Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Skavaro

  1. I truly never figured out to use the support beams the way do described xi... It is much better than my layout, however it is still that you need a vertical support every 4 blocks. If my calculations are correct that should be like 1.5 support beams needed per block of your tunnel. Anyway - going to try out your method in the next mine i dig. Does anyone know if i can increase the radius of the supported zone in the config files?


  2. No, fish are not visible entities. only if one bites onto your rod, it gets rendered. I am almost 100% positive that they are an infinite source of food (proteins). So to say they only start to exist when they have bitten into your leash, seconds before you kill them... sad live :wacko: . However if your rod snaps the fish gets released and you can follow him around in the water, beat him, kill him or push him onto solid ground where he will start to "drown" simulation a lack of water in case of the fish of corse.


    I just realised if the fish do not despawn (never tried whether they do or not) one could put them into an aquarium :D . I hope they do not despawn...


  3. I love the new fishing mechanics as well. so much more entertaining then just waiting untill some fish bites, klick - repeat. vanilla fishing was really boring. Also nice that the fishes you get increase the better you get at buchery (i think that is the dependency). while my first fishes were like 2 oz at maximum, after a few minutes i startet to get up to 8 oz fishes. And the animation for the entire fishing is very nice as well. Btw for all the ppl newly trying it out - i think your fishing rod only takes damage if it snaps. otherwise you can use it infinitly.


    If you have trubbe getting the fish, just look at your fishing rod, when you reel in, it bends slightly, if it bends more, let it go for a very short time, and reel in again. the fish might get a litte bit away but you will get him in the end. And to keep it shorter, place the hook just in front of you, like 2-3 blocks from the coast where you stand. no point in fishing in the middle of the pond, 10 blocks or more away from you since that will only increase the chance that the rod snaps before you have reeled in your catch.


  4. I am now at the verge of iron age in my 79.6 world. what i noticed with the new support beams and cave-in frequency is the same as vidaj already did. a cavein outside of the supported zone will propagate into the supported region, so as a miner you are not safe anywhere unless you use one of the cheaty tricks suggested by Two. Furthermore i do also think that the region around the block where caveins can be induced after mining was increased. In several occations i mined a block, heard the falling of severall stones but didnt see any. lateron i realised that there was a cave like 4 blocks behind where i was mining, a cave that had quiet a lot of debris inside once i found it :D.


    What i think about these changes: The increased frequency of caveins i do really like, as well as the new rules to supports where you have to build an upside down U to accually support the ceiling which does look a lot better. However the fact that caveins propagate into the supported region is really a trubble to me. one would have to place another support beam every 4 tiles to avoid caveins. taking into account that one does not only mine vertically but often has to mine up or down it really starts go get a pain avoiding ANY kind of cavein. I would really like to see that reverted back to what it used to be - once supported you are safe, unless you remove the support. I just started as well to think about different "cheaty" methods to avoid getting crushed like useing one single plank every ceiling block to "support" it magically. This does currently seem to be so much more rewarding since it totally removes the risk of being crushed to death.


    lets see what dunk and bioxx think of their new changes once they found time to test them out.


  5. Username: SkavaroAge: 24Location: SwitzerlandWhy do you like to play TFC? Minecraft in general for the creativity in building. Its the modern and virtual version of building Sand castels and Lego - who wouldnt like that :DWhy do you want to join? Singleplayer is not the right place to build good looking structures. I tend to use build efficiently there and once i have red/blue steel i run out of a job. that just happened a few days ago. So i intend to go back on a server to have a reason to build beautifully.What will you add to the server? hopefully a few nice structures, probably medival though fantasy or ancient are possible as well. modern architecture is kind of less intersting in my oppinion.


    additional: I have a longer post on the crococraft server forums already. More questions on my motives and intentions can be found there.


  6. Hey i observed that as well in my game. you can solve it by using a layer of planks under the dirt instead of the support beams. or a layer of cobble and support and so on.


    On the problem itself - i think it happens when snow melts on grass and leaves back dirt - the dirt then falls down. if the blocks have grass on them they do not fall. But also not all block without grass do fall... it just happens randomly in my oppinion.


  7. Thx Kittychanley for the help. The files are now in eclipse, though they showed tons of errors mainly due to being in the wrong packages or something like that. For most of the bugs eclipse knew the solution :D , creating those packages. Now some errors are left, several of them requesting a "core" class.


    Browsing through the new files i also think that several other important files are still missing. for example if i open the tfc jar, i will also find several classes dealing with food items, which i am interested in. so i think that i missed some point and should somehow get eclipse to list the classes inside the jar file as well. I just hope that my very basic java skills from 4 years ago are still sufficient to make the minor tweaks i would like to try out :D...


  8. I have the same problem here as condo, i do not know where to place the TFC Dev API


    When i open eclipse i have all the minecraft files, the forge mod files but not the tfc classes and packages to edit. i guess that means that i havent placed that file to the right place yet. i tried different locations but without success. Could someone tell me where to put it please? Thx


  9. Had this problem as well but was still using .16 i think. i figured out as well that stacking the flickering double ingnots is a very bad idea, use them as soon as possible. did not occur with any other ingnots or tools or anything but the double ingnots. I didnt post it since i couldnt give you any way to reproduce it. I had it with bronze and with red steel. but i think it is quiet random since i also had many of these without the bug.


  10. I think that alligator/crocodile could be a nice addition to swamps/southern regions. As well as sharks or piranhas to the oceans/lakes/rivers.


    As well some poisonous snakes could be an evil idea since they might be hard to spot in high grass. These should be non lethal though, anyone having found out the as "hot springs" disguised traps of doom can confirm that sudden death without much of actual fault can get quiet annoing :D.


    When it comes to hunting and huntable only animals i am not even sure how they are implemented right now. Do they accualy respawn? If they do not i will keep my current stance and never kill them since i like them in the scenery. If they do respawn i think they are some kind of overpowered since they are rather common to find. It might be a good idea to give them an AI that pushes them towards fleeing, even already upon approch, and with a higher running speed.


    What i would tweak is that a pack of wolves, especially during winter when they might find less prey, would attack a player as well.


  11. If anyone happens to find such a seed preferrably with the continent streching from north to south please give the seeds. The world i am on has a continent in the south with about 1.5k blocks east-west and 1k blocks north-south. After 6000k to the north there is a second piece of land, 5000 to the east and nothing, 2000 to the west and another small one (about 500x500). To me the land vs ocean ratio is too much on the side of water. Maybe its just my map but if others could post their findings it would be nice.


    On the topic again, forests are not that easy to find in the current build i think. If you go to about +/- 3000 in north-south then you will find jungles. At +/- 10'000 you will find the big mixed forests. Inbetween is mainly empty plains and as i already mentioned a lot of oceans. Some single trees can be found though in groups of 3-10 in my experience.


  12. I was not sure wheather i should write that in the support or suggestions section. I settled for the later since it is mainly a preference for one optics over the other. Anyway the point is the tools on the tool racks used to be thin objects that were accualy placed there. Now they look as like 2D pictures turning always face towards you. The problem is that if you stand sideways of the tool rack, the heads of the tools will collide and vanishe into the walls.


    Also on the same topic the stones/nuggets/ores on the ground were also converted to those 2D pictures form their flat laying static objects. I also preferred the old version of the stones - it lookes kind of weird if you walk over a plane and all the stones on the ground "turn" around to look at you all the time :D .


  13. I found also a bug (i guess it is not a feature) concerning forges in the rain. A simple forge with only air above it will be accessible in the rain. if you build a chimney that goes straight up from the center of the forge but block all the other ways (forge block, next layer free, second layer above filled in a 2 block radius with a hole in the middle for example) the forge gets inaccessible. when the rain ends, the forge gets accessible again.


  14. Version #: 0.78.7

    Suggested Name: Single Layer Blast Furnace

    Suggested Category: Annoying

    Description: When you build a blast furnace as in the picture on the update log by kitty named "A picture of a minimum sized blast furnace" you are unable to turn it on. building a second layer of fire bricks, allows you to switch it on (tested in creative). I dont know wheater this picture is outdated (its from 78 inital release) or really a bug. Category annoying due to the fact that they use a lot of iron by now.

    Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: No, didnt delete them
