Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Wiki Missing a Few Things, Listed.

12 posts in this topic

The Wiki is missing a few things, That is why I decided to list them. I have OCD and it forces me to make sure everything is perfect.

I would love to help get the Wiki Rolling, Id take a month out of my life to do this if I was allowed to. Id love to further the mod in any


A few things that are Missing from the Wiki :

Grass Grows like Plants Dependant on Rain Fall.

You can now Cook Eggs.

Theres different types of Dirt.

Theres different types of Sand.

All Fruits have No Pages.

Minerals arent very Descriptive.

Temperature (Tools) does not exist.

Temperature (Items) does not exist.

Bricks do not have Pages.

Currently has no use page does not exist.

Currently removed from game (Originally in Vannila) page does not exist.

Small Tweaks Page does not exist (Example: Grass Grows now).

Tool Heads to not have Pages.

Saplings does not have a page.

Metallurgy Table is not Described well.

There should be recipes for everything Shown.

Ingots should have a note about them not being-able to be made into tools.

The isent Organized enough.

Tools and Armor isent Shown for Red and Blue Steel.

Things I can help with:

I can make the pages if I can edit the Site.

I can make videos of examples for each page like TF2 does with their items.


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its good to note all these, but its actually fun just not knowing all that. Its fun spending 2 tin picks on jet and not knowing you cant use it! it makes the game harder and less vanilla-y. where i could get 10-15diamonds in 3hours or less...


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its good to note all these, but its actually fun just not knowing all that. Its fun spending 2 tin picks on jet and not knowing you cant use it! it makes the game harder and less vanilla-y. where i could get 10-15diamonds in 3hours or less...

All of the above ^^^^^^^^^^^^


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Most of this isn't in the wiki either because it's not in tfcraft (you can't make bricks with the clay in TFC), it's totally new (grass growing), or it's page creation for the sake of page creation (tool head pages). My rule of thumb is that if you can't fill a page with info based on that item/subject/etc, you shouldn't be making the page in the first place. What would you put on each tool head's page that isn't already covered on the tools for instance? It seems unnecessary in that case.

That said, if you wish to suggest changes to the wiki, there is a thread dedicated to this:

If you wish to add yourself to the trusted list of wiki editors so you can help improve the wiki, you should read this thread:

Just make sure before you go adding information in the wiki that it is correct. For example, "Ingots should have a note about them not being-able to be made into tools." How else would you make tools without ingots? I think the few ingots that can't be used for tools are noted already, though some may of been missed.


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its good to note all these, but its actually fun just not knowing all that. Its fun spending 2 tin picks on jet and not knowing you cant use it! it makes the game harder and less vanilla-y. where i could get 10-15diamonds in 3hours or less...

This isn't Industrialcraft, we have no attachment to the concept of obscuring players from playing the game. There is no reason information should be deliberately obscured. The only reason it's fine right now is due to the constantly changing nature of the game and the lack of any cnetral authority taking charge to keep it accurate. Your vanilla comment doesn't even make any sense in this context. The ability to bore down to bedrock and randomly flail around until you randomly stumble upon some material has no relation to the frustration of spending several hours building up resources only to find they are useless.

So yeah, the wiki will have missing information. This is just due to the difficulty of keeping things accurate in this mod, it is not a positive point for the mod.


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have you not been paying attention? both Bioxx and Dunkleoeosloeosouslsiuserton don't want it to be a step by step guide. by displaying EVERY known fact on the wiki it will become such. This is mostly for percentages and numbers but it still counts for stuff like this.


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There is a difference between not displaying the mechanical behind the scenes information and not telling players what wood has what attributes. The player doesn't really need to know the direct heat numbers of specific metals because there is a mechanic to it that does not depend on knowing those specific numbers. Knowing one wood burns better than another should not be hidden. Thus why pages on what metals can be used for tools and what fruits are in the game are good.


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There is a difference between not displaying the mechanical behind the scenes information and not telling players what wood has what attributes. The player doesn't really need to know the direct heat numbers of specific metals because there is a mechanic to it that does not depend on knowing those specific numbers. Knowing one wood burns better than another should not be hidden. Thus why pages on what metals can be used for tools and what fruits are in the game are good.

I totally agree, thats why I made this topic. If i was given perms i would beable to keep the wiki up to date since I have no life currently.


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Just make sure before you go adding information in the wiki that it is correct. For example, "Ingots should have a note about them not being-able to be made into tools." How else would you make tools without ingots? I think the few ingots that can't be used for tools are noted already, though some may of been missed.

"How else would you make tools without ingots?" has two reponses:

1) That question is unrelated to what he was saying. He's saying that the ingots that CANNOT be made into tools need to have an indication as such

2) Knapping

As for metals not listing that they can't be used for tools...

Pig Iron says that "you cannot use it for tools"

Sterling silver says that you can use it in the following ways: (empty list)

Platinum says that it "has no use."

That is what is likely confusing our poor reader here. Some pages don't say directly that a given metal is inappropriate for tools, and instead either says there is no use, or that it's use is an empty list.


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You can now Cook Eggs. = might be usefull to have a food page, true, we just havn't had any reason to do a page since most things have been pretty close to vanilla so far, and fruits where covered in fruit trees.

Theres different types of Dirt. = has no relevant effect yet, hence no page yet.

Theres different types of Sand. = has no relevant effect yet, hence no page yet.

All Fruits have No Pages. = you mean isn't good enough? please elaborate.

Minerals arent very Descriptive. please contribute here: http://terrafirmacra...d-mineralsores/

Temperature (Tools) does not exist. = already covered here

Temperature (Items) does not exist. = not really all that important, but please feel free to suggest it on http://terrafirmacra...changes-thread/

Bricks do not have Pages. = no bricks in TFC

Currently has no use page does not exist.

Currently removed from game (Originally in Vannila) page does not exist.

Small Tweaks Page does not exist (Example: Grass Grows now). = new feature, not fully tested yet, we don't add things we know too little on.

Tool Heads to not have Pages. = why should they?

Saplings does not have a page. = already covered here

Metallurgy Table is not Described well. might need some revamping, true

There should be recipes for everything Shown. = please elaborate, this sentence does not make me understand the problem.

Ingots should have a note about them not being-able to be made into tools. =

The isent Organized enough. = "The isent Organized enough"? the what isn't organized enough?

Tools and Armor isent Shown for Red and Blue Steel

Anyhow,we work as fast as we can, and we could always use more active editors on the wiki.

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As for metals not listing that they can't be used for tools...

Pig Iron says that "you cannot use it for tools"

Sterling silver says that you can use it in the following ways: (empty list)

Platinum says that it "has no use."

That is what is likely confusing our poor reader here. Some pages don't say directly that a given metal is inappropriate for tools, and instead either says there is no use, or that it's use is an empty list.

  • Major Overhaul of how info on metals is presented (creating a general page for each metal detailing the aquisition and uses of each metal) (my personal project)
  • General Page for Tin, Bismuth created
Since kelik took on this project we other editors feel that it's rude barking in on his claimed area, but it's not like the wiki isn't being updated, just not the specific metal pages. the large collectionpages and are both up to date with the latest metal info, both on what anvils are needed and what metals that are "tool" metals.

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Posted 09 September 2012 - 08:46 PM

Metallurgy Table is not Described well. might need some revamping, true

Seven months later......


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