Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Universal Electricity (aka) Volts and TFC crossover

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I am a modpacker that absolutely loves the universal electricity mods( however since I found TFC it was absolutely amazing

minecraft as it should have been so I decided to make a modpack on these two however I realised that other ores weren't spawning. I then though of changing

the ore dictionary so that copper from TFC would work on the other mods i asked someone and they said it would ruin the game because universal electricity

uses crafting recieps as TFC cool stuff like anvils scribbing tables and stuff like that. What i'm asking is if someone can make a universal electricity addon to TFC

witch would be the science age?

Please note: I am not a modder but am learning how to it'll take quite a while until im at the level of TFC to be able to make addons for it.


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What are you meaning when you say "Modpack" here?

This is just a compilation of seperate mods?

Unless you are editing them somehow for compatability I really don't understand why you should bother to make that distinction.


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Yes you are correct I do vaguely alter the settings config and format of the mods to suit compatability issues with other mods if that mod has any that is. Terrafirmacraft is not a compilation

of separate mods as you suggested(Modpack), that's what makes it fit for modpacks. This mod has zero compatability issues if not very small getting this mod working with others isn't a difficult

task, the difficulty task is the funky coding that has gone into terrafirmacraft. Most mods such as IC2 or RP2 add new ores however these don't spawn in terrafirmacraft thus making the whole

mod useless. The other way would be changing the ore dictionary to make terrafirmacraft ores work in other mod crafting recepies thus solving my problem. However terrafirmacraft has a

particularly interesting survival that uses minimum crafting recepies and more practical work such getting log piles fill them to the brim keep the middle empty and put a campfire in the middle

to light it all on fire then cover it up and wait until you get charcoal. I have heard that someone is replicating buildcraft and turning it into a terrafirmacraft style mod. What i'm asking is to try

and make a replica of the universal electricity mods(taking the API and altering it) and make it terrafirmacraft style using the same mechanic and technic and maybe addding some more cool stuff. This is in general not an easy job as your changing around 12 massive mods and turning them into an even bigger mod. However i am learning java and i'm pretty confident that I will

get the hang of it in one month and then perfect it. If someone could start making a few mods by the time i'll finish learning and perfecting it i'll make the other's and give full credit to the person who helped me out.


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