Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Biomes/Islands/Biome Generation

2 posts in this topic



I will Post Seed, Locations Based on my topic at the bottom.


I was fooling around in creative. To get an idea of the new biome generation system. With the new included biome in Build78, High Plains. Now I spent a lot of time trying to find an area of High Plains. I never did come aross one. Which isn't surprising, as it could take some time to find certain biomes. None the less, what I did come across. Was a chain of islands.


Biome Generation: Islands


Now, no seed is alike and your likely to always find something else with every seed. But off the main land of my seed. About 2,000-3,000 Blocks out. I came across a chain of islands. Now we've all probably seen islands. But these aren't your normally sized islands. These were about 200-300 blocks in size. With the works, Mountains, Forests, Clay. Now there wasn't any rivers. Which I know isn't possible with Minecraft islands. In its current state of biome generation. From what I read in past posts made by the developers. If I'm correct.


Biome Generation: High Hills/Mountains


Also, High Hills seem a lot higher then before. With ores/minerals being able to spawn on any level/layer now. As long as its a certain rock type to spawn within. Making it very visible to find ore/minerals in these type of biomes. Making it quite easy to come acorss ores that are normally much rarer. A lot easier to obtain. The rate of spawn of ores/minerals can always be changed or adjusted. With Build78 new optimized options. But by default its quite easy to come across ores/minerals. As I did, finding at least 3-4 lapis Lazuli viens within a few minutes. Which are normally rare to come across. And many other types of ores/minerals.


Biome Generation In General


Hot Springs/Lava Springs spawn in funky. In some of the most odd positions in certain cases. I welcome any new biome generation and love the extra detail to the world. But like with any update, some patching is always needed. Which is expected with time. This also applies to cave generation near water. This has already been a problem with caverns in previous builds. Caves would spawn through water leaving an open area through the water where the cave would of spawned.


Long Story Short


Those were a few things I wanted to point out. As most of us who play TFC have already noticed. The main point of this topic is tho. The chain of islands I came across. There was at least 3 I found 400-500 blocks apart from each other and 200-300 blocks in lenght. With many smaller islands about as you'd expect. There were most likly even more in the distance from I saw. I'm not use to seeing this type of biome generation in TFC. So it came unexpected and made me ponder. I've always wanted to see this type of biome generation but never came across it. With build78, it makes me wonder. Is this something new with build78? That biome generation out in the sea has been tweaked to allow larger islands to spawn in ocean biomes. I'd welcome any comments on this subject.


Seed/Location/Extra Information


Seed:  -7290334879069344826

  x   y   z

Location: 1800+, 200, -11250  This is the location of 1 of the 3 Islands. Theres one more thats alittle to the west-southwest of this location 500 or so blocks out. Another 600-700 blocks out to the east-northeast.


Extra Information: I wasn't able to upload a picture. Using JourneyMap to Map out the world. Becuase the pictures size was to large. If theres another way. Any information on this would be welcomed.


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The larger islands back to back was not something new with B78, you just happened to get lucky with that seed. Minecraft uses procedural world generation, so you never know what you're going to get.


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