Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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6 posts in this topic

Hi folks - I'm here to take advantage of your kindness again :)

- Planting cycles: what are the seasonal dependencies of planting and harvesting? Do crops need to be planted only in the spring and summer? What happens to crops during winter?

- Ingot storage: the wiki says ingots can be stored in stacks like wood. How does one make such a stack? Shift-right click doesn't do anything. And ingots can't be put into chests. Where are they supposed to be stored?

- Bloomery: my bloomery seems erratic. It often stops accepting charcoal or ore for no obvious reason. Sometimes it will take four pieces, sometimes ten. Is there a special system? E.g., all charcoal first, all ore first, a certain number of each...?


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- Planting cycles: what are the seasonal dependencies of planting and harvesting? Do crops need to be planted only in the spring and summer? What happens to crops during winter?

I don't think that there are any seasonal dependencies per se, but temperature does affect crop growth. If you're near the equator where it stays warm during winter then your crops will grow all year round. If you're further north, the crops will pop out of the ground once it gets cold enough.

- Ingot storage: the wiki says ingots can be stored in stacks like wood. How does one make such a stack? Shift-right click doesn't do anything. And ingots can't be put into chests. Where are they supposed to be stored?

Ingots can be stored in stacks in the same way as wood. However, since the stack only keeps track internally of the type and number of each ingot, the ingot cannot be unique in any way. That means that you cannot stack an ingot while it is hot or if it has been worked.

- Bloomery: my bloomery seems erratic. It often stops accepting charcoal or ore for no obvious reason. Sometimes it will take four pieces, sometimes ten. Is there a special system? E.g., all charcoal first, all ore first, a certain number of each...?

There is a limit to the total amount of ore + charcoal that a bloomery can hold. The limit depends upon how tall the bloomery is. So if you put in too much ore there won't be enough room for the charcoal. In addition, there is a limit on the maximum amount of ore that a bloomery can hold, regardless of size, and the maximum amount of charcoal. You can find all the relevant details on the wiki page for the bloomery.


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Thanks Mayaknife, that's very helpful. A followup:

There is a limit to the total amount of ore + charcoal that a bloomery can hold. The limit depends upon how tall the bloomery is. So if you put in too much ore there won't be enough room for the charcoal. In addition, there is a limit on the maximum amount of ore that a bloomery can hold, regardless of size, and the maximum amount of charcoal. You can find all the relevant details on the wiki page for the bloomery.

The wiki gives the bloomery weight limits in kg. How can I tell how many kg an object is? In-game objects are just "medium" or "very" heavy. The wiki doesn't seem to list any weights in kg either.


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i never really care about planting date as i do not live in a too cold place

there is a max space in bloomeries, let's say it's 10 pieces, if you trow 10 pieces of ore, then no place for charcoal. also, the bloomery will accept more if higher, but there is a max height too. Mine is quihe high and i can put 16 ore and coal at the same time and still have some place for more coal for ore that require more heat

the kg thing is for the old bloomery, it have been changed


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Thanks Mayaknife, that's very helpful. A followup: The wiki gives the bloomery weight limits in kg. How can I tell how many kg an object is? In-game objects are just "medium" or "very" heavy. The wiki doesn't seem to list any weights in kg either.

It seems to be around 3kg per unit of ore or charcoal. I have a bloomery 5 layers high (i.e. initial 3 layers + 2 extensions). The wiki says that the base capacity is 40.5kg and each extension adds about 35kg. So a 5 layer bloomery should hold around 110.5kg. I can put 16 ore and 18 charcoal in mine. Assuming that a unit of charcoal weighs the same as unit of ore, that comes out to 3.25kg per unit.


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Don't overthink the bloomery. Make it's internal cavity 3 blocks high, then throw in 1 charcoal to start it, 8 cassiterite or sphalerite ore (not small ore), and 8 more charcoal. You're good to go. Play around with it some to figure out how to adjust it if you need to. With some metals that have a high melting point you'll need more charcoal.

You can do the math if you think that's fun, but it isn't necessary. If the gui for the bloomery says it has more ore than charcoal, feed it more charcoal, etc. You'll eventually get the feel of it, and it's pretty hard to ruin things if you're off by a little.


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