Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[Solved] Server does not stop saving!

5 posts in this topic

Hey guys,

me and my friend were playing on my server (server in this case is "open to lan" while playing singleplayer) and suddenly my fps drops to 5 fps and it was unplayable. After checking the logs I saw, that the server just saves the world and then.. saves it again.. and again.... Other worlds work fine, it's just this one. Restarting everything did not help.

I did nothing (walking around in our house) and my friend was detailing a stone with a chisel when it started.

We are not using any mods (that are not neccessary for TFC - using the newest launcher).

Does anybody know about this bug and how to fix this? We just started with TFC again and it's still awsome, but if we have to start over again.... :/


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First step would be to backup your safe folder.

Start Minecraft, select your World and click 'Re-Create'.

Give it a specific name and load the world.

Quit Minecraft.

Only overwrite your player.dat files and your region folder.

Start Minecraft again. and load the recreated world. If the bug is persistent, you might restart this procedure without copying the player.dat or without the region.

Maybe the bug is in one of those files.

Worst step would be to reinstall TFC. (And continue with the above steps ( as you made your backups of the safes ,-))


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Okay there seems to be some kind of leak and that's causing the server to save (why?). It says that a world is leaking and that probably a mod is caching the world wrong.

However I tried your method. Copying both folders doesn't help. If I spawn far away so that our house-chunk is not loaded, it works, but as soon as I'm coming close to the house it starts again. Not copying the region folder works, but well.. I could also start a new world then.

Reinstalling TFC didn't help (wasn't really expecting something but I tried anyway).

It seems that the bug occured when my friend was chiseling the blocks around a forge - which sounds to me like a potential bug source. Unfortunately I wasn't able to reproduce it so I'm not 100% certain that this was the cause.

I uploaded the map. Maybe someone can test it so at least I know if it's a problem of the map or a problem of me/my minecraft/my java/my idk..... Our house is at around x: -32 z: -4760 not far away from spawn.


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Still couldn't get it working. This sucks :/

This is definitely a TFC bug but I wasn't able to reproduce it so far..


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Found it. It wasn't caused by chiseling. It was the forge. If it runs out of coal and the temerature drops to 0 it will start memory leaking. If I put a coal in and start it again it will stop. We make sure the forge is always running now ;) (From time to time the forge goes out and stops lagging after 2 mins though if nowbody refuels it)


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