Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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77.12 Strangeness with crucible, pig iron

4 posts in this topic

This might be nothing. Maybe I'm just a little confused about the math involved. Right.


So, I get my first blast furnace going somehow since the last time I probably jumped the gun with an issue yesterday. Over the course of screwing around with it, I tossed at least two stacks of limonite and about 3 and a half stacks of magnetite in (along with as much flux and charcoal as the thing would take). Tuyere is wrought iron, if that matters. I can't be sure about exactly how much magnetite I threw in (no more than what I said, however), but it was definitely 32 limonite (all at once, which was foolish since it seemed to destroy the excess ore)


If my math is right...[(2x16)+(3.5x16)]/4 is 22 ingots.


After all was said and done, I somehow had enough product to make an anvil, 28 ingots, two pickaxes, a propick, a hammer, a sword, and like a quarter of an unshaped pig iron. So, basically ~48 steel.


Is there some kind of give and take about how much steel the blast furnace produces, or does the 4 ore to one ingot thing not apply with steel? Do some ores (IE, magnetite as opposed to limonite) produce more pig iron? Or did I stumble on a dupe glitch?


In the process of...processing all the pig iron I was making, I noticed shift right clicking a solidified unshaped pig iron in the crafting square to get the ingot, removed the heat value from that ingot.


I don't know if that's intended, but when I chucked those room temperature pig iron ingots back in the crucible to remelt them, it seemed like it refilled more than it should.

I don't know if that's where the weirdness is coming from, or if the crucible fill bar just isn't displaying correctly for me (disclaimer, I use optifine, although I don't think that would really effect that sort of thing?)


I tried to reproduce the thing with the cold pig iron ingots by emptying my crucible and throwing pig iron back in (using a forge underneath the blast furnace's crucible for the heat), but it seemed to be working fine (IE, throw an ingot in, it melts, get one ingot back).


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The shift clicking of ingots out of the mold have been noticed and reported.


As for the blast furnace, I did not played enough to tell you if the output is good or not, but all ore should held the same amount of metal. I'll try to test it.


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Correction above: shift clicking not shift right clicking. D'oh.


Wondering aloud, perhaps the problem stemmed from throwing shift-clicked pig iron back into the partially filled crucible for melting?


I feel really dirty for having all this steel :|


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There is a bad dupe glitch with the crucible. It has been reported multiple times and even reported as fixed but it has yet to be fixed.


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