Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[Build 72] Constant game freezes SOLVED

16 posts in this topic

My game constantly freezes. The game, not the world. And I mean constantly - every few minutes or even faster. I barely built a hut (roughly 10 mins of gametime), and it took around two hours, because those 110 minutes were freezes. Cut down a tree, freeze, start a fire, freeze, kill a mob, freeze, knapping, freeze. There is nothing to report since I have to turn the game off manually. I am running Windows 7. Latest universal forge, Player API in place.


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My girlfriend has the same problem, also running on Windows 7, although running an earlier version (TFC Beta 69).

Updating to the latest version of Java helped alleviate the problem a bit (also removing older versions of Java completely, important!). But the problem doesn't seem to be only TFC, but minecraft itself.

I think it's a problem with minecraft not correctly dumping the memory it's not using. I'm sorry I can't help much more. I will myself be checking this thread for any solution found.


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what are your computer specs? sounds like you're maxing out on memory


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4gb RAM, AMD Athlon 64 2x DUal Core Processor 5200+ (2 CPUs) `2.7 Ghz. Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit. GeForce GT 430.


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You said you were using the latest version of Forge. Did you mean the latest version (Forge or the one that is reccomended for Build 72 (Forge Sometimes using a more recent version than the one listed on the TFC download page can cause crashes/problems.


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You said you were using the latest version of Forge. Did you mean the latest version (Forge or the one that is reccomended for Build 72 (Forge Sometimes using a more recent version than the one listed on the TFC download page can cause crashes/problems.

Nope. Lasted maybe a few minutes longer, enough time to make some tools and a fire pit, but nope, even with the reccomended Forge.

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The dual core processor is probably the cause. It's pretty old.


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TFC consumes a tremendous amount of memory compared to most mods. Your CPU and quantity of RAM are fine. However my guess is that you only have 32-bit Java installed so once you hit the memory limit for 32-bit Java, everything freezes while it tries to make more memory available to it. You can either simply close out Minecraft completely and start it up again which forces Java to start from a clean slate memory-wise and do this every time you start experiencing freezes, or simply upgrade to 64-bit Java. People like me still using 32-bit XP are SOL.


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THANK YOU. No crashes, been playing for around 30 minutes fine. Memory got used up to 40 percent, and then instantly recovered. You, sir, have a like.


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THANK YOU. No crashes, been playing for around 30 minutes fine. Memory got used up to 40 percent, and then instantly recovered. You, sir, have a like.

Don't forget to add [solved] to the title of the thread! Happy playing

TFC consumes a tremendous amount of memory compared to most mods. Your CPU and quantity of RAM are fine. However my guess is that you only have 32-bit Java installed so once you hit the memory limit for 32-bit Java, everything freezes while it tries to make more memory available to it. You can either simply close out Minecraft completely and start it up again which forces Java to start from a clean slate memory-wise and do this every time you start experiencing freezes, or simply upgrade to 64-bit Java. People like me still using 32-bit XP are SOL.

I don't know if you read the post I made here previously, but do you have any further suggestions? We (not OP) still experience problems even after we've updated to 64-bit java, latest update.


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Did you try using Optifine? Maybe it can help, or at least it helps my PC going a bit faster, when I switch low settings.


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Does your issue follow the same characteristic pattern of Java running out memory, barkingnoise? I would expect it to follow a very predictable pattern of TFC not responding for roughly 15-30 seconds at a time with a few seconds time between after some 5-20 minutes of playing. That 5-20 minutes ends up shorter if you use things like fancy graphics, far rendering distances, higher-resolution texture packs, or travel at all. If it doesn't follow exactly that pattern then I would need more information about the characteristics of the freezing. My first suspicions would be Java running itself as 32-bit despite a 64-bit version being available, a problematic background program, or a lack of memory being available for other reasons like only physically having <=2GB of RAM or Java mysteriously not allocating Minecraft the memory it needs despite being able.


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Does your issue follow the same characteristic pattern of Java running out memory, barkingnoise?

Yes, all of those. Freezing for a small time, momentary un-freeze, back to freeze. Memory allocated displayed when pressing F3 is maxed out. Time window is decreased when travelling.

We're using standard TFC textures, fancy graphics and default rendering distance (I think. Not "far" that is.) I will try to switch to fast graphics.

Like I said, updating to the latest java only increases the time window between freezes. It's quite bearable, but annoying and sometimes disruptive.

If Java is running 32-bit even though the 64-bit is the only thing installed, how/where do I check or fix it?

Pre-post EDIT:

So it turns out we're in fact running on a 32-bit Windows 7. Thanks for the help, I'll see myself out...


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If you're still around, there are two things I would suggest. The first would be to use a launcher capable of altering memory allocations and reducing Minecraft's memory allocation to about 640 MB. This seems paradoxical but Java seems to ignore it anyways and happily consumes its usual ~1.3 GB anyways, but with less allocated for Minecraft it will cache less data, clean up its memory more aggressively or whatever it's doing when RAM usage goes down. This buys you a few more minutes compared to running at the default 1024 MB but unfortunately it simply can't be fixed at the (32-bit) user end.

The second, which I'm planning to do in the near future as recent builds have been completely unplayable on 32-bit, is to grab yourself a 64-bit OS. I myself am just going to grab Ubuntu, as it will happily resize a Windows partition and install alongside it and is easier to install from a USB stick compared to OpenSUSE. Additionally all distributions of Linux that I'm aware of are free, so no worrying about paying for a newer Windows and dealing with the horror of upgrading Windows. Seen too many of those go wrong.


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Cleaning up is usually involves garbage collector. That thing is CPU-intensive, but if the memory is a problem, and CPU power is sufficient, reducing memory allocation is the way to go.

I can also try to see if I can write some strings to allocate minecraft memory usage without any launchers, if you interested.


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