Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Xechon

  1. If you are not familiar, I recommend checking it out! It isn't actually updated to 1.12.2 unfortunately, but while you are correct, it mechanically doesn't add anything, I love the way it looks and feel that I would have a better time progressing through the ages in a more realistic and much more interesting environment. I may be a bit strange but I actually prefer world generation mods that don't add a ton of new stuff, it ends up feeling like useless clutter to me.

    Regardless, that would be a lot of work to integrate, and it is beside the point. I'm just hoping at least for functional world gen to be allowed to spawn, so we don't have to desperately wait and watch for compatibility addons.


  2. Man, its been a while.

    I'd just like to throw in my vote here: I very much agree with the OP, and would love to see a more vertical overworld with a "mining dimension" when you reach world floor. However, something I haven't seen mentioned yet about world gen is mod compatibility. Sure, I'd love to use Realistic World Generation with TFC, but I would ignore that limitation if I didn't need a compatibility addon to use TFC alongside any other mod that adds worldgen.

    That said, I'm thrilled this is making a comeback! Thanks to the devs for putting your time on the line for this, I hope it turns out better than ever!


  3. The location of the red arrow, which is the one that does not move, and is your final target, is already randomized per world, and per item. So a wrought iron pickaxe head uses a different pattern than a steel pickaxe head. That steel pickaxe head will also use a different pattern in a different world.


    If you have proof that this isn't the case, which is why you made this suggestion, then that is a bug and not intended behavior, so the proof would be appreciated so we can work on fixing it. Otherwise this suggestion is basically already implemented in the game.


    The primary issue with randomizing the actions themselves and how much movement they do, is that we need to be 100% certain that no matter the randomization, getting the arrows to line up is actually possible.

    I completely overlooked the patterns being possible. This would limit the options too significantly to be useful, and the only way I can think to fix that is to make control more fine, which would just make smithing a lot easier on its own. The randomization per world is working fine, and I swear I'm not red-green colorblind, can't believe I mixed them up.



    If this is a reaction to that 'smithing guide' post in the guides forum, that popped up today, that was a necro of a very old thread.  I don't think there's been a lot of discussion about this topic recently.  Per Kitty's point, I think the only way to bring randomization to the hit buttons would be to have several sets of pre-selected numbers that are known to work, and each world/player seed picks a set.  Then it's just a matter of figuring out which set the player/world uses though.  Personally I'm good with the system as it is really.

    You're right, I should've checked the date on that post. The values could be calculated from the necessary information instead of preset, but it wouldn't be worth it and the options would be limited.



    If you add a "don't change things at all" checkbox to your poll, then perhaps people will feel able to fill it in...

    Should have kept the second question to one option in hindsight. I was just trying to keep that out of the multiple choice. I'll change it, although I don't know what it will do to the existing vote, and the point of the poll is moot now.


  4. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the suggestions forum?(Yes/No): 
    Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted.


    I've seen a lot of argument about numbers being revealed for anvil crafting in TFC. It seems that the developer's intention is to keep the numbers secret, which I personally agree with. However, there are a few options I see for reducing the potential for a leak to take the fun out of smithing for some new players, or limiting the ability for people to figure out the numbers. Please vote for options you would like to see, or post your own in the comments.


    Randomizing the position of the green arrow slightly per item would not eliminate the numbers, but would make them less meaningful than getting a feel for each button, as the person counting numbers would have to re-calculate for every item, and as a side-affect would make the crafting of every item slightly different.


    Randomizing the hit numbers per world would disallow for people to simply learn the values and use them to make perfect tools in every world. They would at least need to figure it out again every world, and people can't spoil the fun for others.


    Randomizing minimally per hit would make smithing a perfect tool more difficult, unless an acceptable range was implemented, but would make smithing a much more experimental process every time, and would make knowing the numbers almost moot. This may end up more frustrating than beneficial, however.


    A combination is also possible, which is why I opened the poll up to multiple options per person. I personally prefer the first option, but would like to see what you all think. Option one could be handled by generating a random modifier to add to the crafting value when it is stored in nbt, two may require redirecting access to some values to the Anvil Tile Entity if the seed isn't public static, and the third could be handled by adding a random modifier to each hit. I can provide code if requested.


    I very much hope this is distinct enough from this.


  5. I don't know if it will let you use reflection to access the private constructor. If not, then you will have to use bytecode manipulation to flip a private, bytecode injection to add your armors to that class, or submit a pull request to change it. Here is a paste of the reflection code I used when trying to do this, and it seems to work, but I ran into another issue so I don't know for sure.


  6. No real way to do it with the API, since you have to change both ItemChisel.onUsed() and PlayerInfo.switchChiselMode(), and the api for onUsed is inherited, not composed. Unless I'm forgetting something stupid.


  7. Did you rename the ModClientProxy in the template he gave you? If so, you have to make sure to update all references to use the new name. I don't use eclipse, but usually an IDE will have an option to rename the class and automatically update all references to it.


  8. To make an addon, you simply have to add the TFC deobf jar as a module dependency of your project. You get the deobf jar by downloading the zip and running gradlew.bat build from command line, and then grab it from *buildlibs. Adding modules and dependencies differs by development environment. You will also have to grab the src from the same place as the deobf and add it as a library depenancy if you want to view TFC source in an IDE.


  9. Anvil code is a little messy right now. "int value" does indicate the location of the red arrow, and it is not randomized. Also keep in mind that these recipes assume that the item will not inherit damage from the process and making them only increases general smithing ability. It also doesn't seem that one can actually create their own plans with this. I am curious if it has been tested if adding anvil recipes actually works due to this. You may be able to override another plan for your item, though.


    Barrels are complicated, but it seems that specific fluid/item output amounts cannot be set, and are simply relative to the amount of output and weather or not remove fluid is true.


    Quern code on the modtweaker2 side is a bit sloppy, and the error is probably due to concurrency handling. I will see if I can contact 3TUSK to figure it out.


    For kilns, I see no dependency of the kiln recipe on inheriting ItemPotteryBase. Spindles aren't.


    Finally, a TFC Deobf jar is included in the libs folder. Is this okay? I have been searching for a way to make everything work without it for my own addon, with no luck.


  10. You're right, a separate section is probably the best solution right now. I didn't even think about the work that would put on you. Didn't you guys used to have someone that works on the site? If they are still around and willing, making it required to add at least some tags to a post might help you out a bit. 


  11. I voted to let them stay. Now, I am not in favor of addons that are essentially cheats, that give you all of the information. I honestly wish for more abstraction in the game, but that would almost require redundancy to be done well. I had a lot of trouble locating ores when I started playing, and it started to become dismaying. However, when watching one of Dunkleosteus' streams, he mentioned that (quite obviously, but I'm a little slow with math) that if you find the end of a vein, you can count blocks and find the ore quickly almost every time. I was overjoyed, and had a lot more fun and progress for a week or so. After that, I grew tired of how accurate the method was. There was no more challenge in locating the vein, but still the tedious search for traces in the beginning (ores were really hard to come by back then, especially garnerite). I also do not think that it would have been much better if I were to have figured this out myself (I knew the range of the propick, it is listed in many places).


    I never got tired of smithing though, because I never learned any tricks, just kept getting a better idea of how far each button moved the arrow, and writing down the best ways I found for each item for each metal in a book by my forge. I could always try to get even better results, and even if I found the best I got the feel good of a perfect result and stacks of loot to break the tedium.Also, TFC is open source. I can look through the code really easily and pick out the info I need, grab the world seed and my username and run the calculations. Java is very readable, and especially so the TFC code. (good job on that devs, btw :))


    I think that people who want them will be upset if they are denied. I think that people who don't want them don't have to use them. I think that the experience of getting a feel for it is better than having your hand held or even figuring it out on your own, because that is a longer and more lasting progression that doesn't have anything to do with tiers. I think mods should be able to experiment with those features however they want, without creating a dichotomy of "true-players" and "cheaters", and without fear of restricting their audience to only one of those categories. I think I'm very bad at explaining myself. I hope this was all understandable :P


  12. I think you didn't include the coremod dummy jar. An easier way to do this however is to just run the gradlew.bat through command prompt to setup the environment.


    To do this you go to the folder that the unzipped TFC-Master files are in, shift right click and select open command window here. Type gradlew.bat setupDecompWorkspace, then gradlew.bat eclipse (idea for intellij), and then you should be able to open the project in that IDE. Then run gradlew.bat gIR to setup your default launch locations, and voila.


    Note: I have not yet modded TFC, so this may not work/be ideal, but it is how I play the dev build when I'm impatient :).


  13. The wiki seem to be outdated on this, either that or the code was accidentally changed. Try one TFC tanned leather and one paper adjacent to each other in the crafting grid. That worked for me in a quick creative test. If that fails, you can always make "enableVanillaRecipes=true" in the TFCOptions config, so that you can exchange one TFC tanned leather for one vanilla leather, and make the book that way.


  14. Pretty sure that isn't implemented yet. You can see lots of things that aren't actually implemented in the creative inventory, such as pipes, more ceramics, leaf items for all the bushes, etc. For now, you just gotta find rock salt.


  15. A system like this could use the Baubles Mod, which may be compatible with TFC and Thaumcraft 4 is currently using it too. However, I believe the devs have stated that they don't want to give enchantment-like buffs to the players, and honestly, I wouldn't really like if these were implemented. It's too much "magic" feeling for me. That said, it could probably be done well, or possibly implemented in some later features, like if NPCs ever become a thing, giving them jewelry would gain their favor or something. Otherwise, it could still be worth it to some just to be able to have these items as a personal status symbol in the game. Just a little ramble to add to the discussion.


  16. What it says on the tin, Raw or Cooked, decayed or not, I cannot craft the meat with a salt to get salted horse meat. I was able to salt pork, only when raw, earlier in the world, but it was an earlier hotfix. The meat and salt were both obtained in this hotfix (0.78.7), although I did not delete configs before updating.


  17. The game is in Beta. According to Extra Credits, one of the basic rules of game design is to fail faster. Get out your content, no matter how broken, sooner than later. The users will tell you what they want, what is broken, and the updates will keep people coming back often. Now, I also understand that there are only 2 developers on this project, with dunk being preoccupied with school and everything, and the project is unfunded. Feel free to take your time making the features themselves, but I think that you should get them out there as soon as their done, and let the user help fix and shape the features, instead of spending a lot of time perfecting the feature and then finding out that users would prefer it another way, or there was a better way to handle the problems.


    Don't worry about breaking other people's worlds, since they can simply choose to not update until they are ready, or manually rebuild or change their world to become compatible (generate new terrain only in new chunks, replace switched item IDs, spawn back in mobs, etc.). I feel the majority of us don't hold our worlds as 'precious' anyway, and are coming back for the updates, not playing through them. People would probably want to play a more finished game longer than a less finished one, anyway. Plus, that means early game should be the main focus for development, which is my favorite part :P


    tl;dr - Update as often as features and fixes come about, and don't worry about saves.


  18. Bronze and iron are actually pretty similar in material strength, and iron is quite a lot more common than tin. IRL, bronze is more expensive, but iron was used later because it is very difficult to work. It wasn't until steel that using iron ores became "better" than using bronze, which we all know is a large hassle to get in TFC due to material and work requirements. It wouldn't harm gameplay whatsoever to make iron more common, and to make ores spawn more realistically.


  19. Nickname in Minecraft: Xechon

    Age: 17

    Location: USA

    Fluent english: 'Muricun, but yeah.

    What a perfect server for you would be like: I just want a TFC server without all of the town protection or subscription reward crap. I am mainly only on weekends, (GMT - 5) but I can usually be pretty flexible about hours on those days.

    What you would bring to our cozy little community: I am pretty mellow, and kind of quiet. However, I have propicking down to a science, and I love both metallurgy and mining. I cannot build very well, though.
