Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Guest zephrin

Server Crash

12 posts in this topic

I am a newly converted TFC user who's having a bit of an issue with my server.

After restarting and waiting a few minutes I get DC'd and find the server has totally crashed. I'm no code expert, but I feel something to do with saplings is the culprit.


Note: This does NOT appear to be the sequoia bug. I'm aware of that one. I'm the only one on the server, and I'm idle doing nothing when this happens.


Using Beastnode hosting.




12.07 09:17:28 [server] SEVERE [Minecraft-Server] This crash report has been saved to: /./crash-reports/crash-2013-07-12_09.17.28-server.txt
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO ... 4 more
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at TFC.Blocks.Vanilla.BlockCustomSapling.func_71847_b(
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at TFC.Blocks.Vanilla.BlockCustomSapling.growTree(
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/world/CallableLvl1
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO net.minecraft.util.ReportedException: Exception ticking world
12.07 09:17:28 [server] SEVERE [Minecraft-Server] Encountered an unexpected exception ReportedException
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO ... 4 more
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at TFC.Blocks.Vanilla.BlockCustomSapling.func_71847_b(
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at TFC.Blocks.Vanilla.BlockCustomSapling.growTree(
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/world/CallableLvl1
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
12.07 09:17:28 [server] INFO net.minecraft.util.ReportedException: Exception ticking world
12.07 09:15:28 [Minecraft-Server] energist ran command Message of the Day

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It does seem as though this is happening when a sappling grows into a tree. What forge version are you using?


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It does seem as though this is happening when a sappling grows into a tree. What forge version are you using?

universal 1.5.1-



This crash happened twice. After that, everything was normal for a while. Then I had a third crash just a few minutes ago, but this time it was due to lightning. It also gave me a forge corruption error, but everything restarted just fine.. The common trait of both is the " Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/world/CallableLvl1" and the unexpected exception "ticking world" error :  INFO net.minecraft.util.ReportedException: Exception ticking world


That is the correct forge version no? Would order of installation into the jar file make a difference? 


edit: I checked all install files. All versions are correct according to the wiki's installation instruction with the exception of smart move or whatever. I didn't install that.


It seems that it may be some weird interaction with tick based events. I can't pinpoint it though.


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Share on other sites is the correct version. You only have TFC installed (and its dependencies) right?





I have Forge universal 1.5.1-, MC 1.5.1 Player API Universal 1.5 both installed into the jar. TFCraft-Universal-Core-B2-Build76Hotfilx 18 located in the mod folder.


I installed Forge and Player API at the same time before initial server start up. I know modloader is picky about install order so I'm throwing that out there if it helps.


There are no other mods installed. I did a clean server wipe upon install.


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thats unfortunate, because it seems like you did everything right. Assuming this is a fresh build, the only thing I can really think of is maybe a java version problem (should use 64 bit). I wouldnt think it would be a TFC config thing, because that usually results in weird graphic issues, not crashes. I would also be interested in which program you used to move the jar contents into the minecraft.jar archive. I know that since 1.5, minecraft jar now contains reserved file names for windows environment, which might introduce problems. I assume you have tried this already, but a fresh build of the server might do the trick. I wrote a utility to install mods in minecraft which is similar to multiMC and programs like it, which takes this into account when extracting files onto the disk, which supports building servers. I dont know if multiMC supports building servers, but if you made this server manually, you may want to consider using multiMC if possible. Otherwise I could provide you with a copy of the utility I wrote to make sure the server is built correctly.


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thats unfortunate, because it seems like you did everything right. Assuming this is a fresh build, the only thing I can really think of is maybe a java version problem (should use 64 bit). I wouldnt think it would be a TFC config thing, because that usually results in weird graphic issues, not crashes. I would also be interested in which program you used to move the jar contents into the minecraft.jar archive. I know that since 1.5, minecraft jar now contains reserved file names for windows environment, which might introduce problems. I assume you have tried this already, but a fresh build of the server might do the trick. I wrote a utility to install mods in minecraft which is similar to multiMC and programs like it, which takes this into account when extracting files onto the disk, which supports building servers. I dont know if multiMC supports building servers, but if you made this server manually, you may want to consider using multiMC if possible. Otherwise I could provide you with a copy of the utility I wrote to make sure the server is built correctly.



I used 7zip to handle the jars. So far, I haven't messed with the config file. I suppose it could be java, but since the server is not my own platform ( It's  operated by Beastnode), I can only load and offload files through FTP. Thus, I cannot say for sure what Java platform they're on. I can say that they specialize in Minecraft hosting though so I assume it's well optimized


. I haven't yet reinstalled the files on the server because the issue is not constant. I'm on right now just fine. This is the second day I've had the mod installed. The only crash till today was the sequoia one. Now, the random lightning and sapling crashes are what I'm dealing with.


Perhaps the sequoia crashing from yesterday could have some lasting impacts? Seems doubtful.


In any case, if it crashes again, I'll update the thread and try a fresh install of server files. I'd rather not restart the world though.


Your program sounds useful. I'm not opposed to trying it, but I'm not sure I can utilize it since my server is remotely accessed through multicraft. Do you know if it can be done and how?


I really appreciate your help by the way!


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I have Forge universal 1.5.1-, MC 1.5.1 Player API Universal 1.5 both installed into the jar. TFCraft-Universal-Core-B2-Build76Hotfilx 18 located in the mod folder.


I installed Forge and Player API at the same time before initial server start up. I know modloader is picky about install order so I'm throwing that out there if it helps.


There are no other mods installed. I did a clean server wipe upon install.


Install order is important. You need to install Forge first, and then PlayerAPI, as PlayerAPI and Forge share some class files.


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Install order is important. You need to install Forge first, and then PlayerAPI, as PlayerAPI and Forge share some class files.



Ok this has me thinking. I did put forge in first, then Player API, but both were put in before any files were ever "activated" at start up. Should I install Forge, start up the server, shutdown then install player API, repeat and finally install the mod?



The wiki says nothing about this, but my experience with modloader leads me to this idea.


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It isn't absolutely necessary, but it does often help prevent random crashes like the ones you are experiencing. I suggest running the vanilla server, then shutting down and adding forge, run and shut down and then finally add everything else.


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It isn't absolutely necessary, but it does often help prevent random crashes like the ones you are experiencing. I suggest running the vanilla server, then shutting down and adding forge, run and shut down and then finally add everything else.



Alright, I'll do that next time it crashes. It's been fine the past few hours despite me not doing anything to fix it.


Thanks for your help.


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I hope you can work out whatever the problem is. I have no experience with the software youre using, or the servers your hosting them on. I doubt that my utility would work for you on that server. Its a regular old executable, and needs to be run on a machine with a valid minecraft install (IE a valid .minecraft folder in %appdata%), and the .net framework 4.5. I suppose you could use it to build a jar file on your home computer, and then move the jar over to your server like you would any other minecraft server jar. It also has the problem of not being compatable with 1.6+. It appears as though the minecraft guys have stopped using the site for updates and whatnot. My app gets the links to the minecraft dependencies it needs to download from this site, and the 1.6+ stuff was moved out to something like I will probably fix this, I just haven't really looked into it much.If for whatever reason you cant fix your problems and you decide that you want to rebuild your server, Ill send you a link to the tool if you message me. Otherwise good luck man! 


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