Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by kinjirurm

  1. I would have to be in a really bad spot to take any of the change, no matter how small the amount. The roommate would have good reason to not trust me if I did, even if it were a small amount. Even if the roommate had previously expressed that it was OK if I ever needed to borrow some of it, I would feel uncomfortable with it and would suspect that the roommate may not fully mean it when they said so. Male, 38.


  2. So, having an issue where hostile or peaceful mobs are freezing, doing nothing. If you hit a peaceful mob (maybe a hostile one, too.) it will become active, but until then it just sits in one place doing nothing. A friend had me log in and I didn't see the frozen mobs he was speaking of, he sent me a screen shot and I was surrounded by creepers he saw but I didn't. I suggested he log out and back in, and that made them go away. However, we've also had, say, frozen chickens and if we hit them, they started running away, so they were actually there. This is a fresh install of TFC server/client for both of us, the latest versions of TFC and its required mods.


  3. It seems like this feature just does not work. Despite spending a lot of time in an area, mobs still seem to spawn as normal. Also, btw - and this might be a MC bug, not TFC - but a creeper spawned inside of a friend's body yesterday. It just appeared there, then moved out and became aggressive as soon as it was out of his location and had line of sight. He wasn't by a ledge where it could have dropped on top of him from above.


  4. BTW, I do miss dirt huts because they were another option, and I love variety. I hope the idea of mud blocks for home building will be examined. But, it's pretty easy to put together a small wooden shack with a door, torches, etc in your first day, so I don't think there's an argument for dirt hovels as a necessity.


  5. How does one restart the entire application?

    Save & Quit minecraft, close the game entirely and relaunch it. If you just log out of your game/server but don't close the minecraft game client, it won't be enough to fix the issue.


  6. I believe the issue is this, from the changelog:

    When creating a stone anvil, the gui will now automatically open. Note that the anvil can only be made if the player uses the hammer on a piece of stone that actually belongs in that location. i.e. Using your hammer on a piece of raw basalt while standing in a layer of chert will not work. You must use it on the chert instead.

    EDIT: I take it back. This is definitely a bug, which I experienced earlier, and seems to be fixed by quitting MC and relaunching - just saving/exiting won't be enough, you have close and relaunch the entire application.


  7. I think the important question is: can a player exploit the setting this option to a value that does not match the server? I can't imagine it doing anything a player would want it to do, but if it can, then that would be a problem.


  8. I support the idea of making a system whereby there can be authority and jails to be used by it. Jailing may suck, but it's better than a ban, and if it's a serious griefing incident, who really cares for their fate? That allows for a system where artificial container restrictions are not needed. Of course, we could also have locks and keys and such (I'd love to have skills like lockpicking, but I digress.)


  9. if you still don't know how Kelvin works... then you really don't belong among regular peeps, i'm thinking more along the lines of an institute for the retarded.

    Wow. What a startling statement. You have just called a very large portion of humanity retarded and irregular. Kelvin is not something that most people use, much less understand. Perhaps you intended to say it's something "most peeps" could understand if sufficiently explained to them, but that's not what you wrote.


  10. I believe that a config option to use F instead of C is something that should definitely be added. It seems like a relatively simple feature, and one that will make Americans feel more at home in their little world. Most of us look at a temperature in C and have no idea what we're looking at, so if it's unusually cool or hot, we likely won't even notice. It would improve immersion to readily know what the numbers mean, and I have a suspicion that Bioxx generally views immersion as a good thing.


  11. Maybe the ability to manage animals efficiently (find maximum levels of creatures of each gender, mate them successfully, get the most efficient amount of resources from them, etc) but that's a bit hard to quantify. I definitely see organization as a skill, being able to fit the most resources in the smallest space and still know where to find anything very rapidly. Being able to locate and find resources (in particular, specific types of woods or stone) is a skill I suppose, but again, hard to quantify and put into practical use as a significant skill. I can see where, in time, building efficiently could be called a genuine skill, too, such as getting maximum numbers of sluices from a body of water, for instance.

    I think you covered the most visible and vital game concepts in your original post. God knows I'd gladly trade lots of time forging stuff (including getting together the molds, charcoal, etc) in return for ample supply of resources to work with, because finding ore can be a real pain. I enjoy the challenge of TFC in general, but I do miss having neat little mines that were laid out however I decided to lay them out, instead of being a product of where a propick took me. ;)


  12. I'd love to see charcoal pits generate upward smoke that could be seen from a distance in the sky. Even if it wasn't too fancy or complex, it would be neat to have, essentially, smoke signals. I could see it being a signal for raids if such an idea is ever implemented - a signal that mobs would see from afar and be drawn to,


  13. I don't know what that method is... to be honest, I just try to follow the vein as the pro pick seems to indicate it. If I get hits on two adjacent walls, I knock them both down and then keep going. I haven't gotten caught in a cave in so far, but it seems inevitable, with me snaking in circles following the ore vein.

    Not sure what a better way is. I get forging, chiseling, etc, but the pro pick is an exercise in frustration. I try to picture a collection of 25x25x25 blocks (is that even accurate?) every time I pro pick, but it does not seem to pan out.

    It seems as if that is the case, then it should be fairly easy to determine the a defined edge to the ore I'm detecting. Perhaps it's just that the pro pick is picking up many veins at once. Since TFC is meant to be a challenge, I don't necessarily expect it to be intuitive, but it's frustrating to be fighting the mechanics instead of enjoying a struggle for survival.

    Of course, this is all just feedback, I love the mod. The big downside to it, right now, is that I'm missing the process of making intricate caves. That's completely impractical for actually finding ore.


  14. I'm having a hard time making it at the early stages, so I can only imagine later on. I make a pro pick and a pickaxe, go looking for metals, find a source after I've expended half my pro pick, then burn both picks trying to actually find the ore once I know it's close by.

    The pro pick just doesn't seem that helpful. I'll be next to a large source, then suddenly it's gone. I keep refining my search, but it seems like finding the ore is just persistence and luck, and unfortunately, metal is too scarce to afford the persistence part of the equation.


  15. I'm on a fairly new map (a few days old). I found a good cluster of ore and made several picks and a couple pro picks. I've since gone through all of those tools without finding more ore. I'm forced to use a sluice to try to get enough ore for more tools to do real mining. I wondered if it was just bad luck, so I created a creative map and went insta-breaking my way through the world below. I passed through huge chambers, made enormous tunnels, used a pro pick from time to time and after 10+ minutes in creative doing this, I found zero ore.


  16. My #1 concern, re: enchantment, is that it gives experience/levels a use, and I think that should be retained. Experience should be useful. Doesn't have to be magical, and in fact, I think TFC would benefit from a different approach, such as skills you can train/etc.

    I think that if we are considering the "realism" angle, we're probably going to be pretty far off if we try to pattern RL with animals. Scorpions, for example, are not hostile monsters hell bent on destroying everything. If you make them giant, ferocious scorpions that could be quite fun, but not realistic. I think a better goal is to make the game challenging in every way possible, but not ridiculously so. Making day dangerous but night more dangerous is a good goal, and variety in mobs would be fun. But, it does need to be tempered with wise choices. Sharks in the water sound fun, until you spawn on an island surrounded by shark infested waters without enough resources to speak of, for instance. Snakes sound fun, until you realize that jungles are virtually impassable without clear-cutting, etc.

    I would be just fine with endermen being removed. They are incredibly irritating, especially their penchant for moving blocks.
