Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Freza

  1. I like that the torches burn out but I don't have to deal with mobs.  I'll start out playing on normal or even hard but between my slowness at advancing and the few number of hours I have to actually play any given week, I quickly get tired of waiting for the night to pass and always end up switching to peaceful. It's funny, in regular Minecraft I get bored real fast on peaceful, but I actually prefer TFC that way.  :D


  2. I like the idea of improving early game food options before you can make a crafting bench but I would suggest slightly different options.


    Mushrooms - Yes please.


    Root Vegetables - I would suggest just tweaking the current process slightly.  

    • Potatoes, for example, take about 2.5 months to grow. In the spring it should be hard to get anything other than 'seeds' while in fall there should be an abundance of food.  
    • In real life, it's easy to miss a seed potato or two when digging them up.  It would be really nice if, after a winter, a new potato plant would spring up in the location of an old one assuming the dirt hasn't been disturbed.  I have no idea if this is even possible but it would be nice. :P
    • Like meat, potatoes should not be editable until after they are cooked.

    Flat Bread - I also want to make flat bread.

    • Instead of just using a stone in your crafting grid, I want to knap a mortar and then either use a 2nd rock for a pestle or knap a pestle also. Then they could be combined into a mortar & pestle which has durability like a knife.  Care would need to be taken to make sure it doesn't over power the quarn. Either it would take more grain to make the same amount of flour or the mortar & pestle can only make cracked grain.  You would need some way of adding water since you can't make a bucket yet but instead of right-clicking the water with flour, I would suggest right-click with a wooden bowl which could then be combined with the flourcracked grain to make the dough.


    After writing all of this I noticed that you are explicitly talking about starting fresh on an old server where there is limited wild food available.  My suggested fix for that would be that every spring, wild chunks that have no wild food would have a chance to spawn new wild food.  How wild a chunk is could be an inverse of the spawn protection.


    For myself, I used to die frequently of starvation in single player.  That finally stopped once I learned to not hit the zombies until I had good food supplies. :)
