Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Chunks load very slowly

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Hi folks,

Started playing this mod and I'm absolutely loving it! I'm running into a bit of tech issue though: the chunks in the world sometimes load very slowly. I don't think it's framerate or memory. I'm almost always at 55+ fps and I've allocated 4G in the launcher which fixed some issues. However, there are often times when the game is running great, but I'll come right up to a section of chunks that hasn't loaded. I can sit there and watch this void in space for minutes and see that it's loading various chunks in the distance one by one about every several seconds. Meanwhile my fps is at 60 and I'm using 20% of the 4G of ram allocated.

Has anyone run into this or something similar?

I'm using the launcher provided with TFC. Running worlds in vanilla minecraft doesn't give me that problem. Chunks load before they come into view and I am sad I'm missing out on the great vistas this mod can generate. I realize TFC is a more intense mod, but I'd expect the fps to drop if my machine was having trouble keeping up.



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This isn't really a solution, but, depending on how corrupted the chunk is, sometimes it will generate if you walk towards it (I mean get right next to it close). Otherwise try exiting and then entering the world again this can sometimes solve things. If all else fails, recreate the world. Hope this helps.


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This isn't really a solution, but, depending on how corrupted the chunk is, sometimes it will generate if you walk towards it (I mean get right next to it close). Otherwise try exiting and then entering the world again this can sometimes solve things. If all else fails, recreate the world. Hope this helps.

They seem to always load when I step into the chunk, but that's hardly ideal. I have gotten lost before and had a hard time figuring out I was near my starting base cause the chunks wouldn't load. Turns out it was 10ft in front of me and I couldn't see it.

I've rebuilt worlds and it has persisted. As far as exiting/entering the world, one thing that *always* fixes it is going into the options and re-toggling the draw distance. Mine is set to far by default and by the time I click on it to get it back to far again, most of the chunks, and especially near ones, have redrawn. So I know it *can* do it quickly, it just doesn't for some reason.

Is there a way to bind a hotkey to toggle draw distance maybe?


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So the new Optifine has options for controlling chunk loading and setting it to smooth or multi-core has significantly improved or eliminated this problem. Thanks all!


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