Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by WetCheerios


    Age: 16


    Minecraft Username: Whiteclaws


    Why would you like to join?: I don't like sp that much and I would like the guideance of other players.


    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I found terrafirmacraft not a long time ago and played it with a friend but he had major lagg issue's and couldn't play anymore, thats why I search a new server. I played regular minecraft since beta1.3 but know about it since alpha.


    Any additional information that would help your case: I'm not just looking for a server but a community.


    Sorry, denied.


  2. Age : 15


    Minecraft Username : Xx_SoulStealer_xX


    Why I'd like to join : I would Like to see all the amazing builds possible within this Great Mod


    My previous experiences with Terrafirmacraft and MInecraft in general? : I've barely played with this mod. I've been playing minecraft since 1.4.7


    Any additional information that would help your case? : I'm an out going guy which never breaks rules :)

    Sorry, denied.


  3. Age: 18


    Minecraft Username: CptSpyglass


    Why would you like to join?:  I really like the mod, because I always like realism in games, but it kinda feels redundant to play in Singleplayer after a while. I also like seeing other people's builds and knowing that they can see mine (that's what I'm missing in singleplayer). Plus building is especially cool with this awesome chisel-feature, so I think I would have a lot more fun on a server...


    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: been playing MC since beta 1.5 and currently also on a whitelisted vanilla server (it's dead though at the moment) and also played the mod until 2nd tier anvil about a month ago.


    Any additional information that would help your case: idk. I'm german if that is of any interest. I think my english skills are sufficient though...Oh and I don't know if that applies to me, but you wrote 'no mods, that give you the upper hand...' and I can't play without optifine, so count me out if that's not an option...

    Accepted, and optifine is completely acceptable, I'd even go as far as saying mini maps are fine as well.


  4. Age: 18


    Minecraft Username: wixo


    Why would you like to join?: I'll be honest, it's Etho's videos that brought me here. Yet, I didn't want to disrupt the existing communities on already established TFC servers. A "fresh" server like yours seems like a good opportunity to properly learn the mod and meet some new people.


    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: With TFC? Minimal... Apart from 2 hours of gameplay I've only skimmed through the wiki and watched Direwolf20's fairly outdated review. Now Minecraft, that something I've been playing since alpha.


    Any additional information that would help your case: I consider myself a fairly decent builder, always placing aesthetics above functionality. Though, with TFC's physics I'll have to rethink some of my designs. Conflicts and drama are really not my thing, so I don't have a hard time getting along with most people.

    Accepted and Added.



    Age: 43


    Minecraft Username: Electric Womble


    Why would you like to join?:

    I'd like to join a fresh server with a few good folks to while away the hours. I'm on a disability pension so I have many hours to while away and you can only play with yourself for so long before you go blind.........from staring at the screen of course.


    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?:

    Started playing from 1.3.2. I can I put "unofficial demonstration copy" *coff* torrent to see what all the fuss was about. I started playing at about 4pm and the next thing I knew it was morning. Bought the game the next day and have been playing it ever since. Played TFC a few patches back but lost my world when my PC died...and my vanilla world.....and my FTB world. Suicide was considered but thought better of it. Just recently reinstalled TFC after seeing a YouTuber I watch (Etho from Mindcrack if you're interested) start his own world. 


    Any additional information that would help your case:

    You'll find me easy going and always happy to help. I also have cake. *Insert surreptitious wink here* 


    Wow, sounds like Minecraft has taken you down a crazy road, haha. Anyway, I'll only be accepting a few more apps before we're maxed out, so thanks for the application but I'm going to have to deny.

    P.S. Does your Minecraft Username really have a space in it?



    Age: 16


    Minecraft Username: pelemesh_KO


    Why would you like to join?: Searching for nice skilled community, in singleplayer i can't share my builds with anyone or talk, so it become boring.


    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Playing MC from 1.6 beta had alot of experience with mods. I don't remember version of TFC that i started on but i  still can remember how there were stone picks :D


    Any additional information that would help your case:  I'm just a guy that wan'ts to play on good tfc server.


    Due to the small whitelist, acceptances are getting sparse. Denied, for now. :)


  7. Yo,


    Age: 23


    Minecraft Username: Kalazrob


    Why would you like to join?: Done a few little worlds here in single player and although it has been a fun unique minecraft experience I wanna see how it transitions in a multiplayer environment.  (Also I enjoy the company lol)


    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Like I said I have played a few little worlds to the beginning but still fairly new to the mod.  As for minecraft in general, I have played since December 2011 so 3~ years.  Through this I have played for quite some time before using mods but then since I have usually had some type of mod one way or another since.


    Any additional information that would help your case:Just a guy looking to see about meeting a few new people and enjoy a relatively new mod out.


    Well hope to hear back soon, till then peace~

    Accepted and Added.



    Age: 22

    Minecraft Username: Three_Pounds

    Why would you like to join?: I have never tried a TFC server before and I'd like to give it a shot, maybe it's fun. Not having any plugins/additional mods sounds like an interesting setup to play in.

    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I have played minecraft for a long time and I am currently a bit burned-out by vanilla SMP. I have played almost every TFC build ever since the first mod spotlight by direwolf came out, but I have never progressed far into the Tech tree. My last play through ended with bronze a couple of days ago out of frustration. Maybe this time I'll achieve more.

    Any additional information that would help your case: I am mature and friendly and like to help people out and share my stuff with them. I am also a moderator on a medium-sized vanilla SMP server. I hope we get along well. :)


    You do sound like a great fit, but due to the small amount of people I'll be whitelisting, I'm going to deny just because it sounds like you will be splitting your time between other servers as well.



    Whitelist Application Form


    Age: 29


    Minecraft Username: IndianaBonez


    Why would you like to join?: I've been running this mod on my home server and now my hardware can't handle it anymore, so I've been searching around for a TFC server to join and this seems to be the only TFC server that is pure vanilla that I can find.


    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I'm pretty new to TFC (a week), but if I need to know anything I use the wiki and I've played Minecraft for 2+ years.


    Any additional information that would help your case: I'm an old boy (so immaturity is not an option, I do like to have a laugh though), prefer servers that have a great and friendly community, tend to keep myself to myself unless anyone needs help with anything, anything else you'd like to know just drop me a msg.


    Hope to hear from you soon.






    Accepted. Will add you very soon.


  10. Age: 32


    Minecraft Username: athaalin


    Why would you like to join?: Want another server to play on when I'm not feeling up to the insanity that is happydiggers. Something smaller.


    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Played on multiple, still play on happydiggers. Ran my own TFC server as well as a FTB and tekkit server. Not running servers anymore (thank god)


    Any additional information that would help your case: I am old and probably the only person on the server with any taste in alcohol XD. Just looking somewhere quasi-quiet to play.

    Sorry, sounds like you will be splitting your time between other servers. It's a small whitelists so I would prefer dedicated active members, denied.



    I'm gonna give my self another chance




    Minecraft Username:epic_MAS


    Why would you like to join?:I've really been looking forward to joining a TerraFirmaCraft server, and  I'm also pretty new so I would really enjoy playing with others


    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I've been playing TerraFirmaCraft for a week and I've played minecraft for a year so I  know that having people to play with is very important.


    Any additional information that would help your case: I love to play on servers with people and I would really find my self more happy playing with a group of people. I also like to play on servers because, I find my self a nicer person playing on servers.


    Awesome, now accepted and added.





    Minecraft Username:epic_MAS


    Why would you like to join?:I've really been looking forward to joining a TerraFirmaCraft server


    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?:I've been playing minecraft for a year and I've recently enjoyed playing TFC.


    Any additional information that would help your case:I love playing servers and meeting people to play with.


    Sorry, Denied.



    Okay so since you denied that one, i guess i will give myself a second chance?




    Minecraft Username:


    Why would you like to join?:

    I would like to join a server here because i just came across this mod, it looks quite interesting! I would like to join your server so i can be a part of a terra firma craft community and learn the works with this mod. I would also like to work with others because it seems its a real PVE environment 

    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?:

    I have been playing minecraft since INDEV almost since it came out. It was a fun game back then! i like how new it was to me and everyone elese and with this mod i believe it changes everything! I literally have no experience with this mod but i have been watching you tube videos and i think i will become a good player in sometime! I also love to build and with all these new boundaries i think it will make building harder!

    Any additional information that would help your case: I love minecraft and i have been playing constantly without getting bored! I am very helpwill and willing to give out items that i may find to benefit someone elese


    Accepted and Added.





    Minecraft Username:


    Why would you like to join?:

    I would like to join a server here because i just came across this mod!

    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?:

    I have been playing minecraft a long time and watched some videos on terrafirmacraft and would like to join!

    Any additional information that would help your case: I lava minecraft!


    Sorry man, little bit vague... Denied.



    Age: 14, 15 in a few days


    Minecraft Username: maklom


    Why would you like to join?: I've been getting a bit lonely and would like to play with some cool people.


    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I used to play TFC in 1.4.7. I didn't get that far into it though. I have tons of experience in Minecraft in general, however. I'm a highly skilled builder and have been accepted into several build teams, the most famous being Vadact. I've been playing since the official release in 2011, and I've become pretty good at it. I also play a bit of FTB and I played Tekkit in 1.2.5.

    Any additional information that would help your case: I've never griefed in all my time playing. I co-own a small server with my friend, and I've been modded on several servers.


    Sorry if this makes me sound pompous, but I really just want to play with other people. I've gotten lonely :P

    Also, I know, I'm not 17, but I can handle being around older people.


    Sure, I'll give ya a shot! Added.


  16. I'm interested! Just found this mod and would be cool to play with others.


    Whitelisting Application Form (Please apply in the comments below.):


    Age: 21

    Minecraft Username: Ashen92

    Why would you like to join?: I don't like playing minecraft by myself, and I just found TerraFirmaCraft and it's super fun. I think it'd be great to play with other people.

    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Never played TerraFirmaCraft before; I have been playing Minecraft since Alpha.

    Any additional information that would help your case: I'm fun :)

    Accepted and Added.
