Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Make TFC more resource pack friendly

1 post in this topic

So, I was looking around the other day and came across a thread entitled "What Texture Artists Wished Modders Knew"  I'll repost the OP here.



I thew together the following, but i expect other artists have other things to add, or clarifications, or disagreements with certain points. I thought it was worth starting a new topic for. Maybe we can post the results in the modding forums.

  • [*]Never hard-code colors for anything. Have the mod pull the color from a .PNG so a texture artist can easily change it.
    [*]Avoid using the same texture for multiple things, even if that means you have the same image saved under different names. Vanilla for instance, uses the same cobble texture for cobble walls, switches, and cobble stone. That may work fine with the original low-res texture, but it throws a wrench in many plans for themed packs, HD packs and/or packs with a higher attention to detail.
    [*]When it is less than super-obvious it would be nice to have a section on your mod's page that explains what all the .PNGs are for. Sometimes, even with mods i've used a lot there are textures i've never seen in game, and i can't really tell what they are supposed to be.
    [*]The way you wrap a texture around an entity is very important. It should be logical and flexible, and generally avoid using the same segment in multiple places
    [*]Feel free to ask questions, & make requests in texture pack discussion. Credible modders rarely appear who can coherently explain what they want.


Of particular importance to me is the colors (I'm looking at the new grass and the fall tree colors), and the use of the same texture for multiple things (all those stone walls!)


One feature not on the list that I'd love to see is changing the fruit tree overlays to just complete images that get swapped out.  For example, maybe I want to have some flowering trees display leaf buds instead of full leaves.  Plus that would make fruit trees work with Better Grass and Leaves, which adds a ton to the aesthetics of minecraft.


The thread also has some other good ideas (and some completely irrelevant crap).

Hopefully some of this can be implemented.  :)

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