Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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abandoned mines

the scaleing bar (safety tool while mining)

57 posts in this topic

well in real life while in my own addit i use a scaling bar at a fairly close range due to the cramped conditions

the TFcraft scaling bar could set off the small cave in in front of you (the area where the rock is falling) but it would not cause a cave in behind you

say you are standing in your standard 3x3 tunnel and the unstable area is 5 blocks away on the sealing

the scaling bar would than (if there are no supports below or near) set off a section of rock, perhaps 2x3

now that section is safe to enter as you have removed the unstable materials

That makes alot more sense... I was imagining someone standing 15~20 m away poking a rock wall with a stick, lol


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That makes alot more sense... I was imagining someone standing 15~20 m away poking a rock wall with a stick, lol

well lol in some locations i ve been to the above is accurate as the newly mined chamber has a high chance of killing you from falling rocks

one guy i knew actually worked full time as a scaler in a local silver mine before having to retire after a 45 pound slab of rock slide out of the roof and crushed his right arm

he kept the arm though he couldn't work :(

in many modern mines some machines, such as muckers and jumbo drills will often have an extendable steel rod that can be rammed into the roof to dislodge dangerous rock and in some larger mines special robots do the job entirely so humans don't have to be in harms way


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well lol in some locations i ve been to the above is accurate as the newly mined chamber has a high chance of killing you from falling rocks

one guy i knew actually worked full time as a scaler in a local silver mine before having to retire after a 45 pound slab of rock slide out of the roof and crushed his right arm

he kept the arm though he couldn't work :(

in many modern mines some machines, such as muckers and jumbo drills will often have an extendable steel rod that can be rammed into the roof to dislodge dangerous rock and in some larger mines special robots do the job entirely so humans don't have to be in harms way

Dang... Just goes to show how dangeous mining can be...


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Which is exactly why TFC needs harder mining :D

Other than that I think this would be tops if a method of blocks "sliding" into a pile as opposed to a spire would be implemented (they did it in creative mod why not (╯°□°)╯︵ /( ‿⌓‿ ) )


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Which is exactly why TFC needs harder mining :D

Other than that I think this would be tops if a method of blocks "sliding" into a pile as opposed to a spire would be implemented (they did it in creative mod why not (╯°□°)╯︵ /( ‿⌓‿ ) )

If memory serves, there was a thread about disallowing dirt and sand towers, where you jump, place, jump and place over and over again, and suggested that it collapse into a coneish shape. It did have a few positive reviews, but it was shot down by dunk, I believe, saying "the coding for horisiontal cave-ins is so needlessly complicated and would be hard to implement" or something like that...


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If memory serves, there was a thread about disallowing dirt and sand towers, where you jump, place, jump and place over and over again, and suggested that it collapse into a coneish shape. It did have a few positive reviews, but it was shot down by dunk, I believe, saying "the coding for horisiontal cave-ins is so needlessly complicated and would be hard to implement" or something like that...

yea i don t think that would be practical in a minecraft setting

i remember proposing talus slopes for mountain ranges and got the same answers


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Might be fine to just go cheap on it and make too tall of unsound building material towers just be destroyed


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