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Rambling about the mobs. (Tweak please)

6 posts in this topic

First of all, I am most delighted by the new update and all the candies it brought us. The new systems are awesome and we should all be grateful to have such a great community and devs working FREE for our personal enjoyments. But there is one thing that should -must- be done to make sure new people don't get discouraged after one night of TFC play. Nerfing mobs. Tweaking them. It is imperative. I'll get to that in a few lines.


When I first learned about TFC I was super excited. Back then, the first problem I encountered (and most people encountered) was the massive trouble it was to simply install the mod. Some people complained and devs made it easier (waaaay easier) to install and enjoy. It was a success and made the mod more appealing. Now we are facing another turn-off which makes new players filled with anticipation and curiosity just turn their back on this marvelous mod. Learning is fun. We all agree to that. Learning to play around with a new mod (especially this one) is one hell of a fun experience.


Learning that your first night is a horrible nightmare filled with hordes of invincible blood-raging monsters, baby zombies running faster than death itself, black javelin-wielding skeletons armored to the teeth whose sole purpose is to destroy all that you have accomplished. Wait ... that's not fun right? That was my fist experience playing the new build. After many attempts I just realized all resistance was futile. Let me explain. There are many factors here. I know readers like numbers and factors (It appeals to the eye and makes the reader more interested *wink* ;) )


1: They have an insane amount of life. One zombie takes 36 javelin throw (10 meters range throw) or exactly 27 critical hits with a stone axe. And remember, a javelin can break after only 3 successful hits! And you need two axes because the first axe breaks before you hit it 27 times!


2: They can spawn with armor, making the numbers at #1 skyrocket beyond anything imaginable. (ok it is imaginable but still very impressive/broken)


3: There are 9.79014e+44 of them running at you. For those wondering, that is a lot.


4: These are probably bugs but I guess the next update/fix will be in a long time so Ill put them here anyways: Baby zombies don't burn at day and spiders dodge 50% of incoming attacks.


There were obviously efforts put into the making of mobs (new skeleton, they wear TFC armor etc...) it would be great if that work was put to use. Because right now the only sane thing to do is smashing the difficulty button to an acceptable "peaceful" level.


I consider myself a good survival player and I have tried many times now to survive the first night, only to find my mind SMASHED to pieces and my will THORN to shreds.


And since this is the suggestion forum, Id throw this out there: Many options here: make stone javelin stronger, make it last longer, lower mobs life, make them spawn in smaller quantities, make armor spawn weaker or rarer, make sure they burn in daylight, ... etc ... etc ... any of these would just make the game more appealing/more fun/better in general.



Hey, don't get me wrong TFC is still fun to play and the best minecraft mod out there  :wub: Thank you for reading!  :D  Don't forget to leave what you think down below!


Edit: added a small video showing a stone axe in action versus a zombie: and about spider dodge:


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honestly, you shouldnt need to be fighting mobs on the first night,


just set up your camp under an overhang or cliff, or some other sort of hollow that will keep you out of sight, and you should be fine with the occasional stray mob.



but think about it, honestly, if you don't have any good weaponry or armour, you really should try and be sneaky and hide from the mobs untill you can find a good way of combating them.


there is once more a reason to fear the night...


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Some of us really don't feel like hiding for 10 minutes... it's just not fun nor appealing :(


I really don't see the problem in adding a bit firepower to the Javelin. It is simply a very bad item. Either add durability or damage to it because now the proportion between knapping time and what the javelin gives you is just a waste. The Axe is better in every way.


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Checking out the latest release notes (77.4), looks like there were changes to zombie health, javelin strength, spider hit-boxes, and mob spawning, so this may be mitigating, but I would also agree that the javelin is quite weak as a stone tool.  In another thread, Zerren did a quick breakdown of some numbers, and the thing that has me a bit concerned is that the end-game weapons like the red steel sword are not that much more powerful.


I'm sure this is all going to get balanced out, however, as this is the first big release with reworked combat mechanics.


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just set up your camp under an overhang or cliff, or some other sort of hollow that will keep you out of sight, and you should be fine with the occasional stray mob.


Not so easy. Zombies can find you anyway, and will come in numbers that prove fighting them impossible. If you will be under an overhang, they will not burn in the morning, which is even worse.


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I wanted to apologize for saying and I quote "I guess the next update/fix will be in a long time"


I didn't even realize as I was writing the next patch was already launched and I was using the old b77. Shame on me  ;)  And they tweaked zombies and javelins, which makes me

"very happy in mah pants" - Psystarcraft 


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