Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by kram225

  1. Hey to all of you who was offended by the poll. I'm sorry me and my brother USED to share this account before i made him make a new one. I didn't think he would do something like that, but once again I am very sorry for the poll.


  2. 1) already suggested, in an long time ago death thread. whatever, they should grow downwards too -roots-, replacing the dirt blocks -and some stone blocks, if weak enough- with wood blocks or "root" blocks -depending if you want or not to add blocks to the game-. Side note, this i'm saying is the same thing i said in the thread i mentioned before :P

    2) : guy, i don't think that's possible. It's not a bad idea -although, if they fall, there should be a reason for them to fall...-, but it's simply a nightmare to try to code something like that. As already said in the other thread that proposed this same thing, by the way...

    3) guess what? again, already suggested -the landslides part, i don't think the rain provoking it part was suggested...-. However, i do like it. Maybe they could simply use the cave ins code to make overhangs have a higher chance to fall under the rain...?

    4) you never went into quicksand, don't you? you simply can't get out all by yourself of the sand... So, if ever implemented, this would probably keep people away from jungles, were the leaves won't let you see the quicksand and before you notice it, you're dying.

    5) yep.

    2) like if lightning hit the tree

    4) there could be a grappling like hook that you throw and it hooks in the ground or tree and you move out of it a little faster but not instant.


  3. I though of these quick and wrote them down before i forgot them, so some editing would be handy. Also when you comment about one of them PLEASE put the number so we know which and dont have to scan the text to find out thanks.

    1) the longer a tree stands the bigger it gets and branchest out if possible for the tree type

    2) Trees have a chance to fall down

    3)During rain/snow landslides or avalanches can happen.

    4)in desserts and jungles there is quicksand that acts like soulsand bit you fall into it and have to SLOWLY climb back out.

    5)Monsoons and blizards when weather happens it has a rare chance to be a Monsoon or blizard.during a monsson there is slim visibility and massive rain for any biome but desert and tiaga. during a blizard there is very small visibility also and snow builds up FAST.


  4. There should be something you can craft to put on a firepit where you can cook multiple things a once instead of one. I do not take credit for this i heard Mead say this in one of his videos. So all credit goes to Mead


  5. for firepits and forges and bloomerys produce smoke and will fill the room up if not ventalated properly. I hope you consider the idea.
