Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by WetCheerios

  1. Age: 31    Minecraft Username: DrewK2525    Why would you like to join?: I've played a bit of TFC, thought it would be more fun to play on a server    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Played TFC  for a while, have been playing MC for about a year now    Any additional information that would help your case: I play well with others =)    Time zone, location, name(*Optional): EST - New York

    Sorry, denied.


  2. Age: 16    Minecraft Username: CoconutCake    Why would you like to join?: I wish to play TFC online after having played it offline only for about 6 months, i can definately get by on my own, but i think it would be fun to do trading and community projects and the likes. I think it would be fun to start a city or something, with all the benefits of it being terrafirmacraft. The planks and chisel add so much room for detail, I would love to see what a full on city can look like in TFC.    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?:

    I have been playing minecraft on and off since alpha 1.3, I am fairly good at building and i have played TFC for around 6 months as stated above. I really enjoy the challanges of terrafirmacraft, it makes it so satisfiying when you finally get a pick, after seeing copper just sitting in the mountain side laughing at you. And after playing TFC for a while i went back to Minecraft for a little bit and was amazed by how i used to think minecraft was hard.    Any additional information that would help your case: I am a good builder, and friendly person who can attempt to assist people who are in need. I have a good sense of humor (at least I think so). I can be incredibly OCD on my builds (even though they may not even look so good) and can focus on those things very well.    Time zone, location, name(*Optional): Central Standard Time, Texas

    Sorry man, gonna have to deny.


  3. Age: 17 and 1/4


       Minecraft Username: Macroft97


       Why would you like to join?:Just lookin for a good server


       What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: terrafirmacraft im pretty new to but vanilla mc i've been playing for years


       Any additional information that would help your case: I'm blind. have sympathy.


       Time zone, location, name(*Optional): UTC/GMT -7 hours

    Sorry, denied.


  4. Age: 36    Minecraft Username: Dask_BR    Why would you like to join?:


    Play Singleplayer was never my forte, whenever I try to start a singleplayer gameI give up, I always liked multiplayer games where you have a co-coop.Advance in the game is never my main goal, I love to perform and interact buildings  with other players.    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: 

    Play Minecraft at least six messes, but the greatest experience was playing with MODs in some FTB serversMy experience with TFC is recent, started at 0.79, but I'm enjoying it so much that every day I am moreexcited to play.

       Any additional information that would help your case:


    I am Brazilian, despite not speaking English very well I have a good grasp on reading and writing, facilitatinginteract with other players not Brazilian. 

    Was currently playing in rhodance server, but did not meet my expectations, I would love to help evolve the Barbaric Survival server,

       Time zone, location, name(*Optional): (UTC/GM -03:00) Brasília/Brazil


    My apologies for gramatical mistakes.

    Accepted, there is another Brazilian on the server. So long as there aren't many (if any) other players online, you're welcome to speak you native language together. 


  5.    Age: 28


       Minecraft Username: dutchcook


       Why would you like to join?: been looking for a nice friendly server for some time to enjoy a nice community. I love almost all aspects of tfc and like to build up a great place to have some fun. The photos shown before look awesome, might just be the place i'm looking for. Besides that I just prefer a vanilla server and good ones are hard to find.


       What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Been playing minecraft a little over a year now and tfc for about half a year. I'm a pretty enthousiatic player so i may not have many years of playing, but sure a lot of hours :)


       Any additional information that would help your case: i'm a pretty decent builder, i'm a coop guy that likes to enjoy tfc in teams, experienced with tfc and really enthousiastic.


       Time zone, location, name(*Optional): gmt - 1, Netherlands, Dennis

    Definitely sounds like you'd fit right in, accepted and added.


  6.   Age: 24


       Minecraft Username: NecroMandy


       Why would you like to join?:

    I simply love TFC, and in particular its changes to fishing! I am a pretty good builder and love to spend my time building, trading and sculpting. 


       What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?:


    I have been playing TFC for about a year on and off, as i find playing single player isnt any fun when you dont have anyone to say "OMG that is amazing!!!" when you finish a nice building xD 

    For me TFC is a fun little break from being an operator, as no one else on the servers i run is interested in playing TFC :(


       Any additional information that would help your case:


     Ummmmm, do either of these help prove my skills as a builder xD 

    The Tentacle, built in survival on a heavily modded server.

    EDIT: **Building in progress**

    The flower, humbly built using a TFC hammer and chisel in survival.

       Time zone, location, name(*Optional): UTC/GMT +10:30 hours, Australia

    I love the builds, but currently were looking for more devoted players to BarbaricSurvival, it sounds as if you might be splitting your time substantially between other servers you administrate. If this isn't the case, and you would be playing TFC a good portion of the time, let me know and I'll add you to the whitelist.


  7. Age:27    Minecraft Username:Oskardadwarf    Why would you like to join?: I love terrafirmacraft, but you can only enjoy single player so much. I actively enjoy building and the metallurgy aspects of the game and would love to build and trade in a fun TFC world.    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I have been playing TFC on and off for about a year and a half and have also played a large variety of modpacks unfortunately tfc has ruined normal minecraft for me and I find its the only form of minecraft I play now. I used to play alot on the Team Rook/Pokemafia servers but unfortunately they just aren't into TFC...    Any additional information that would help your case: I'm generally a very helpful player and a good miner, I have a fair bit of spare time and don't mind lending a hand on other peoples builds. I also have a good sense of humour and don't offend easily :)    Time zone, location, name(*Optional): UTC/GMT +10:30 hours, Australia

    Sounds good, see you on the server! Accepted and added.


  8. Age: 33Minecraft Username: CalangoMCWhy would you like to join?:I am seeking a Roleplay game more than running up the colored steel.Simply get in blue or red steel does not make much sense to me as a pastime.What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?:Minecraft not much the survival side is very easy... but im played with some sort of mods, talk to hardened minecraft, obtain not satisfactory fun!TFC, i'm played SSP or with 2~3 friends, SMP happydiggers, Outlast, for a large time.Any additional information that would help your case:I'm brazilian and not speak english, im read a bit, but this inconveninence don't stop me to interact with other, i'm find coop, comunity, not a multiplayer where each one goes one way and build your home, dont really interacting in daybyday. (For me this is a SingleMultiplayer)Time zone, location, name(*Optional): -4:00GMT BrazilMy apologies for gramatical mistakes.--------------------In 79.x i played most in Rhodance and RageGuild servers, two good server but not for my player for one cardinal direction at 5k blocks or more distance, kill me. ^_^

    Yah I like your attitude towards the TFC experience. Accepted.


  9. Age: 17

    Minecraft Username: 42catfish

    Why would you like to join?: I tend to have the most fun in minecraft on multiplayer servers, partially due to the sense of community and partially because of the specialization that trading lets me pull off. TFC makes that specialization all the more vital, in my opinion. 

    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Originally downloaded Minecraft in Beta something between 1.4 and 1.7, not sure exactly when. Split my time pretty evenly between running single player survival and making creative builds. Recently (past year or two) vanilla survival's been becoming too much of an adventure game for my tastes. That's where TerraFirmaCraft comes in. I only found it about a week ago, but I love it half to death. I'm a big fan of Dwarf Fortress, and the level of detail in TFC seems to bring Minecraft closer to that, which is absolutely wonderful. Any additional information that would help your case: I've got a pretty good eye for detail when it comes to minecraft builds. I really enjoy farming and animal husbandry, those were some of my favorite aspects of (relatively) recent updates. Not sure what to put here really. 

    Time zone, location, name: California, so Pacific Time. Name's Eric.

    Yah, I think you'd do good on the server. Accepted and added


  10. Age: 4_? physically mature, mentally is still a question.Minecraft Username: Wodahs


    Why would you like to join? Looking for a vanilla server to take part in, I hate doing alot of mods, and plain TFC servers are few.


    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general? Been playing MC for the last 4 years, and TFC for about a year.


    Any additional information that would help your case?  U.S. Army Veteran, with too much time on my hands. I used to consider myself a dwarf, but the new cave ins are making that a bit more difficult.  I like to help people out and have a decent understanding of TFC so would be available to assist in projects.


    Time zone, location, name: U.S. Texas, central time zone USA,  Albert

    Haha, sounds like you'd fit in just fine. Accepted and added.


  11. Age: 22    Minecraft Username: MrBadboy    Why would you like to join?: I'm looking for a more true survival experience. A server that also has a mature audience.    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I've been playing Minecraft for over 4 years and ah half. I've been playing TFC for around 3 years now. My main experiences with Minecraft have been. Mainly survival/vanilla servers.    Any additional information that would help your case: I'm generally a happy and chatty person. Unless I'm to focused on something else =/.    Time zone, location, name: GMT-8:00, The U.S.A., Michael or Mike for short.

    Sorry man, denied.


  12. I didn't thoroughly read through this entire topic, so if this idea has already been discussed, I do apologies. I enjoy the new feature of torches burning out, but I do see the need for some sort of alternative light source as well as many others have expressed. Along with some sort of longer burning lamp, would it not be possible to have some kinda of dynamic lighting, AKA a torch in hand projecting light as you walk? I've definitely seen this done before, though I'm not sure if there is some sort of restrictions in TFC that wouldn't allow for it.


  13. While holding a lit torch in hand, the hit boxes on existing torches throughout your world become larger or even up to a full block. This allows for easier relighting of torches throughout your home and especially those nasty twisting caves. To back up this suggestion, it's actually quicker for me to just do a sweeping motion across the unlit torch on the cave wall and break it, and then simply place another torch in the general vicinity of the original, then it is to line up your crosshairs every time and relight the torch. This in my opinion is just as "unrealistic" if not more so then being able to quickly relight torches with a larger hit box.


    Love the new torch mechanic by the way!



      Age: 17    Minecraft Username: Dodgedylan    Why would you like to join?: Ever since I've heard for this mod, i was very interested in it. I've played a lots of vanilla Minecraft but i like TFC more because of its nature, more real, dangerous, hard. Don't get me wrong, i like vanilla vanilla Minecraft, but this has a better gameplay over all. The whole reason I'd like to join this server is the option to play with other people, to make new friends, help them as much as i can, I really like helping people, and I've done it so much that few times I gave out my only materials, because thats just whoI am. Now, I'm not a "pro TFC player", im quite new actually, but when I play singleplayer, I find myself clueless, therefore I will try to make friends on the server, and trade my services, for example, I'll get them materials, they will teach me something new, and so on, like a quest. And yes, i know that the whitelist applications are closed, but its worth a shot, because I just need friends that I will help as much as I can, and that will teach me as much as they have free time to.    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Minecraft has been my life for a few years now, I've build in some servers and got the builder rank, and ran two servers with my cousins, mostly private, but for 8 friends, it was enough for us. But my experience with TerraFirmaCraft is very limited, and i have yet to learn, and exactly thats why I would like to play on this server.    Any additional information that would help your case:  Well, this will not help my case but these are some informations about me. I'm 17 years old, as mentioned, go to school so i have maybe 2-3 hours of gameplay / day, I like to help and build a lot. ( I just started a new world, and I didn't even build a house for me, but these two cupcakes were freezing on the rain so I've made something for them). Well, other from that, only thing to say is that i would really like to play on the server, but if you have too many players, and are overpopulated, i will understand.    Time zone, location, name(*Optional): GMT+1, Croatia, and my name is Domagoj


    Your application was quite well done, and I'll put you on the list for accepted applicants once the new build is released. This may still be some time away, but until then whitelisting will stay closed. I appreciate the application, and I'll get back to you as soon as whitelisting opens back up in the near future!



    Age: 15    Minecraft Username: Elmodude2001( it is my brothers old account, i was not actually born in 2001 xD)    Why would you like to join?: There are not many Terrafirmacraft servers that are good to play on, with all the griefing. I just want a good server with a tight community and nice people.    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: TerraFirmaCraft is kind of new to me but i have some experience form it personally and from watching Ethoslab on Youtube. Minecraft i am very familiar with all aspects of vanilla and love to play survival, as well on servers. But i think that working with others is a lot more enjoyable in Minecraft than working alone.    Any additional information that would help your case: I am very mature for my age and intend to be a peaceful, helpful player and believe that working together is the way to go in minecraft and all mods/mod packs.

    Time zone- EST (New York) Location- Florida Name- Kyle


    I know im not 18 but i can handle myself around older people due to the fact that i am the oldest of 4 and the one below me is only 8 so when im not with my friends my parents are the only ones around me that i really talk to.

    I am looking forward to you responding and hope you decide to accept me,


              till then,



    Sorry, not quite what we're looking for. I'm closing whitelist up for the time being, but thanks for applying!



    Whitelist Application Form


    Age: 15


    Minecraft Username: DJTurbospin


    Why would you like to join?: I've been running this mod for awhile and im getting bored with it being alone and all, im not an idiot or troll and i just wanna play this awesome pack with cool peeps


    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I'm pretty new to terrafirma but if I need to know anything I use the wiki and I've played Minecraft for like 3 years or more, ive had it since early beta


    Any additional information that would help your case:im mature and not a troll and/or and idiot i would like to play with people and i shouldnt be a problem with the not being on much, i love this pack so i should be on every now and then everyday but i do have highschool. I'd love for you to just give me a chance and get rid of me if you dont want me.


    Sorry man, gonna have to deny. I'm actually closing whitelist for the time being.


  17.    Age: 18 years old.


       Minecraft Username: Le_Raspberry


       Why would you like to join?: I want to give a try to TFC online, singleplayer gets lonely :(


       What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Played MC for over 4 years now, just started playing TFC.


       Any additional information that would help your case: I am really looking into learning this mod with other people, the dynamic is a lot different and I really like it. Hopefully I can exchange Skype names with                someone who is willing to do a project with me and have a fun conversation. 


       Fun facts: I am Canadian. Eh. [+10 Maple Syrup!], I like practice Martial Arts Tricking (look it up!) and in the middle ages, people thought that farting in jars and sniffing them would help prevent death...


       Time zone, location, name(*Optional): (UTC -4:00), Canada, Raspberry is my name in a way, to be continued...

    Rather interesting application, but I'm willing to give you a shot. Accepted and added.


  18. Age:  26    Minecraft Username:  Krimarie    Why would you like to join?:  Want to be part of a community in TFC    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?:  Have been playing MC for ~3 years, TFC off and on for 1.    Any additional information that would help your case:  I have an LP of SSP TFC (Though haven't had much time to record with being busy at work)    Time zone, location, name(*Optional):  US, CST

    Unfortunately, this is a little bit to brief and doesn't provide me with much information to make a judgment call. Maybe next time, denied. 



    Age: 20



    Minecraft Username: TansGuard



    Why do I want to join?:


    I have been playing minecraft for 3 years,and I tried IndustrialCraft,Thaumcraft....and many other mods.But when I met TFC,I fell like a complete new game comparing to valaina minecraft/minecraft with IC ,RC,RP and TC.In TFC,the way to get resources is quite different.And I think a massive amont of trade is a must.MultiPlayer MC is the Best choice.The most important is,i want to communicate with others,and have more friends.Your server has the most advanced mod and extrafirma,and i feel like my best choice is you and your server!appreciate is always.



    What previous experience do I have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?:


    I play minecraft for 3 years.I tried many mods include TFC.



    Additional information:


    I live in China and my English is broken.I have time to play TFC for every evening.I hope we can make a culture communicate with each other to strenthen the link between us.



    Appratiate again!Looking forward to your acception :P



    Accepted and added to the whitelist!


  20. Age: 18



    Minecraft Username: McCroquette



    Why do I want to join?:


    TerraFirmaCraft in solo is fun, but I think this mod can be much more enjoyable with a multiplayer gameplay.  I want to play on a serious server with mature and friendly players that play with and for the community.  This server seems to offer a great gameplay with challenges and fun, and I want to be part of that



    What previous experience do I have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?:


    I'm a Minecraft players since Beta 1.3 and I followed all the Minecraft development since I played it for the first time, but I only played TFC for the first time few months ago, maybe 5 or 6.  I also played a lot and a lot of hours on FTB and I really enjoyed it.  I played TFC solo, multiplayers with 2-3 friends on a private server and got enough experience to be able to play it on a serious community, getting in pretty much all the aspects of this mod



    Additional information:


    I'm currently living in Canada, Estern Time and as you might have notice, english isn't my first language, but I have a functionnal+ english that allows me to participate to Skype/TS and chat conversation.  I can play TFC almost everyday in the evening



    Thanks a lot! I hope to be accepted! :P


    Nice app, accepted and added.



      Age: 17    Minecraft Username: NicholasFoxden    Why would you like to join?: Plain and simple, this is a TFC server. I'm looking for a server to play TFC on, not only for the help of others, but because I enjoy the community of a server better then I like the solitude of Single-Player.    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I've played Minecraft on my friends account since before the 1.2.5 release, since 1.2.4, and promptly got my own as soon as I could afford it after the 1.4.5 release. TFC though, I've played various versions, but the mechanics of the current stable release I haven't gotten used to playing yet. I could quickly pick up how to do it though.    Any additional information that would help your case: Most people will say this, but I've been staff on a couple servers, run my own FTB Ultimate with some friends (GalagarCraft), and I'm just knowledgeable about Minecraft and it's mechanics in general. Although I'm limited to the basics when it comes to Redstone.    Time zone, location, name(*Optional): GMT, Colorado Springs, RL Name is Nicholas.

