Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Anyway to store logs or tools?

12 posts in this topic

So I have made a chest and still cant store logs and tools, do I just carry them for ever? Also how long does wheat (and all the other grains) take to grow? Thanks for the reply, really loving the mod!


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There's a wiki for a reason, you know :P (even though it's a bit useless from what i know...)


-To store logs, shift right click on any spot with a stack of logs in hand, and you will create a log pile block. It can hold 16 logs in groups of 4, not neccesarily of the same kind. If you already placed a log pile, an easier way to place another one is right clicking with logs in hand on the first one: If the first one can't accept it (meaning, it's either full or all the slots are full with logs from a different kind of the one you are holding), a new one will be placed next to the other, where you clicked.

-To store tools, you will need a tool rack. It can hold 4 tools at a time, and needs to be placed on a wall. It's not a full block, so you can place it directly over a chest and it will still open. It has no GUI at all; insted, to choose where to store a tool, and to take a tool from it, you have to place the pointer directly over the spot you want to interact with and right click.

-In average, trees take a week (2 hours and 20 minutes in real life, if you don't modify the length of MC days) to grow. In average; it depends on the tree, and the conditions of the area the saplings are in.


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So I have made a chest and still cant store logs and tools, do I just carry them for ever? Also how long does wheat (and all the other grains) take to grow? Thanks for the reply, really loving the mod!

Hello Akanos! Welcome to TFC! :)/>/> To answer your first question, you may store logs by use of Log Piles. Simply select a log in your hot bar, and then shift click it on the ground. You may then pile more logs into the pile by clicking regularly with the log or Un-selecting the log and clicking it with anything else to open the log pile GUI and deposit logs that way.

As for your second question, about 30 in-gamedays I believe...? It's a good while.

In order to learn more about TFC you should refer to the Wiki. It's not complete and is a work in progress but it already has a lot of good information.

I hope you enjoy TFC and our community! Remember, always search before you post and idea, never double post, and above all always be friendly!



Edit: Gah! Sort-of-ninja'd by JAG! Except it doesn't count because you gave him the wrong info. He asked for how long wheat takes to grow, not trees :D/>

Edit #2: In the future Akanos, please refer to the support section for questions, ok? It's not that big of a deal but sticking to the right section is generally a good idea.

P.S: Nice username! Does that have a special significance to you?


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He asked for how long wheat takes to grow, not trees :D/>

LOL, fail xDU i was just writing, didn't took the time to read the post twice...

All the crops (including wheat, of course) take a full year to grow. How much time that is depends on how you setted it in the configuration file; however, it's 96 days by default.


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LOL, fail xDU i was just writing, didn't took the time to read the post twice...

All the crops (including wheat, of course) take a full year to grow. How much time that is depends on how you setted it in the configuration file; however, it's 96 days by default.

I think you're wrong again JAG. Crops can't possibly take a full year to mature because as you know, when the temperature falls below 0 Celsius crops die. And during a full year cycle, the temp should always drop below 0 at least once. This would make successfully growing a crop to maturity would be in possible in all but equatorial climates. Since crops HAVE been raised to maturity in non-equatorial environments, logic dictates you are wrong.

I was under the impression you could plant your crops in the spring and harvest them by fall.... So, very roughly 60 days?


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And during a full year cycle, the temp should always drop below 0 at least once.

Here is the flaw in your logic, because how much temperature drops on winter depends on the distance from the equator (In TFC, at least). In most of the TFC world (not considering those places even farther south or north than +/-20k Z), from what i know, temperature never drops below 0.


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Here is the flaw in your logic, because how much temperature drops on winter depends on the distance from the equator (In TFC, at least). In most of the TFC world (not considering those places even farther south or north than +/-20k Z), from what i know, temperature never drops below 0.

This makes no sense though. If that was true than it would mean that TFC's temp spread is severely flawed. I live half way I between the equator and the pole (almost exactly amusingly enough) and the temp goes below 0 regularly each winter. In fact, it normally goes below -30 Celsius!

In lack of hard evidence, as much as I trust and respect you JAG, I am going to believe that Bioxx would not overlook that the temp should drop below 0 during the winter months in locations past roughly 8000 Z over you saying that it does not.

I hope I'm not coming across as a dick.


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This makes no sense though. If that was true than it would mean that TFC's temp spread is severely flawed. I live half way I between the equator and the pole (almost exactly amusingly enough) and the temp goes below 0 regularly each winter. In fact, it normally goes below -30 Celsius!

In lack of hard evidence, as much as I trust and respect you JAG, I am going to believe that Bioxx would not overlook that the temp should drop below 0 during the winter months in locations past roughly 8000 Z over you saying that it does not.

I hope I'm not coming across as a dick.

I live pretty much at the same distance from a pole as you (in fact, it's possible that i'm closer than you), and here, temperature only rarely drops from 10ºC... climates are not that simple. In fact, the north hemisphere is a lot colder than the south one.

Whatever, in a "perfect" world like TFC's where there aren't winds and water currents modifying temperature to consider, neither does local geography affect it, and there are fixed temperatures both in the poles and the equator, non-polar areas where temperature drops below 0º would be much rarer than non-equatorial areas with temperatures higher than 0º, because of what those fixed temperatures are.

It's around 12000 Z where temperature could possibly go below 0º, IMO.


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I live pretty much at the same distance from a pole as you (in fact, it's possible that i'm closer than you), and here, temperature only rarely drops from 10ºC... climates are not that simple. In fact, the north hemisphere is a lot colder than the south one.

Whatever, in a "perfect" world like TFC's where there aren't winds and water currents modifying temperature to consider, neither does local geography affect it, and there are fixed temperatures both in the poles and the equator, non-polar areas where temperature drops below 0º would be much rarer than non-equatorial areas with temperatures higher than 0º, because of what those fixed temperatures are.

It's around 12000 Z where temperature could possibly go below 0º, IMO.

...*facepalm*. Totally just failed at climatology. I'm embarrassed now... Your point is well given. However I must ask, is there any area short of the poles (the magical 20 k mark) that drops below 0 in the winter? The sequoia zone? Because snow (I know it's broken now, but it will be fixed eventually) doesn't occur until the temp drops below 0. And once there is snow on the ground, it WILL melt if the temp is raised above 0. So if there is no area besides the poles that drops below zero and stays there in the winter than that means there will be no snowy winters in TFC once snow is fixed!

...Which would be sad...very sad...


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...*facepalm*. Totally just failed at climatology. I'm embarrassed now... Your point is well given. However I must ask, is there any area short of the poles (the magical 20 k mark) that drops below 0 in the winter? The sequoia zone? Because snow (I know it's broken now, but it will be fixed eventually) doesn't occur until the temp drops below 0. And once there is snow on the ground, it WILL melt if the temp is raised above 0. So if there is no area besides the poles that drops below zero and stays there in the winter than that means there will be no snowy winters in TFC once snow is fixed!

...Which would be sad...very sad...

Don't worry, there are areas where it drops below 0º without them being part of the poles. The thing is, as you said, it's not all year long; eventually, the temperature raises again.


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Don't worry, there are areas where it drops below 0º without them being part of the poles. The thing is, as you said, it's not all year long; eventually, the temperature raises again.

Sweet! White Christmas has been saved.


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Wow guys thanks for the awesome feed back, it was nice to see i began an arguement. Anyways I'll make sure I post in the correct area.


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