Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Can't Change Key Binds to "L"

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First, I want to say that I've only recently tried playing TerraFirmaCraft (or rather, recently decided to take the plunge having heard about it via Reddit some months back), and I really like the improvements made over vanilla survival. It delights and tickles that special spot for the masochist that on rare occasion courses through my veins.

The problem: Changing the keybind for the movement keys to include "L" does not function as intended. It conflicts with Key_LockTool, and attempting to resolve this conflict results in a non-functioning movement key. I have no idea what "Lock Tool" does, but I assume that it remains functional in spite of my efforts to clear it. I'm left-handed, so I use JKIL for my movement group. I should specify, though, that I'm not complaining about the conflict: Setting "Lock Tool" to any other key appears to only graphically resolve the conflict, but the key remains unusable.

I can only surmise that Key_LockTool must be hard-coded in some manner or its configuration leaves no side effect of its change except for the usual bindings recorded in options.txt (which, incidentally, shows it as being changed to the key of my choice, but there's no evidence to suggest to me that those changes are ever loaded). That said, if I directly manipulate the value for Key_LockTool where it is set in ClientProxy.registerKeys and Handler/KeyBindingHandler's constructor, setting it to another key code, and binding my movement key (strafe right) to "L," everything works as expected. Though, the possibility remains that perhaps I'm not rebinding the "Lock Tool" feature correctly (is there something magical I'm missing, perhaps?) and it's entirely the fault of my particular setup. Obviously, modifying the bytecode is not ideal, but it allows me to play TFC normally. I'm happy about that as I can now starve myself after failing miserably a few times 'til I get the hang of things. :)

Anyway, here's some additional information: I've tried installing TerraFirmaCraft directly via a fresh download of the launcher from this site, into a clean directory, and the issue is immediately apparent. This is using build 76, hotfix 14. For what it's worth, this is on Arch Linux x64 running the following JDK:

$ java -versionjava version "1.7.0_17"OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea7 2.3.8) (ArchLinux build 7.u17_2.3.8-1-x86_64)OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.7-b01, mixed mode)

I apologize if this has been addressed elsewhere. I did my best to search the site in addition to some searches via Google and couldn't find anything that seemed applicable to my issue. Hopefully I didn't miss something obvious!


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Lock Tool is used with the chisel in detailing mode to "Lock" it to the block that it is currently working on, so that you don't have to worry about accidentally chiseling the block next to it. Not sure if this is helpful about its binding or not.


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