Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Stalkio

  1. Sharktopus! LOL


    Some good ideas, but once again it all come down to priorities and I would assume that this would be pretty low on the list, which is a shame but still would be quality to make the oceans a little more interactive. 


  2. This thread has just totally wet my appetite for the next update, thanks for that comparison of the new rock layer, a picture speak a thousand words and all that!


  3. Body Temperature for sure is going to be really interesting. Hope it adds another layer to the survival tapestry the guys have been weaving. I've held off playing for months now and the anticipation is starting to build! Also could someone please provide a link to the Reddit page that tracks commit as I can’t find it anymore!


  4. @FeyCat great stuff! have you done anymore work mon this since you last posted. I'd love to have a crack at some of the missing stuff if you don't mind but I didn't want to re-work anythign you might have alreday finished.


    Let me know if it's cool and great stuff!


  5. Oh and guys, I'll probably tweet about this more regularly than I'll post here so follow me @EnDabuwya to keep up with the updates. Or you could keep up with me on my Facebook page.

    Any progress on this yet? I've never done a texture pack before but I'm pretty good with AI and PS so if I can help I'll try! Just let me know what you want me to look at!


  6. I would suggest to do undersea sluices. I'm in tier 1 yet, but it is what i have planned for the future, as i advance in tiers, because if some ores are so deep, i just don't want to go wasting my prospector's pick (enough headaches by now...) randomly.

    i watched a spumwack gameplay series in which he did a well to the bottom of the sea. It doesn't seem so difficult, and could save me up many precious pickaxes.

    then i'll just dig down and use the water from above.

    What do you think?

    That sound very interesting! I'd love to see it working, could you record it if you give it a go please? Also do you have a link to the video that he creates the well?


  7. try the seed "happy" you spawn inside a sequoia forest with clay in the river next to you

    Cheers but the world I have at the moment is stunning! plus every second rock I turn over has zinc or tin (seriuosly it's crazy) more than enough for pick and pro pick in 1 game day!!! So that's why I'm not complaining hard, you win some (ores) and lose some (clay). It's just for me the game is about tracking down ores not clay!?!


  8. Yep this needs addressing in my opinion. Too hard to find, I know TFC is about patience but this is just pure frustration and I'm sure Bioxx didn't intend it to be this rare. He always says it's a balance between realism and fun. And this is almost, almost killing the fun. Still i'm not going to cheat the search goes on


  9. Rather than an awkward looking tent I think a cheep bed bad of grass and moss or something like that would be fine and we just place it under a tree and call it good.

    Yeah might not look great but it sort of defeats the purpose if you're still out in the open, how about this then

    Posted Image

    A Lean-to used since year dot for sleeping out. Anything but the bed under the stars!


  10. I'm loving this mod and the whole concept around creating a more realistic survival experience. The update which removed stone pickaxes (genius move) in my opinion created a much more believable environment in which the game starts. Ancient man roaming around the world picking up bits he finds on the way, much more nomadic and authentic.

    This small change has had huge implications around the players mentality (roaming vs. settling) I feel that it’s now more about moving around the world never staying too long in one placed as you need to track down those precious ore deposits to create that next alloy.

    Sorry about setting the scene but I think it will help put my suggestion in context. I have always had an issue with the fact that you can drop a bed and sleep anywhere safely, this is ridiculous. Tiptoe, tiptoe, a Creeper comes along “ahh he’s sleeping I’ll just leave him be he looks so peaceful†yeah right.

    Suggestion 1: You can’t place a bed without having a solid structure over head and a door (little like the testificates rules I believe)

    Suggestions 2: The ability to make a tent! Craft a needle with bone (maybe pigs/sheep.. could drop bones? Plenty of evidence that early man did this) then craft a couple of leather pieces together and you get a popup 4x4x3 temporary structure. You could even limit its uses to say 10 times so you need to keep crafting new ones?

    Just my thoughts and if any of this has been suggested before I apologies I checked the sticky thread and also searched before posting.
