Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by MDub

  1. [B67] Bloomery Crash

    Same here
  2. Bugs?

    So the bugs link on the main page sent me here instead of the old school bug tracker. Found a neat bug. Plant a sappling, any kind (or at least it seems so) and dig the dirt out from below it. When I did this (using a shovel) the sappling and an oak sappling would drop.
  3. testificate zombies!

    Anyone else see the zombies with the NPC noses and the unibrows!? One was at my door this morning... O.o
  4. Protection Meter

    So I recently started playing TFC again, and Im really liking what I see, the new seed bags, meals, and the environment as a whole is looking pretty sweet. Then I discovered the protection meter, and while I like the way it works, I cant help but hate the way it looks. It just feels very out of place. Everything else has this rough and primative feel to it, then mysteriously theres this glowing green piece of alien technology plopped in the middle of it all. Like a tekkit block fell from the sky in some weird TFC rendition of the twilight zone... I propose changing the graphic of this block entirely. Perhaps a scarecrow type graphic, or a totem. Something whose graphic changes over time, like the totem getting more heads, or the scarecrow filling in. or perhaps a type of street lamp, whose intensity rises over time to indicate the level of protection. Really anything that fits more with the rest of the game. What do you guys think?
  5. yeah its running, It appears as though my isp changed my ip, thanks for letting me know! I updated the post with the correct IP
  6. Protection Meter

    I was trying to imagine the same... It definitely needs to animate in some way. maybe, changing the type of armor over time, like going from a statue with tin armor to steel or something?
  7. ????

    java runs a JVM, its an emulated computing environment. It uses settings from the runtime parameters to determine how much memory (among other things) it can use. If you follow my instructions above and enter in -Xmx2G into the runtime parameters field for your java install (once again thats Start->Control Panel->Programs->Java->Java tab->Runtime parameters field) any instance of the JVM on your machine will use at most 2 gigs of memory. -Xmx100m would set it to 100 megabytes. Just go there, and add this argument to the field, and you should be golden
  8. testificate zombies!

    lol really? Its been a long time since ive played vanilla MC, and the first time ive seen those zombies.
  9. ????

    maybe a recent java update wiped the memory settings? on windows 7, go to java from control panel->programs, java, then the java tab, and check to see if you have a -Xmx value for a runtime parameter.
  10. Giving this a bump seeing as how I brought it back online and all
  11. I love russian Learned a bit on my own, and it is excellent. Props to Jee for pointing out how ambiguous and shitty the english language can be also what does "школота" mean?
  12. Forge and PlayerAPI

    Try it, let us know
  13. I cannot break any blocks

    This issue is caused by using the newest version of forge, I made a similar post: http://terrafirmacra...6549#entry26549
  14. server error

    Err my bad I was thinking about the "wrong name" NoClassDef error, but regardless, its still telling you it cant find the class atd, which still means you f'ed up installing the mod. Just be sure to use the correct minecraftforge verion (it says it on the downloads link), and make sure it works before you install your other mods.
  15. server error

    The java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError typically means that some directory structure for the packages a mod (or any java app for that matter) uses was not preserved. Unfortunately I dont know which mod is causing the problem, but if you are using the mods folder for TFC, which you should be, my guess would be its your modloader, or any other mods you installed directly to the jar file. When you install mods to the folder, be sure you preserve the directory structure the mods have in their zips.
  16. Sluice question.

    Isnt it like 120 blocks deep and around where the sluice is?
  17. Metal blocks

    yeah I was talking about the spelling and technically, its english everyplace else that spells it Metre, Americans are the odd men out
  18. Metal blocks

    Metre... fuggin canadians
  19. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    What I mean is like, in the same way that signs can be placed on the sides of stairs, torches and pictures and whatnot should be placeable... at least on sides of slabs that have not been chiseled.
  20. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    I noted on the main list in eternals first post a request for torches on slabs, placing pictures and weapon racks on them would also be nice.
  21. Initial Shelter

    if you have a 5th type of log
  22. [HELP] Server Crash

    do you have any other mods installed apart from the player API and minecraft forge?
  23. Strange server error maybe?

    Im wondering if anyone else has seen this, its kind of a strange bug but ill do my best to explain. So I hooked a friend up today with TFC, showed him how to install it and whatnot, then had him join this server im playin on. When he got there he couldnt break dirt or leaves, but he could break grass, use the chat, kill animals by hand, and harm other players. There wasnt any weird server log messages (so said the owner), but I figured I would help him debug, so I quick built a test server of my own. Then I tried to join it, and I experienced the exact same bug that my friend did, on the server I just made. So, now im pretty confused, but decided to try a third server, and there I was able to break stuff. So to sorta lay it all out, a friend was having issues breaking leaves and dirt, but could otherwise interact with the world, I made a test server and experienced the same thing on that server (using the same client I WAS able to break things with on the first server). Then I joined a third server and coudl also break grass and leaves. Now on the test server I tried deleting both my clients configs, and those of the server. I also tried opping myself, which didnt solve anything. Then I deleted my players dat file fromt he server and joined again, didnt work. So im wondering, has anyone seen this issue? Im inclined to think it might be something about the server, because the same client both experienced and did not experience the bugs on varying servers, but everything I could think of deleting on the server related to the player, I did, and it didnt fix the issue. I think it behaves similarly to the spawn protection, in a weird bugged sorta way, but I adjusted that, and moved well outside of the radius in my tests, which also did not solve the probem. Any ideas? Turns out the lates version of minecraft forge was to blame. I used the verions and all is well
  24. Colored glass

    Thats funny, I had this idea on a server today... joking about painting windows black Anyway, stained glass would be a great addition