Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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From Whence They Came...

6 posts in this topic

alrighty, so continuing with the theme of monsters, here's some more!

one thing that has always bugged me in minceraft was the spawning system, monsters just kind of -pop- into existance wherever its dark, that kinda seemed a bit silly.

also another thing, when it becomes day, they kinda just sit and durp around until the sun burns them or they despawn.

so seince mobs arent completely moving underground, maybe we could have mobs spawn only in certain locations, so spiders would spawn in nests in forests and caves, zombies and skelles, instead of poofing into existance, would crawl out of the ground or from caves, creepers, they seem like the would be more affiliated with earth, so they would only spawn in caves, like the zombies and skelles, would only venture outside at night to find the player. enderman spawns could stay, as telleporting into this world makes sense for them

so, about the daylight thing, i think that mobs should seek out caves to go into when dawn comes, more than the vanilla, "hide under a tree", like actually swarming into the caves at first light

That's all i can think of for now, please post any comments, questions, or antiquated radio equipment you may have


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"hands over a box of old transistors, a tube of colophonium along with a soldering iron and some copper wire"

Here you go!

But yes i agree in all points :P


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Apart from nests for spiders, which is obviously good and logical, as it creates places of interest located in specific area, most of the other things are mostly animation thing. You can even refer to vanilla popping in zombies as to ones that crawl out of their graves, but there's no animation proving that is the case.


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i like the idea of mobs spawning on certain spots rather than depending on darkness and i hope that the crypt bound zombies and skeletons aren't gonna be the only creatures to spawn the same way.

I mean, ever since i began playing minecraft, back in 2010 i think, i've never really had any fear of going underground or into a big forest, because what is in there, is also everywhere else, given the right conditions!

you wouldn't say to your friend "hey! don't go into that cave! there's monsters in there!" when you already have a roof full of em anyway!

It's like watching a horror movie where the monster is visible all the time from the start.


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I like this idea a lot, especially spider nests. It would be really difficult to implement the behavior, but I think it would be really cool and make torch forests much more ridiculous and unnecessary. I dunno about you guys, but I explore way too much for that spawn protection meter to really do that much for me, and I really hate having torches on my roof >.>


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Do we have any idea wether this would cause any sort of performance issues if implemented?

I mean, calculating paths for every single hostile creature over multiple chunks sound like a rather cpu-heavy task.


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