Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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76.19: Server Crash - TFC chest in the nether

12 posts in this topic

Server crashed with a tasty

"java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to TFC.WorldGen.TFCBiome"


Error + crash log:


Edit: It was caused by a TFC chest placed in the nether... =/


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Minecraft Forge

TFC uses Forge


Other than that.. if you were trying to go to the nether that might have caused the crash that gave the error code about the Hell Biome.


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Its definatly related to a certain player. Just not sure if its area or player(file), but it happens again when he tries to log in:

Edit: Pretty sure that a newer forge is not the issue. But nonetheless Ive changed it and this crash was with Forge


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It looks to me like that player is in the nether. As far as I know, the nether isn't supported by TFC and will cause crashes. You need to check to see if that is where they are, and if so, move their location back to the overworld.


Edit: I might also suggest increasing your min memory allocation from 500 to 1024.


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No, you can still go to the nether if you know what you are doing. Any metal pick can mine obisidan, and you can light it using log piles. It used to cause a crash as soon as it tried to load the nether, but now it does load and simply may cause crashes later on.


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I was the one who caused the error and yes I was in the nether. What exactly causes a ticking tile entity problem though? For the most part the nether was functioning correctly


here's the post i made about it


So after looking at the error more closely it's possible that placing a tfc chest in the nether causes the problem. Since i didn't have any problems until this point which is the first time I attempted placing the chest


Also since you're aware that we can go the nether with log piles I should also report that you can still use flint in steel. If you use flint and steel on a log it ignites the block next to it


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Also since you're aware that we can go the nether with log piles I should also report that you can still use flint in steel. If you use flint and steel on a log it ignites the block next to it


Right, that's exactly it. You can't light the portal directly, but you can by lighting a block next to it.


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I was the one who caused the error and yes I was in the nether. What exactly causes a ticking tile entity problem though? For the most part the nether was functioning correctly


There is absolutely no TFC code regarding the nether, so basically any time you try to place something non-vanilla, especially an entity like a chest. The game says "Oh Noes! What is this strange thing and how do I react to it?!".. and it crashes.


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ok so i just tested it in single player. Placing a chest in the nether immediately crashed the game


it's funny though because we tested going to the end on my other server and you'd get an internal server error if you tried and when you logged back in you'd be falling through the world. So we had to tp back to our town and relog to fix it lol


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*hugs Kittychanley*Thanks for help and bringing light into this issue!


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There is absolutely no TFC code regarding the nether, so basically any time you try to place something non-vanilla, especially an entity like a chest. The game says "Oh Noes! What is this strange thing and how do I react to it?!".. and it crashes.



it's interesting that you say there's no tfc regarding the nether because I spent quite a bit of time there (because it's soo good for xp) and there's a couple things i noticed.


-Wither skeletons don't spawn

-Blazes that spawn out of spawners have 1k hp, those that spawn in a fortress naturally have 20

-Skeletons that spawn have 20 hp

-When first entered nether the zombie pigman that spawn are weird. They look like zombies holding gold swords and function as such except that they drop pigman items


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