    Funny how their story changes based on whether you're buying or selling. Do the company a favor and spread your word about them (not just here on TFC)!
  4. Got the board, chip, and RAM!

    Two words: Sound libraries.My 1.5TB is full and it only has 150gb of music and no videos.
  5. Sticks & Stones

    I'm disappointed in you.The OP isn't even that long and it's not that hard to use your imagination to see what he's talking about. You must be in a bad mood tonight.
  6. Minecraft won't start

    Well you ARE doing everything correctly. This might get a little tedious, but try testing different versions from here:
  7. Charcoal Pit and Metalsmiths work

    So, you speak Engren?
  8. Minecraft won't start

    You know what?Just for kicks, right click Minecraft.exe and "Run as Administrator" I'm curious. Edit, after properly installing TFC and NOT putting forge and API in the mods folder
  9. Minecraft won't start

    I know it's going to feel like I'm treating you like a dummy, but you got player api 1.1 from here right?
  10. Buff to axes

    An equation for that would be hard to come up with.An equation for the number of logs could more easily be represented by Which creates a curve similar to the one you're suggesting.
  11. Buff to axes

    I got started on reading this topic about saws vs axes and, personal experience included, there is no reason whatsoever to even dare making a metal axe because their saw counterparts are better at everything the axe is. So I'm proposing a change to fix that: When you chop down a tree with an axe, only half of the durability is lost compared to chopping down the same tree with a saw. warfighter67! Are you out of your mind?! That's such a huge buff! Ah, yes, it is. But saws give you two and a 2/3 more planks per log (167% more planks), so in theory, a completely even balance would be to make axes take 37.5% as much durability compared to a saw (3/8) [This would mean that you would technically be able to get just as many planks from an axe as you would a saw; it would just take a lot more logs with an axe]; and that's given based on the fact that they are balanced in every other way. It is to my knowledge that axes do more damage in combat, whilst saws are faster at chopping. That kinda balances out there. But, I digress. 50% less of a durability hit is good enough, and it makes for easier math. I mean, not that it matters much to a computer that can do trillions of calculations per second, but you know..
  12. Your gamer's obsession?

    The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. 'Nuff said.
  13. Got the board, chip, and RAM!

    Would there be a way to get the registry to a different drive? I've read of some issues installing apps to a different drive with the registry still being on the OS drive.But if that's the case, I may as well just buy a 128GB SSD for my OS and install all my apps to a HDD. only 5400 rpm? I have a 10,000 rpm 1.5TB HDD in the computer I'm posting from (I own two machines and the other is getting an upgrade. This one's still on 32bit windows LOL) I believe my Western Digital HDDs on my other machine are 7200rpm though.
  14. Axes vs Saws

    Canned trees.. Now THAT'S something for you all to think about!
  15. Potentially helpful smithing stuff (spoilers)

    In the world of TFC, it's every man for himself.Exploit your knowledge and demand large sums of money to anyone asking for the information.
  16. Got the board, chip, and RAM!

    I read it now. I know computers can be very tiny these days, hehe. I thought I was reading up-to-date information, but I guess not lol. I'm probably still going to go with HDD as you and me both said, audio requires a lot more read/write.
  17. Got the board, chip, and RAM!

    I'll get reading up on those.However, using a DAW machine means doing A LOT of reading and writing very large sound libraries (I have a marching band drum kit that's 40gb on its own). Additionally, installing all of those sound libraries will also take up equal amounts of read/write. Sound libraries are also often uncompressed when stored on a HDD, but then they are compressed out the wazoo when loaded into RAM for usage. Also, not sure yet how big SSDs can get while still being within budget, but my computer's C drive (where all my applications are stored) is already breaching 400gb in size. No data whatsoever on that drive; just applications.
  18. Minecraft won't start

    Ah, must be an Italian thing. Hehe
  19. Got the board, chip, and RAM!

    Do you have a source for that? I looked up many places and talked to many people who said SSDs quickly degrade over time.
  20. Minecraft won't start

    Because I have no idea what your post means. "All here?"
  21. Minecraft won't start

    Huh? Did you quote the wrong post?
  22. Got the board, chip, and RAM!

    But SSDs go bad in like.. 1-2 months or so. I really do not feel like reinstalling Windows every single time I have to replace my SSDs
  23. Minecraft won't start

    Well there's your problem.It should also be detecting PlayerAPI. Are you sure you installed it correctly?
  24. Minecraft won't start

    Hmm, just for kicks, delete your TFC from the mods folder, start up Minecraft, and click on the "Mods" button in the main menu. Tell me what it sees installed
  25. Got the board, chip, and RAM!

    Haha yeah, that's the painful part of setting up. You just get done building a machine and then you can't do anything with it for a couple of hours because it's installing updates!