Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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New Map or not to Map ?

5 posts in this topic

The big question is, how long are map resets going to be essential

for servers, especially rp servers, this hurts the community (new map everything anew, looking for a base, starting on a build

build gets deleted, or the other way, lets stay in dirt/log huts till weknow this map stays for a while

i am not complaining about new releases, im just wondering, if the 1.4 update in october/november, is "the last" new map update, or if we should change to simple arena maps, or "wallmaps ( every group gets same amount of chunks, goal is to kill all opponents) etc.....

and on a side note, how much additional ram does a tfc server per player need

we never had enough peeps around to actually stress test it, but what i witnessed, the charcoalpit generation has an exponentially lagcurve proportional to the logs used (the server crashed around 2300 logs+ 2players)


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The big question is, how long are map resets going to be essential

for servers, especially rp servers, this hurts the community (new map everything anew, looking for a base, starting on a build

build gets deleted, or the other way, lets stay in dirt/log huts till weknow this map stays for a while

i am not complaining about new releases, im just wondering, if the 1.4 update in october/november, is "the last" new map update, or if we should change to simple arena maps, or "wallmaps ( every group gets same amount of chunks, goal is to kill all opponents) etc.....

and on a side note, how much additional ram does a tfc server per player need

we never had enough peeps around to actually stress test it, but what i witnessed, the charcoalpit generation has an exponentially lagcurve proportional to the logs used (the server crashed around 2300 logs+ 2players)

Like you I'm hoping that world gen gets kinda finalized. In the release notes for 50 i think it was it mentions that world gen might go through some tweaking, and there has been a little tweaking after that. Really we wont know for sure until Bioxx says hes pleased with world gen and gonna leave it where its at.

Ram on a TFC server is firstly dependent on how well you have Java running, ie using garbage collection and so on. In another post I mentioned that for server network load the data sent from server to each client is roughly 2-3 times the size, this is basically because the chunks are twice the size, and because there is more updating going on for things like seasons changes, when it was working snow accumulation, stuff like that. By that logic its conceivable that the memory usage is likewise 2-3 times as much. I wouldn't worry about ram too much because if your not running a line with like 20 or 50 meg up bandwidth your not going to be able to get enough people connected to use up 10 gigs of ram anyhow.

Also, you mentioned charcoal lagging and crashing things out, was this with the new charcoal block mechanic, or with the 2300 logs = ~1200 charcoal = gets dumped on the ground and you have to try and pick it up and store it before it poofs? I have made a max size pit and lit it off and not had a crash so I would say its probably your machine, however i have a 4 GHz CPU running with 10 gigs of ram on the server so it has plenty of ram to soak up when it needs it. With the new charcoal mechanic I didn't notice any lag worth mentioning, maybe a little blerp when it finished and all converted to charcoal blocks.

If you don't mind me asking how much ram is your server running?


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the charcoal bug occured with the new charcoal block system

as far as i know 7 g


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Hmm, with 7 gigs you shouldn't be running out on charcoal.

Ill assume you launching with a bat file or something, in your launch paramiters for a basic memory setup of minecraft you should have the -Xmx7168M -Xincgc. First paramiter sets the maximum memory allocation for the servers java instance to 7 gigs, the second sets the java garbage collection to a more proactive method which dumps excess no longer used memory every few seconds instead of when it runs out of memory.

I suppose it would be good to ask what os your hosting on too.


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it was a rented server, the lagspike occours in the checking phase (how much wood, closed of any air etc)

but it doesnt matter anyway since we moved on from the provider (every reset/restart it switched to bukkit)


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