Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by eichermacher


    ya, it seems to Machine works only with World, but we can try to install Machine without World. Maybe Machine only requires materials from World? So we could just take those items from TMI

    Machines will work just fine without World, but you need a way to get the materials such as silver, nikolyte, etc. in order to make the machines. So if you want to use TMI or NEI to get the materials, that would work.


  2. I'd love to help edit the wiki! I've mostly been despairing at the lack of information on various metals, so that's most likely where I'll start. Hopefully each metal can have its own page, describing the properties of the metal and its uses. Metals should also be sorted into categories, such as alloy metals, starter metals and intermediate metals.

    Metals will be my top priority, with information for starting players being my second priority.

    Wiki username is eichermacher.


  3. So in other words, the feature was removed but the GUI just hasn't been updated yet? Because the anvil GUI still has the quench option, but it can't be clicked.


  4. I've never seen the "quench" button on an anvil lit. What are the requirements that need to be filled in order for the button to be lit? Does anything require you to use a quench to complete it? It doesn't seem super important otherwise. It might be useful if you screw up really badly, but at that point you might just consider melting your ingot down and starting over, despite the cost of the mold.


  5. -snip- (don't even know if there's something like pistons and redstone in tfc tbh... guess i never got that far xP )

    You can get redstone by crafting cinnabar, but I have no idea which rocks it spawns it. Not sure about pistons, but presumably you could enable vanilla recipe conversion to make it, if you can't make it otherwise.

  6. Yeah, the propick is only good when you know how to use it. If you want to learn about the mechanics of things without having to get all the equipment first, use creative mode and test things out.


  7. From what I've heard, the animal breeding system is not developed enough to be a worthwhile means of food production. Better to just make bread, plant fruit trees and cook chicken eggs.


  8. Actually, grass blocks will fall when you simple walk over them, not just sprint. I had an unfortunate accident recently involving a covered ravine near the surface... I think the mechanic is that when you walk onto a grass block that isn't supported, it has a chance to collapse. Once you're on one and it doesn't collapse, you can stand there as long as you like (at least, I think so). Stone blocks are useful, but since charcoal pits are usually made before the player has metal, a chisel isn't really practical for your first pit. Later on though, a chisel can be quite useful.

    I have to agree on the wiki's lack of information. The forums and change-log help quite a bit. :)


  9. That's basalt, diorite and granite. That exposed copper is a wonderful sight, new to build 47. In the surrounding area I've found bismuth ore, as well as cassiterite and, of course, native copper nuggets. Looks like I'll be in the bronze age in no time.


  10. Started a new world today. I spawned in a jungle, which looked grim when it comes to rocks, but then I found this stuff:

    Anyway, the seed is -3310645860789736530 and the approximate coordinates for this are (-471,152,-209) in standard (x,y,z) format. Have fun folks.

    Not pictured: Clay, near the jungle (and willows; coordinates for willows listed shortly). Four fruit trees (red apple, banana, peach, and orange, in various locations). Willow trees near (-141,150,-139).

    Feel free to request pictures of that stuff, as well as contribute your own pictures of interesting places (coordinates would be nice as well).


  11. The problem with the wiki is that the mod updates almost weekly and the editors have a tough time keeping up with all the changes. Quite a few people have shared your confusion, though a light search of the forums should be enough to turn up the answer.


  12. +1

    I haven't made a charcoal pit in the newest build yet, since I keep running into horrid disaster before I reach that point, but from what I can tell the charcoal system is a terrible pain right now. Charcoal stacks sound great, especially the idea about the items being ejected when you close the gui.

    It also makes more sense when it comes to realism. All the charcoal ending up in a neat little pile, or in the firepit, makes no sense whatsoever. Having the log piles turn into charcoal piles makes about as much sense as stone turning into cobble. ;)
