Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by warfighter67

  1. Sorry, I forgot to mention that I would like new players to be at least 18 years old. My friends and I are not kid-friendly. By only allowing legal adults to join us, we avoid various legal issues. And yes, I actually do think about these things, it's not JUST because I can't stand children.

    I'm 19. I can confirm in a Skype call or via picture of my driver's license hehe

  2. Character Name: Weylin

    Time Played: 33 hrs according to steam

    Time Zone: EST so GMT -5

    Free Time: EST, time varies as I work part time.

    Skype: warfighter67

    Steam: Event Horizon

    Just make sure you let me know you're from TFC forum when adding me as a skype contact.

  3. http-~~-// They were suposedly added ........

    "They weren't added just yet"

    Means they MIGHT be in 1.5, but they are NOT in the snapshot.


  4. I too got bored after Steel because at that point, you're doing the same thing over again, with the only change being a prettier house/castle. With the new tech-up system in TFC2, hopefully some of that grind will go away, as you're now doing other things to advance instead of mindlessly mining and metalworking.


  5. heh, its funny that you say installing mods is complicated

    seriously, minecraft is one of the easiest games to install mods for that i know of

    Not only that, TFC is one of the easier mods to install. Try installing all of the "tech" mods manually and messing with config files for a couple hours.

  6. Well, I used to play terraria, but then (no, not the arrow to the knee) I got bored, because there were always the same things to do. It's a 2D game. I think that it needs more stuff, because being 2D is a great limitation for the fantasy. However I still like it a bit.

    Yeah, I really wish the developer continued working on it, with updates as often as Minecraft. More progression, more biomes, more exploration, and an infinitely-sized world instead of preset sizes! Getting more difficult as you go far off to either side :D

  7. Hey, so I kinda got addicted to Terraria, and just made a fresh new world on a small server that I run for my friends, who don't play the game much anymore. I can hold about 4-5 people. Would anyone be interested in playing Terraria with me? I would prefer that you have Skype so we can voice chat while playing.

    Here's a picture from my old world (still saved):

    Posted Image


  8. Would be cool if you could just place armor, weapons, and tools just lying on the floor or against a wall. Would be cool to walk into your castle-like house and see tons of weaponry and armor lying on the walls in a hallway.

    To that point, some skulls and spider webs would do a great job making the place look abandoned and scary.
