Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Naturally, I did <Insert silly thing here>.

1 post in this topic

I am an AS level student at a well known college in the UK. I took computing, the biggest mistake ever, I find it too boring because I practically know 10 times what the course limits the teaching to. I have some coursework, and it was due in for an evaluation by the teacher a few days ago, so naturally I'm doing it for this lesson because I "felt unwell" on the actual date. And since this is a very important piece of coursework, naturally I'm doing it the day/evening before/ on the day in the morning.

I knew I could make a simple version of what they ask us to do in just 30 minutes. We basically have to make a program in turbo pascal that allows for the editing of a database. With some additional stuff like password protection and encrypting. Because I'm insane, at first I decided to try to make a pascal unit that could be used to make a database for anything, everything started off well, and then I got bored. Naturally, I went to play some CSS and procrastinated a bit. The problem with making an infinitely expandable system when you don't need an infinitely expandable system is that a ). you are never going to use it and b ). you can do much better in something like c++. So I've settled on the bare minimum, of course its got silly features like proper encryption and a random object shoved in somewhere where it's not needed, oh and also the distinct lack of any single comment. (I need to add these for every line - postponed indefinitely.)

So now I'm sitting here, procrastinating more by writing this.

Here's the not yet finished code btw:

program database;uses wincrt, crt;type  verificator : object	function scalpha(instring : string):boolean;	function scsolid(instring : string):boolean;  end;var  verify : verificator;  dontclear : boolean;  name, password : string;  passwordset, dbfilemade, loggedin : boolean;procedure read_settings;var  initfile : text;  Spasswordset, Sdbfilemade : string;begin  assign(initfile, 'C:UsersOwnerAppDataRoamingDatabasefilesinit.cfg');  {$I-}  reset(initfile);  {$I+}  if (IOResult <> 0) then writeln('Error: init.cfg not found.');  readln(initfile, Spasswordset);  readln(initfile, Sdbfilemade);  if Spasswordset = 'true' then passwordset := true  else if Spasswordset = 'false' then passwordset := false;  if Sdbfilemade = 'true' then dbfilemade := true  else if Sdbfilemade = 'false' then dbfilemade := false;  close(initfile);end;procedure write_settings;initfile : text;Spasswordset, Sdbfilemade : string;begin  assign(initfile, 'C:UsersOwnerAppDataRoamingDatabasefilesinit.cfg');  rewrite(initfile);  if passwordset = true then Spasswordset := 'true'  else if passwordset = false then Spasswordset := 'false';  if dbfilemade = true then Sdbfilemade := 'true'  else if dbfilemade = false then Sdbfilemade := 'false';  writeln(initfile, Spasswordset);  writeln(initfule, Sdbfilemade);  close(initfile);end;function ctalpha(instring : string);beginend;procedure welcome;begin  dontclear := true;  writeln('Hello, welcome to the SADS booking database management program, please log in.');end;procedure log_in;var  rawpassword : string;begin  if dontclear = false then clrscr;  dontclear := false;  write('Please enter your username: ');  readln(name);  if passwordset = false then  begin	writeln('You have not previously set a password.');	writeln('Please set a password now, it will be used to secure the data stored.');	write('Password: ')	readln(rawpassword);	password := ctalpha(rawpassword);	passwordset := true;	loggedin := true;  end  else if passwordset = true then  begin	write('Enter your password: ');	readln(rawpassword);	password := ctalpha(rawpassword);	passwordset := true;	loggedin := true;  end;end;begin  welcome;  read_settings;  log_in;end.

Yes it sucks atm.


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