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[SOLVED] Null Pointer Exception

7 posts in this topic

Hey all,

I've got a problem that I've been unable to resolve. I am running into intermittent crashes being caused by a null pointer exception, which is assumably happening on specific chunk generations when I load them for the first time. The crash itself I don't mind, as they don't happen entirely often and I have no problems once I restart the client; however, I am worried that the cause of the crash may also be generating ores improperly. I've linked a pastebin below with the class files referenced in the crash log; I am assuming that the cause is either from having an incorrect version of something or installing in an incorrect order. Here is everything I've got, along with the order I installed them:

Minecraft 1.4.6 - clean jar file and .minecraft folder to start with

Forge - added to jar first

Optifine 1.4.6_HD_U_A3 - added after Forge

PlayerAPI - 1.4.6 version 1.3 - added after Optifine

Matmos version R21 - Added files to their appropriate folder (no jar file modifications)

TFC Build 75 - Added to mods folder (no jar file modifications)

And here is the pastebin link:

As you can see in the crash log there, the error appears to be originating from the ore vein generation procedures from TFC. I dug through the mods installed and noticed that most of the core class files referenced have modified versions in both Forge and Optifine, which makes me think that one of those two is the problem. I'm assuming that is still the correct version of Forge to use, but I have not been able to find any references to what version of Optifine is most compatible and since some of the class files in the NPE log are included in Optifine, it's most likely that.

Anyone have any ideas on how I can fix this issue, or at the very least, which version of Optifine I should be using with the current TFC build?

[edit] As far as I can tell, Waveshaper's suggestion to not use the multi-core chunk loading option in Optifine appears to have fixed the problem. Thanks for the help.


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I don't personally use it, but I heard an old optifine works better.

I think.


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I wonder if it's the edition of Optifine I'm using. I went with the oldest 1.4.6 version of the ultra edition when I set everything up, but now that I'm thinking about it, the ultra edition has those chunk loading optimization features. Since my problem seems to be prompted by chunk generation, I bet that's the problem is (since I am assuming that the referenced core class files deal with chunk loading and the ultra edition likely overwrites the Forge ones).

I'll give the standard Optifine edition a try later and see if that fixes the issue; anyone else have any ideas on it?


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Optifine U A3 works fine for me - also the A2 have worked before - Problems I can think of:

1. Optifine before PlayerAPI? You should probably check if both are affecting same classes - than it's always a bad idea to load Optifine NOT at the very last Jar-Mod.

2. Optifine itself makes problems with your CPU. Such things happen from time to time - I can think of at least two versions of Optifine I used, that crashed all the time I use the Multicore-Option on my Notebook. If I used standard-chunkloading or the smooth option, all was fine - also after updating these special builds.


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Why are you using such an old version of OptiFine? Newer is always better.


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Reinstall the modification in the following order:

-Forge Universal


-TFC Build 75

Then you can install your other modifications in any order after this one.

This helps?


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Optifine U A3 works fine for me - also the A2 have worked before - Problems I can think of:

1. Optifine before PlayerAPI? You should probably check if both are affecting same classes - than it's always a bad idea to load Optifine NOT at the very last Jar-Mod.

2. Optifine itself makes problems with your CPU. Such things happen from time to time - I can think of at least two versions of Optifine I used, that crashed all the time I use the Multicore-Option on my Notebook. If I used standard-chunkloading or the smooth option, all was fine - also after updating these special builds.

I double-checked and it doesn't look like PlayerAPI shares any class files with Optifine, but I have been using the multicore option for chunk loading. Given that you have experienced crashes from that option and the fact that my problem does seem to stem from chunk loading/generation, I'm going to give it a go this evening using the standard chunk loading. I'll give it an hour or two to make sure and will post whether or not that fixed the problem, thanks for the suggestion.


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