Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Deathbytac0

  1. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    I didn't know there were laws against that lol. I don't watch teen mom or anything like that but I've never heard of anybody getting in trouble with the law.I'll look it up. Anyway, we get off topic a lot. So dunk, if a crapload of entities falling down a hill won't make me lag, how bad will a rolling animation for cobblestone to simulate how rocks roll down hills?
  2. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Kill them, kill them with fire.I will not conform to what they say, I will make red steel in my cellar and slaughter them. Possibly set up an ambush with the whole village.
  3. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    I'm just going to say it's legal in my state at 14 to procreate with anyone 17 or under. Basically you can do it with anyone 3 years older than you.And yes I know nobody on the internet is going to get you. Lol... Excuse my language, irl that's about the only bad thing I do, most of my teachers last year said I was the only mature kid in the class. But yeah, people won't really know that.Points taken.
  4. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    I wasn't going to buy my birthday present at 13. I don't care, I would like to see somebody stalk me down. Then they can meet my dad with a shotgun at the front door (you can't hide where we live, not even at night). If that is what you meant. If you are just trying to protect me from haters, I don't care. Haters gonna hate!
  5. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    I'm 15 lol, I didn't buy it. I got it for my 13th birthday.
  6. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    But what if we are assholes to assholes and rig their spawn so they are pushed into a penalty pit.
  7. [In Progress][Map] The Survivor Test!!

    I do that anyway, manually. I have 49 minecraft.jars in a folder, that 58 minecraft.jars counting my current one, spout, and techniclauncher. They date back to beta 1.4 and I still use them. Plus I have MCNostalgia, I will probably go back to alpha if I get bored, and save every .jar in between.
  8. [In Progress][Map] The Survivor Test!!

    Oh you can't do it in the same space, in vanilla everything is a clusterfuck.Forge says I have 14 mods, I don't need more.
  9. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    So... Maybe not to some people, my idea of fun in this situation is sneaking around, finding them, and slaughtering them multiple times. That can be hard, frustrating, and you may lose your stuff forever, but if they are ever let back in you can spawn camp them. Hopefully that wont get you banned.Make your house an underground entrance, one they cannot simply mine to, 3 blocks higher that the start, with a maze with pitfalls. Also build your house on a mountain, not at the top, but close. Mine the inside out and expand along the sides, and have a stairwell all the way through the mountain to the entrance. Nobody will bother to infiltrate your labyrinth.
  10. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    It will make dirt fall off mountains. I don't care what dunk said, that will make us notebook guys suck TFCs dick.
  11. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    That's the fun part and usually where war comes into place if the server can't hold itself together.
  12. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    And that's why they will have the whole server on their ass. I won't steal objects, I'm gonna steal a house. I will dig a hole in the floor and hide there.
  13. Larger Biomes - Realistic Biome Transition

    Very true, so we don't have to be scared of getting eaten or bugged by silly shapes.
  14. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    And to close that... That is why I am waiting, mostly the money for Fluorinert or a casscade. You cannot have 4 690s, SLI supports 4 GPUs not graphics cards, 4 680s perform better than 2 690s also. And why would I wait XD the 690s have been out for a long time.
  15. [In Progress][Map] The Survivor Test!!

    Aaaaaah, requires red power...
  16. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    Don't worry I'll be trying to beat the world record (I'm gonna go through a lot of $1000 processors) it's like 6.6GHz. That's gonna be hot as hell, don't worry I tried to freeze hell over once, got to about 2Kelvin so I got this. I agree. So, uh, placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks?
  17. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Once again... Mutiny?
  18. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    Uh 4 680s wont be the hot part an overclocked processor at 4.5GHz will. lolAnd 2 680s are 70C not liquid cooled, 30-40C liquid cooled. You don't want 100C or the failsafe will activate.
  19. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    I'm an overclocker, computers don't really like to be submerged in LN2. That is done with another approach. And no probably not, I'll liquid cool it with Fluorinert and cool the Fluorinert just above freezing in the loop or use a cascade. Or... But that will be pretty loud.
  20. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    Oh so it's basically a beast processor with nothing else... Nvm, I'll be jelly when you have 4 Nvidia 680s. And by the way I'll be getting a computer with an Intel i7 3960x (or whatever is best) and 4 Nvidia 680s (or whatever is best then) in about a year! So... you will outrank me by 2 cores, I'll overclock to 4.5GHz.
  21. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    They make good aquariums. Plus if you use mineral oil they still run. They are also good in a box wrapped in towels, I have 7 boxes full of shitty XP computers, 1 ME, and 1 win7. I can get them all out and run them now, and I am temped because 1 has an nvidia card in it... That is what you do with old computers. Never trash them or give them away, unless you will never have the use, like in one of those, buried, is 3GB of DDR2 laptop memory and a Intel Centrino 2.1GHz dual-core processor that can go in the computer I am using now. So if anybody else wants to find something that will get me to talk about the other useless shit like that in boxes around my house...
  22. Larger Biomes - Realistic Biome Transition

    As much as I like doughnuts, I don't want my world to be a doughnut. God might eat it.
  23. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Nope I like venerable places so if anybody is stupid enough to steal the whole server will be anarchy gone wrong or that person will get mauled.
  24. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    That... is... FUCKING AMAZING! Who is making this almighty spout, your words confuse me still, yet I don't care I want to give support.I think I found it... and I got the launcher... and I can't rewrite the launcher in a .bat fml.
  25. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    I'm fucking jelly. Wanna know what kind of computer I have? An Asus K50IJ (google it's specs), the Best Buy version of the Asus K50I, they put a Intel 4 series express chipset family gpu in it instead of the Intel GMA 4500M, the 4500M was shitty enough! And I have a dual core processor, I have the same damn problem!