Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Kreicus

  1. This sounds like a bug with human nature, not the mod. People suck. It's true. I keep my server backed up. It's not a big deal. People who betray their trust get  their rocks off one time. 5 mins later, they're banned and the server is just the way it was before. I don't see why it's fair to the developers of any mod to go out of their way to coddle people who can't handle human nature on their own. Also personally, I like that this mod doesn't baby the players with guaranteed protections, unlimited resources, and spoon fed mechanics. I consider it part of this mod's charm.  For them to focus on those senseless issues means less time devoted to enhancing the gameplay options available.


    Funny thing is that I came to this mod seeking more free form gameplay options. I wanted players to feel a sense of weight in not only their activities, but the risks posed by the work needed. It makes TFC perhaps the greatest multiplayer mod there is. It reminds me of Ultima Online a bit. Balance is awesome. Resources are scarce enough to encourage either teamwork or conquest, yet they're rewarding without being imbalanced. It's an awesome mod that attracted me for the same reasons   you say it is forcing people away.


    My 2 cents as a server admin who recently fell in love with TFC.



    Couldn't have said it better myself.


  2. Got here by GenerikB, really nice looking texturepack, downloading it now, is there a standard Minecraft version of it as well, or is it just for TFC?

    Hi. Thanks.

    This is only for TFC. Though I suppose I could make a vanilla one just as well. I never really thought of doing this as there are already a number similar to mine. But I've gotten a number of requests now, so maybe I will in the future.


  3. Hopefully it will be fixed in another hotfix, as 77 will take some time getting out. The bug is that the fix of the bow stacking inadvertently reverted the bows/arrows to use vanilla arrow damage instead of TFC arrow damage, so they do little to no damage now. However, Skeletons still do a crap ton of damage, so...thats good,..... :/


  4. Sounds like a helpful idea for a wiki page, but be careful about being too divulgent. Wouldn't want to make it too easy for the newbies ;)

    True, but personally I think if you're going to the wiki you're looking for information like this. But this page wont give away much info, more like. MC: Cows drop 0-2 items, TFC: Cows drop 5-8 items. or whatever they drop now. Just kind of a comparison list.


  5. Hi all,

    I've decided to make another generalized page for the wiki with information about the major (and some minor) differences between MC and TFC. Things like, the health system being changed, Animals dropping more items and mating differently. Leather needing to be crafted. Things like this.

    So, I ask of you all if you could reply with any differences you can think of no matter how large or small so that I can compile a list to create a wiki page on for general reference.



    So far I have:

    Major Differences Between Minecraft and TerraFirmaCraft.

    General Differences

    Health/Food/Water System

    Walk through leaves


    -Early Game

    No Wooden Tools

    No punching trees

    Sticks from Leaves

    Stones on ground

    Saplings before cutting tree

    Storage differences

    Smaller Chests

    Wood and Stone Block construction

    Mob Damage

    -Mid Game


    Seasons for agriculture, fruit trees

    Bloomery, Forge, no Furnace

    -Late Game

    Only basic redstone from cinnabar


  6. hey kreicus does the barrel texture work fine for you? my faithful 32x version one doesnt seem to get the textured gray strip thing


    This is the file for the gray strip. If you're still using the original PNG file that had all the barrels in it, thats no longer used. All the barrels use the wood plank texture now and this hoop is added on. You should be able to get the file in the TFC download in the above folder. Hope this helps! :)


  7. A mini project I've been working on, creating useful art pieces. Ones that still look nice hanging on a wall, but also show you useful information. Infographics!.

    Click here to download: Dropbox Link

    To install, place the kz.png file into the art folder in the minecraft.jar file in your .minecraft/bin directory.

    Any comments, questions, or suggestions for new pictures, please post below, Thanks!

    This new artwork can also be found in my texture pack located here.

    There are five different picture series so far. They are:

    Armor Smithing (1 image)
    Fruit Tree Calendar (1 image)
    Crops Nutrient (3 images)
    Leather Crafting (1 image)
    Metallurgy (2 images)

    The way to read them should be somewhat self explanatory, but if not, here are the descriptions of each:

    Armor Smithing:

    • [*]Each row shows a different item (Helmet, Chest Plate, Greaves, Boots). [*]The first three columns show to hammer the sheet (or double) with plans. [*]The second three columns show to use use flux (weld) the unfinished armor to another sheet (or double). [*]The last two columns show to hammer the item into its finished form.

    Fruit Tree Calendar:

    • [*]The top row of letters are the months from April to November. [*]The left column is the first initial of each fruit in alphabetical order, they are: [*]Banana, Cherry, Green Apple, Lemon, Olive, Orange, Peach, Plum, Red Apple [*]The colored bars show the months from flowers to fruit, and each is colored to the color of the fruit.

    Crop Nutrients:

    • [*]The first painting shows all A nutrient crops. [*]The second painting shows all B nutrient crops. [*]The third painting shows all C nutrient crops. [*]Each picture shows the final stage of the crop.

    Leather Crafting (Updated):

    • [*]Each row shows two steps. [*]The First Row shows: Input (Normal Hide), Container (Limewater Barrel), Output (Soaked Hide), Knife, Product (Scraped Hide) [*]The Second Row shows: Input (Scraped Hide), Container (Water Barrel), Transition (Prepared Hide), Container (Tannin Barrel), Output (Leather)


    • [*]Each type of metal is labeled. [*]Each arrow shows how many of that type of metal is used in the creation of the metal the arrow is pointing to. [*]For example, Black Bronze takes 1 Silver, 2 Copper, 1 Gold. [*]The small icon of a hammer and/or anvil denote if that metal type can make tools and/or anvils.

    NOTE: The below image of leather painting isn't accurate, see image below in spoiler for accurate picture, will update soon.
    Posted Image

    Posted Image


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