Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by horenpa

  1. More types of stairs specifically for aesthetics.

    You are saying this? Yeah, is nice and simple, could be added on the chisel as well, so you can do with any rock block for example, and don't need to add a lot of new blocks.
  2. Nerfed chest size

    I can't play till monday (So I can't try it), but I have a question, maybe someone tested (May be obvious as hell... but well): Minecart chest is nerfed too? If we think of it on the positive side for this "addition" to the game, TFC now pushes more the player to use rails, to actually transport the goods to the base. (Even if they nerf the minecraft chest, and even if it nerf the character inventory even more.) I confess that I actually never used chest minecarts and furnace minecart ever on my vanilla games. And I'm kind of sad to this. Because they are actually nice. I like them. But never had an useful use for me.
  3. If construction is implemented

    Maybe a basic hierarchy with some kind of wooden supports can actually support X kind(s) of material(s). And I don't like much stone supports, I think this enter some hard sculpture/knapping metod, maybe some cement and... bleh.. don't actually like. Simple stone supports are just a rock that we put there to stop things from going down. If is just a esthetic need, we have the Chisel for modeling a nice column. xD And we don't need more types of material to make supports I think, as we already have enough wood species to make a lot of hierarchy on support power, if that's implemented someday.
  4. Breeding

    Pregnancy is only applied to 44 as I can read the change log. Before that, I only knew that the babys had a slowly grow curve. I had not tested this yet though, so I can't really tell you if that's a problem, or that's just normal. And welcome, by the way. ^^
  5. New slots

    I kind of like the idea of backpack into chest slot. You will then have a choice: Either carry more items, or just have more defence. But the pack would need to be HUGE to actually take the place of a armor chest interely. (I'm not saying huge on inventory slots, I'm saying in the size of it!! XD)
  6. Ultra Hardcore

    I love Ultra Hardcore, I discovered it watching AnderZ from the MindCrack, and is a very cool mod for this PvP matches. Bad that I'm not at home, (I'm on a travel at Argentina! I actually could play, but I will be at the plane, returning home on sunday... haha) would be a honour to play if you guys. ^^ (Although I'm bad at PvP MC. xD)
  7. Butchering

    Not resulting in potions, but a simple cook system like the existing brewing potions on minecraft. You add ingredients, that result in some new food. Anyway, the suggestion of the thread is about butchering, so I will stop here the talk from cooking. Sorry.
  8. Flint isnt?

    And all the flint recipes now use those rock, I don't know if is temporary, or not. But now is like, SUPER easy to make arrows (You just need some chicken farm going on). Maybe is the introduction to something bigger. Maybe the arrows that we have today will receive some nerf, and new arrows more powerful that need expencive materials, will me added. That my theory.
  9. Butchering

    And what is that cooking mama? I never played that. o-o
  10. Butchering

    Cooking is all about timing, right heat, and correct ingredients. Not just throw everything into the fry/pot. This could actually result into soup, or some kind of sauce. Could be something like making potions: You try to add some ingredients. That could do result in something correct and tasty, something eatable, or could result into trash/burned food. You need to master it by doing some tries, research, and make some food that, for example, could fill all the hunger bar. Or just make someting eatable, that fill just like a Rotten Flesh. Or just crap food that could decrease the hunger bar and give poison. xD
  11. I just got the worst TFcraft spawn imagable

    Hehe, I had a world a lot like this, but with no trees, no flint, no grass... only dirt and ocean. I was giving up, but since I had Smart Moving mod, I thought "well, I can smiw faster... let's have a try". And ended finding a really nice hills biome, with super-high montains...island.... But with nothing to explore. Bleh.
  12. Texture Artist Submissions

    Well, I tried.. I'm not good as you guys. That's my .png, I have the .psd too, all with transparencies and different layers for food and "raw green cable of the plants"(Not just the leaves.. I think you got the idea). CornPumpkinCarrotWatermelonTomatoOrangeRandom Chisel (As is my new favorite tool! )
  13. simple texture pack

    Default is 16x, so every 16x run the same. Other colors don't boost fps.. That's actually silly talk.
  14. HELP Black screen with Prebuild 40 :(

    Update the Forge, I got black screen too, and forgot to update that.
  15. Your chisel creations!!

    Could be nice seeing a way to model wood, maybe adding different tool options to an axe? Or just making that the wooden planks don't be a block, but planks that could be piled to finaly form a block, like adding two Slabs, but with more planks. So is a opposite way of the chisel, on wooden planks.
  16. Hardcore Mode

    Nice. Just one thing: A lot of info on my thread talk about the "thermometer". People that don't had read my thread will be confuse on what you are talking about. That is the meter that I created, so if you like, just throw it away the mentions of it, since is just one idea for GUI. You can just delete it, or think on a better way, maybe putting all into Calendar? I don't know. Do it as you wish, seriosly. xD
  17. Butchering

    I really think cooking need to be a fun system. Not just another system with a thousant recipes. Knapping, for example, is unique in some way, and is fun for me. I really enjoyed it. Even beeing just a "recipe with 5x5" like plans was, still, is fun and all the way to do it is nice and joy. xD
  18. Your chisel creations!!

    I finally tested it. Is really cool. I see myself playing with this for some really big time. xD Is nice that the Chisel don't lose durability on this (Yet? Hope not...), so is a really nice thing to just decorate your house and your world.
  19. Compatibility list

    Oh, forget what I said. Im just dumb. Forge had updated. xP
  20. placeable ingots (show off your swag to the world)

    Would love to see a treasure room.
  21. Butchering

    This could be added into a bigger "cooking" idea. This way, creating first the apparatus for decent and the basic cooking in different stages (As we already have like the first stage, that is just "throw-everything-into-the-fire" and wait to see what happen). Then the suggestions could split for materials and gathering methods, now gathering ingredients for the recipes and foods. Then could return to the ways of cooking, creating then the different modes, like butchering, ways to take feathers of the dead chicken, ways to mix spices, ways to whatever more. The problem is that cookind is so large, that we have a limit on it. Minecraft have a limit on ID items, as I know, so a mod could only add X number of new items? We need a really simple way of cooking, if that's true. Butchering like this is nice, I like the idea of a "dead corpse", of just a carcass, and you need to clean that up to reveal the usable raw materials.
  22. Compatibility list

    Oh, I did. That wasn't the order of the installation. xD Just an mode of organize what is a "playable" mod, and what is just a library/loader mod.
  23. Hardcore Mode

    Is nice to adjust everything into one thing. What I did on my sugg. was to see all we could do with Temp., on-character and on-environment. A hardcore mode like this is obviosly aiming to change the character, and some minor changes to fit something, like adding drinks/a way to drink, make juice from fruits, etc. I'm actually done with my sugg, I think it could grow more, but I already feel confortably with it. So we could just continue the on-character additions in here, no problem.
  24. Option to change year/seasons duration

    Yeah, MP is non stop time, you could just go offline but the world continues to pass and grow. On SP is different, you need to open the game so the time could pass. Is like thinking the other suggestion where the game simulate the time when you are offline. I think changing the time is a better way to solve this. Voted yes.
  25. Compatibility list

    I don't know if someone is having this issue too, but when I upgrade to build42, i got black screen. I had the same mods that I listed as compatible. I did tried to, of course, remake all the instalations with a fresh 1.2.5 jar file. So I re-installed: - ModLoader - Forge - ChickenCore - - NEI - - OptiFine - - Smart Moving - - RMM - - TFC Core - - TFC Resourses And got black screen as well. I will try to install one each time, to see whats going on.