Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by WetCheerios

  1. Age:25    Minecraft Username:orionofalbion    Why would you like to join?:I want to join a small, friendly community to enjoy some multiplayer and get to know people. SP gets rather boring and lonely after a while. :P

        What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I am learning the basics of TFC I LOVE IT! And I have been playing Minecraft for a few years now. Play mostly SP since I don't have friends who play MC; but love to build and learn all the time! Also played some mods including Crackpack, Attack of the B Team, little bit of Skyblocks etc,


       Any additional information that might help your case: I am a very helpful and friendly gamer!! I give advice and ideas, and love to receive any ideas or tips as well! I love to meet new people and respect rules; they are there for a reason. I hate drama, griefers and thieves. I play often, at least and hour or more everyday. I feel like I could bring a little humor to the server, as well as a get-it-done attitude. I don't mind doing the day to day grind; and love to be the guy who just gathers resources or explores for the group!!    Time zone, location, name(*Optional):Pacific, Washington State

    Sounds like you would fit in nicely, accepted and added to the whitelist.


  2. how's that "not quite up to par" ?

    why are you denieing everyone now btw?

    Your application consisted of very brief answers, on top of which there was little to no punctuation or literacy, of course I'm not trying to discriminate against people who don't speak english as there native language, just didn't see the same effort put forth into your application. Your answers were nothing out of the ordinary, and if I were to accept all "just decent" applications the server would become over crowded, therefore I must stick to top quality applications only.



      Age: 18


       Minecraft Username: xXTungThaiXx


       Why would you like to join?:

     - Terrafirmcraft is a great mod for mc but playing alone in the whole wide world is not really fun for me , i wish to      join this server to give    me experian about playing terrafirmacraft:) 


       What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?:

       -I have playing along with mineraft for really long time and this is the only game I play on PC ( I dont have Xbox or PS to play with ).

       -With Terrafirmcraft it is a whole new experian for me (all tho i have playing it for like a month all ready)


       Any additional information that might help your case:

       -Not really know what else to say but I am is a hardworker in game like granding stuffs and mostly mining ore ( Just in TFC most likely )


    Sorry, denied.





       Minecraft Username: std555


       Why would you like to join?:I enjoy Terrafirmacraft and building a nice Acacia cabin, but i would enjoy it more if i played with a friendly community and was also able to help in that community.


       What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?:I have done everything up to the bronze age but i got bored of being alone and unable to play with other people. I have played since Beta stages of minecraft and have spent more time playing minecraft than most people.


       Any additional information that might help your case:I enjoy helping newer people as well as building homesteads and cooking. I would like work together in TFC with a safe and reliable server to have fun with this awesome mod.


       Time zone, location, name(*Optional):I live in South-Africa UTC+02:00






       Minecraft Username:Thwarsole6005


       Why would you like to join?: To play on a reliable terrafirmacraft server with my brother and to join a community


       What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?:Ive been playing minecraft since alpha and know how to craft anything and everything on vanilla and i know how to  craft things up to bronze in terrafirmacraft and still learning new recipes.


       Any additional information that might help your case:

     Id like to survive and advance through the world of terrafirmacraft  with my bro(PureEnvelope35)and maby other people if i get lucky.In time id like to become familiar with most recipes and  all in all i hopefully just wanna have fun playing on this awesome mod on a safe,friendly and reliable server. It would also be great if i could actually get involved in this community and possibly help others if i ever get the chance to do so.Also having read the previous posts,i can see that there are quite a few that share the same idea as me which is technically the answer to Omen kaizer's questions so if i get accepted,that'll be fantastic.Ive tried one other tfc server which was happydiggers but things are way too messed up there so hopefully this one will be a lot more worth my time and effort.




    Time zone, location, name(*Optional): Amman, Jordan 


    I appreciate you guys applying here, but I just don't think you would fit in with the older community base we have currently on the server. I know there is many other good servers out there on the TFC forums, so hopefully you can give those a shot! Thanks again for applying, but denied.



     Age: 23    Minecraft Username: mandrac    Why would you like to join?: To play terra firma un multiplayer (duh) and also because i'd like to play minecraft in a cooperative way. Most of the time when i play in multiplayer, everyone is doing his stuff as far as possible from other people at the other side of the map... it's kind of boring.

        What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I bought minecraft back in alpha and have been playing terrafirma since the very early stage of development


       Any additional information that might help your case: I'm online prety much every day and can play at any hour. I just want to play terra firma in multiplayer lol what else can i say...    Time zone, location, name(*Optional): I'm european


    Sorry mate, not quite up to par. Denied.


  6. First of all, both of you're applications are accepted and I'll add you to the whitelist shorty.



       Age:  26    Minecraft Username: c4bombexpert    Why would you like to join?: play on a good whitelisted server with TFC and no BS (like typical griefing).  I like the challenges of building complex things in the different Forestry type mods.  It's also fun going off mining and digging with friends only to start yelling about creepers and spider spawners.  Plus I really like just building things.  TFC makes effort way more rewarding.

        What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?:  Not much with TFC, plenty with IC2, Railcraft, TC, Forestry.  I play a lot of Dwarf Fortress (40d ftw), and quite a lot of barely explained tons of hands on learning roguelikes.  Been playing since before SMP was introduced although with all the changes both to vanilla SMP and TFC it's quite a lot of work to stay current on new mechanics.  I certainly don't know all of them..  I've played quite a lot of creature and SMP both vanilla and with mods, although playing with other people is the real fun.


       Any additional information that would help your case: I have quite a bit of free time so playing minecraft alone is alright, but playing with actual other people is something I enjoy.  Hopefully going to do quite a bit of TFC on this server with a friend of mine who is also applying, but if he isn't approved I'll still play myself.  Wouldn't mind making some new friends too.  I'm mostly polite and easy to get along with.  I also use VOIP stuff like TS or Vent or Mumble, because only typing isn't nearly as fun, but I'm pretty friendly via text chat.    Time zone, location, name(*Optional):  EST, Ohio 

    Edit - I had some questions like Omen does.-The spawn area limit, if you guys are clustered or mostly spread out is there a way we can know what areas aren't inhabited/explored?-Has anyone found the few rare spawns (dungeons/SH/nether)?  I'm not familiar with the TFC spawn mechanics at all.

    - Are any of the HUD or minimap mods considering alright?  I know that the minimap can restrict to only above ground, and that as far as like HUD stuff if it's not auto-swap tools/weapons/gear it's probably ok, but i wanted to make sure.   I love having the IC2 and better buffs HUD stuff simply because it gives you everything on the main screen, the 'cheat' type options of these stuff doesn't appeal to me at all.  Minimaps are awesome though since the in-game map kinda stinks.

    - Is there any kind of trading setup with each other?  I've had maps where we have trading huts setup and it's based on scouts honor, with prices listed via signs.


    To answer your questions in descending order, we do have a few maps posted on our subreddit so you can have a browse through there. Other then that, you kinda get to know the regions not he map and where people are, for example spawn is on an island which we refer to as none other then Spawn Island, and directly below that to the South we have South Island, both islands are moderately populated. Beyond the two islands, further to the South and the West we have The Mainland. The Mainland is such a large chunk of land it is mostly unexplored and untapped, there are a few settled here, but mostly near the Great Lake and the Northwesterly edge of The Mainland. Another thing to note about the "spawn area limit" you ask about, it's not a physical border, you are totally welcome to go well beyond it exploring and collecting resources whenever you want. I just don't want players building permanent structures or homes outside of it, as I do plan to eventually cut the edges of the map to reset the area beyond the "border".

    TFC does not spawn the same vanilla dungeons and dimensions, meaning the Nether and End do not exist along with Stronghold's and Mineshaft's. It's a much more realistic survival based mod which comes with it's own set of challenges.

    Minima's are fine, I don't really care what you use as long as it's not cheaty.

    Trading is usually just a verbal agreement made via chat ,and a meeting point usually just arranged on the fly, but I think that would be a great idea to implement trading posts around the map!


    Age: 25 Minecraft Username: Omen_Kaizer Why would you like to join?: I'm looking to settle down and craft some white-cedar picket fences--after I forge the axe and saw by own e-labor. I've got an appetite for survival games and complex/sim builder games, but what makes them stick to me is teamwork and challenging goals. I've been missing that lately. PvP is secondary to me; I can do without it. The overloading of mods that detract from the immersion is a turnoff, making Barbaric Surivial stand out to me in this forum.

     What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: TFC:  two good stints in the CrocoCraft server, the last one being in v0.78. A couple solo games where I simply need that group to interest me. Vanilla MC I've put more time into, but it no longer compares.


    Any additional information that would help your case:  Civ II: Test of Time didn't turn me into a PC gamer, but it shaped me as one. L4D & L4D2 were my thing when they were new. I raided in LotRO for years with c4bombexpert--PvE mostly. We met because his name was a shout-out to Dwarf Fortress, which is a game I adore. After, for a significant period of time my L4D buddies and I played Rust (Legacy). We put our heads together and constructed fortresses that were "well hidden" or "impregnable" (never 100% so), and raised hell for the predatory rush you get being in a wolf pack (and to alleviate boredom. Game didn't have the rich framework TFC has. Tried unsuccessfuly to convert them to TFC). I see a lot of Dwarf Fortress in TFC, which is awesome. It's meaty; it makes you work for that meat too. 


    I'll probably be busy on weekends, but playing weekdays after work.

    Time zone, location, name(*Optional): CST, Alabama, "Omen" or "Arg". C4bombexpert will call me Arg. I'll be calling him Dorf.



    Questions for you:

    Are y'all clustered up in a town or in separate villages/homesteads

    If the former, would y'all respect one's desire to progress caveman at least iron age unaided?

    Do folks here use any VOIP servers?

    Do you count extended absenses in terms of weeks or days?



    To answer your questions in descending order, I know a few guys had started a town at spawn location, but mostly players live in small groups. It's still slightly early for a full fledged town, but I know I myself and a few other groups would welcome you to join them if you were interested.

    I'm sure you wouldn't have a problem progressing on your own, and we do have some generous souls on the server, but nothing would be forced upon you.

    Like Home said in his comment above, he has a radical group setup, but for the most part we're a very laid back group and tend to stick to chat when needed.

    As for being removed from the whitelist, I only expect that you would leave me a message through the TFC forums here or my reddit stating if you're going to be absent for a number of weeks. I would only remove a player after a month of no communications or activity has gone by.


  7. Just wanted to make a quick simple suggestion. I was wondering if there was any specific reason that the TFC dyes don't currently work for dyeing leather armour, as they seem to work for most other things. Perhaps this could be implemented sometime? That's literally all I have to say.. show some support!




    EDIT: Missed this in the official bug list, no further discussion necessary.


  8. Age: 20


    Username: Glosanbi


    Reason I'd like to join: So that I can play on a server with a friend (PhineasWyndyPoo) who's already been playing on the server. Also, I think this server would be a good platform for me to explore Terrafirma through.


    Previous experiences: Have not really played Terrafirma, but have a lot of experience with vanilla, both singleplayer and multiplayer ('started' near alpha, playing off and on throughout these years). Have been playing MMO's for much of my gaming life (Tibia, Guild Wars 2).


    Additional information: Mmm. I like to be honest. I can be quite silly. I like to laugh at my own jokes/ myself.


    Time zone: New Zealand, +13 GMT?

    Sure, accepted.


  9. Age: 17 (18 in 27th January) 

    Minecraft Username: LordFransx2701 Why would you like to join?: I like TerraFirmaCraft, and the experience of a town or trades between tribes and nations are impossible to get in a simple multiplayer server with only 1 friend.

     What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I know the basics of TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft. I have hosted many server (for my friends).


     Any additional information that would help your case: I am not an ordinary type of person, but I don't bring hate over people. I am Human.  Time zone, location, name(*Optional):

    +1 GMT, Norway, Oslo

    Short and sweet, I think I can accept that. Added to the whitelist.


  10.                                                                                                    Application


    Age: 16


    IGN: ShadowWolf06


    Why: I'm looking for a respective community. I love to build towns and city's in minecraft. However other players tend to destroy my builds. It would be nice to relax with players i could trust.


    Experience: I've played a fair amount


    Additional info: I'm always looking to help other players in any way i can. I'm not on a build team and few people have seen my builds however if you let me in the server.  I would be honored if you would check out my work. If you or any of the players asked i would build a building for no more than a ty.


    Time Zone,Location,Name: Eastern - West Virginia - Seth 

    Sorry dude, denied. I encourage you to check out some of the other awesome servers on the TFC forums though! Thanks for applying.


  11. Good afternoon, WetCheerios,


    I sincerely appreciate you giving me the opportunity to play on the server and accepting my whitelist application.

    The server worked great for me, has a nice group of regular players.


    However, I have decided that I am probably not a prime candidate for the server.

    I don't want to hold a spot on the whitelist, when someone else can have it.


    I have decided to resign from the server.


    Again, thank you, and to everyone I met in-game, thank you. :)




    Runs from the podium...

    Appreciate you letting me know, have a good one!



       Age: 15, I really hope it's not a problem. I can be mature.    Minecraft Username: Jeonos    Why would you like to join?: i have two friends on this server and i'd like to give TFC a try after taking a kinda big break from Minecraft.

        What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: i have been playing Minecraft for 4 years now, very little experience with TFC but i might be able to survive the first night and ill build experience by playing on this server ;)


       Any additional information that would help your case: i have been playing lots of BTW, so i know how to handle gamechanging mods

    and i really want to join my friends here :3    GMT+1, Netherlands, i wont tell my name... yet.


    Sorry man, denied. Thanks for applying!



    Whitelisting Application Form (Please apply in the reply section below.):




       Minecraft Username:EdReaper


       Why would you like to join?:I and my friend seeking for a nice server to play TFC, he is also 21 years old, his username is ArthurBlacksword 


       What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I am not very experienced player in TFC but i played minecraft for about 4 years already. I am studying about TFC from the wiki.


       Any additional information that would help your case:Me and my friend prefer a good comunite where have rules and we follow them, we like to build small vilages in medival setting. Also we were trying to play on different servers,but mostly it was russian servers and they were to laggy and it was immposible to enjoy the game normaly. Now i hope that me and my friend could enjoy the TFC.


       Time zone, location, name(*Optional):GMT+2; Europe,Latvia;Edgars




    Age: 21

    Minecraft Username: ArthurBlacksword

    Why would you like to join?: That is interesting mod and your server seems to be ok to play there with my friend EdReaper =)

    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Up to 5 years in minecraft (I have no life :D) and few weeks on this mod =)) 

    Any additional information that would help your case: I am that type of player, who prefers to stick to the rules of server - I hate greefers and greefing. May be because of that somebody can find me a bit sociopath :D But I am still able to make friends ;) I really like making medieval castles, small medieval villages and towns. I have my own style of building, may be a bit simple for others more experienced players =) I always try to build my homes and castles without remaking terrain (adapting to hills, mountains, valleys and rivers). Hope you give me possibility to try to build on your server ;)

    Time zone, location, name(*Optional): Name (surprise) - Arthur. Location, Latvia, Rezekne. Time zone GMT+2. 


    Sorry guys, not quite up to par. I appreciate you guys applying, and good luck with other servers! Denied.



     Age: 22    Minecraft Username:

    Astonyen    Why would you like to join?:

    I am experienced modded minecraft player. I am currently playing with DW20 pack but Terrafirmacraft has been a mod that I cant play online. I really like the reality of the game but when I play singleplayer, Minecraft doesn't give the same fun that is giving when you play online. I am on my computer almost everyday 5-10 in a day. If you accept my application I am sure you will have a new friend in the server.

        What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?:

    I play minecraft since I was 19 and its my all time favorite game. I started the TerraFirmaCraft multiple times in singleplayer and got to the Iron age at my best try but Its been not so much fun I didn't continue any longer for each time. In multiplayer I believe it will be good experience for me and the server.


       Any additional information that would help your case:

    Hmm. I like to start relationship with other players while playing. In every server that I play I was friend with all the players and both help them and get help from them, even shared my base or build with them.    Time zone, location, name(*Optional):

    GMT+2, Turkey, Yavuz


    You seems like a good guy, hopefully language isn't a barrier. Accepted and added.


  15. Age: 16 (I know it's for 18+ but i can be very mature when I need to)Username: awsomeman332211Why I want to join: I have been looking for a decent tfc server for a while and this one looks pretty good.Expience with TFC and MC in general: I have played TFC for 1 year now and I've played mc for 3and a half years.Any additional information: I can be of good help, I have a good sense of humor, I'm mature when I have to be, and I can build amazing things.Thank you for reading this :D

    Sorry man, gonna have to deny. Thanks for applying!



       Age: 18    Minecraft Username: phillipcurl    Why would you like to join?: Looking to play TFC on a server. From what I've read this seems like a solid community, and I'm looking for a new minecraft community since the old one I played on is down until further notice.

        What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Been playing minecraft on and off since its release, and terrafirmacraft mainly in the past year or so. I'm fairly experienced in redstone, my biggest accomplishment so far is designing and building a PVP server (with matchmaking, point accumulation, and multiple game modes) entirely with vanilla minecraft.


       Any additional information that would help your case: None. If you don't want to add me, I won't take any offense.    Time zone, location, name(*Optional): Eastern USA, GA. Name is Phillip.


    Sure, accepted.


  17. Age:19    Minecraft Username:666Bedantis666    Why would you like to join?:Mainly because i want to get back in to tcf and a few of my friends are playing here too.

        What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?:I have been playing minecraft (as far as i remember) since beta 1.7.Im mainly a builder but i like a little bit of exploring too.I started playing TFC at minecraft 1.4 i think.


       Any additional information that would help your case:Im mostly a calm and sociable person and i dont mind giving a helping hand.My friend gazelutza invited me here.    Time zone, location, name(*Optional):GTM+2,Lithuania,Leonas

    Sorry your application does't quite cut it. Denied.


  18. Age: 13 and 3/4Minecraft username: CombatsmithenWhy would you like to join: I've been playing TFC for quite a while and I've been playing minecraft for 4 years.Previous TFC experiences and minecraft experiences: I have played on several servers and my friends have even made their own. I've been playing TFC for about 6 monthsAdditional info: I like having my own base isolated yet being able to easily meet up with other players for trade etc.Funny fact: I had a base far away from my friends on his server and built a railway to their bases to have an easy way of meeting them. Then everyone moved to me when the railway was done. Lol

    I'm sorry, I'm not sure you would fit in with the older community. Thanks for applying, but denied.


  19. Whitelisting Application Form:    Age: 30    Minecraft Username: Rampage_x    Why would you like to join?: I have been playing another mod for a good while now. Got bored of it and wanted to give TFC a try again with MP.

        What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I played TFC a little back in the end of 2013. Got through most of the early game stuff. I started  playing Minecraft when it was at Beta 1.1_02.


       Any additional information that would help your case: I have hosted a couple of my own servers throughout the last couple years. I still currently have a simple vanilla server. I am unsociable and do tend to stay to myself. I don't chat much, but I don't have bad intentions. My friend gazelutza invited me here. I have known him for about 5 years.    Time zone, location, name(*Optional): CST, United States, Texas, Joey :)

    Accepted and added.



      Age:12    Minecraft Username:MaxamesTheAwesom    Why would you like to join?:because i havent joined a white list server in a while and i feel like doing it and i love terrafrima craft so why not

        What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: lot of good ones


       Any additional information that would help your case: i dont know what the heck to say maby you will reject me because im 12 i dont know    Time zone, location, name(*Optional):




    Age:10    Minecraft Username:bruceburns    Why would you like to join?: (just a reminder this app may be a little bit long XD) Well 3 reasons why 1st because I don't like playing TFC singleplayer. 2nd I read that this server has a fun community and is a good server, for gods sake like theres everyone wanting to join and I like playing with alot of people 3rd cuz i can.

        What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?:Not going to lie on this one I have been playing MC for 2 years and I started TFC " About a week ago"  I'm usually up to date on everything because I like information.


       Any additional information that would help your case: I am very mature other people have told me that even adults I love farming I work on a farm in C.T and I like to have a nice time :D 


    Unfortunately I just don't think you guys will fit in with the rest of the older crowd on the server. I appreciate your applications, and I highly suggest you try applying on other servers on the TFC forums!



    Hi Cheerios! I'm applying for both myself and my friend. He did ofcourse fill out his own application. He just has a weird gripe about joining forums, who knows why...


    Myself (Nath)

    Age: 21Minecraft Username: Nathf1505 Why would you like to join?: In all honestly I only clicked on your thread because I saw that you had a fresh map. It was just an added bonus that it happened to be a Towny server with a fairly small word border to keep everyone close as a community. As well as the fact that I don't need to install additional mods.

    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I've played around with TerraFirmaCraft in single player for a few hours & watched some BDouble0 vids but  past the basics i'm sure i'll be close to useless. That's half the fun. I spend the majority of my Minecraft time playing Big Dig on a different server. I am yet to find a pack that grabs my interest more. Before my mod days I ran a medium size Bukiti server called  EmpireCraft shut it down after a year and a half due to uni. Enjoy my life story.

    Any additional information that would help your case: Nope, I don't think so.

    Time zone, location, name(*Optional): GMT, London



    My friend - Ken

    Age: 24

    Minecraft Username: KenneeWhy would you like to join?: The only thing I like better than good looking servers is good looking medieval towny servers. I love to build  and by the looks of it so do a few other people on your server. I think i'd fit in perfectly.

    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I've never touched TerraFirmaCraft. Played a few modpacks with Nath & a few months on vanilla MC. Nath is my mentor!

    Any additional information that would help your case: We're both friendly and good (if I don't say so myself) builders.

    Time zone, location, name(*Optional): GMT London


    Seem like straight shooters, I'll accept and add both of you. Time zones might be a little intermingled, so hopefully you guys hit the high times and I see you around.


  22. Age: 36    Minecraft Username: Oafking2    Why would you like to join?: Looking for people to play this awesome mod with.

        What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Single player up to metal anvil and multiplayer on an almost empty server.


       Any additional information that would help your case: Nah, I'm an ok guy. Oh I am a student so I would'nt be on all the time, but I would be on regularly.    Time zone, location, name(*Optional): I am in the Pacific Northwest, Continental United States of America for location and time zone.

    Unfortunately this app is very short winded and nothing specifically stands out, other then the bold text of course. Sorry, denied.
