Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Questions from a n00b (Nutrition, spoilage, winter)

6 posts in this topic



I'm new to terrafirmacraft. After three games where I starved within the first two days, and a forth where I braved foraging at night to avoid starving and was slain by a horde of zombies, on my fifth try, I've finally made it to early autumn so far. Having played a little bit, I have a few questions.


1. The wiki says that chickens will drop eggs "fairly regularly", but I've never seen them do this. I think I've seen somewhere on these forums that hens dropping eggs has been disabled, and there is now no legit way to get eggs in-game. Is this the case? If so, can the wiki be updated to reflect this?


2. What effect does nutrition or the lack thereof have? Two of my bars are full, three are empty, but I haven't noticed any ill effects.


3. Speaking of nutrition, why is "dairy" a food category? Yes, I remember that as a child in the U.S. in the 1970's, it was one of the official USRDA "four food groups", but that was because of lobbying from the dairy industry. Since there is no in-game equivalent to the U.S. dairy industry lobby, why is "cheese" a separate category from the other proteins? Is there a nutritional/gameplay reason for it that I'm missing?


4. Does storing food too close to a pit kiln or cooking fire cause it to spoil faster from the heat, or is only the climate-based heat taken into account? Contrarily, does storing it underground or in a cave protected it from climate-based heat at all?


5. I couldn't find anything on the Wiki about winter. Is there information somewhere that I missed? I've been scrambling to save up food, but it would be nice to have a better idea what the effects of the winter season are.


6. Is there anything that can kill animals other than you killing them or falling off cliffs/into lava? (Oh, and other than wolves killing sheep?)




PS -- oh, forgot two:


7. The wiki lists "vegitables and grains" all in the same spoilage category. But are there differences within this category -- for instance would roots (carrots, potatos, onions, etc) spoil more slowly than, say, tomatos?


8. Speaking of nutrition, is there any way to get fruit in the winter, since there seems to be no way of preserving it? Or are you doomed to be nutritionally dieficient in the fruit category through much of the winter?


PPS -- ack, another one:


9. Does whether or not you refine the grain first affect it's spoilage rate?


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1. Are you sure you have chicken? Not phasans?


2. If all you nutrition bars are full, you can have a maximum health of 1000. If only two of them are full, you should be around 400 max health. The health bar represent, how many life of you current maximum health you have and changes accordingly, if you eat of all kinds of food. Press F3 to see how many health you have.


3. Can't tell you that ;)


4. The decay of food can be minimized, if you store it in a cool, dark place.. Also Storing it in a vessel cuts the decay in half.


5. Winter is winter ;) It's cold, the lakes are frozen, it snows and nothing grows ;) Collect you food during the year to eat it in the winter..


6. Bears ;)


7. No, all vegetables decay equally.. Wiki: "These general types of food decay in order of fastest to slowest: Unsalted Raw Meat/Cooked Eggs, Fruit, Cooked Meat, Salted Raw Meat, Grains/Vegetables, Cheese/Raw Eggs."


8. You can have fruit in the winter... Store it cool, dark and in vessels.. Cut it regularly with a knife so that the bad pieces are gone . It looses weight by doing this but the decay is gone for a while.. In general the decay rate is exponential: the more decay food has, the faster it gets more


9. What do you mean by this? Do mean that a bread decays slower than the grain? I don't think so..


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1. - You need a nest box for chickens to lay eggs.


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Ah, thank you both!


I think it was pheasents after all -- they looked like pheasents, but when I didn't see anything that looked like a vanilla chicken after a lot of exploring, and there was no mention of pheasants on the wiki, I thought the chickens just got a cool re-model.


9 -- no, I was asking if the crop as-harvested, vs. as refined with a knife into grains, had different decay rates. (I'm sure that once I have a quern, I'll also wonder if bread is the same rate). I was just wondering if I should process my cereals into grains before I put them in storaege or just before I use them.



Are bears stopped by fences? Or is more of a defense needed for my livestock?


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    "Nest boxes are crafted using planks and straw. Hens will automatically path towards nearby nest boxes and sit in them to lay their eggs. While in a loaded chunk, a hen lays one egg every other day. If there is a rooster nearby, the eggs can become fertilized, and will hatch into chicks after three quarters of a month has passed. If the fertilized eggs are removed from the nest box before they hatch into a chick, they will become unfertilized."



    "On initial spawn, The Player starts with each category of nutritional value at roughly 80% of the maximum amount. Each of these categories' levels are represented with a visual bar on the health tab of the player's inventory. As the player's hunger depletes, their nutrition bars will slowly deplete as well. In order to replenish the bar, the player must eat some food in that category. The first four categories account for 25% of the player's max health, with the dairy bar giving up to an additional 25% boost.

    For example, a starting player with no levels has a possible max health of 800HP with all four of the first categories filled. If one of these categories are empty while the other three are full, the player will have a max health of 600HP. If the player has a full dairy bar in addition to all four of the main categories being full, they will have a max health of 1,000HP.
    This change in HP is done behind the scenes, as the health bar will change to represent the altered max HP and will still fill completely regardless of the player's possible max health value."


  • Dairy is a food group because Bioxx decided so, and will not be changing it. It's as simple as that. If you don't like the idea of it hurting your max health because you don't have that bar filled, just think of it as boosting your max health when it is filled.


  • You'll have to check the F3 menu to see if fire is actually altering the current temperature. As for storing it underground, from the 78.0 Changelog: 

    "Light level now affects temperature. A fully dark area will be 25% cooler than ambient temperature."


  • There isn't an entire wiki page on winter because it's common knowledge. Winter means that the temperature gets colder, if the temperature is cold enough, it snows instead of raining, and crops can freeze to death. There isn't much to it other than that.


  • Animals can die from being attacked by players or other mobs, or from their own stupidity (fall damage/lava/thorny berry bushes/etc). I don't know what other possibilities you are thinking of.


  • All vegetables and grains decay at the same rate.


  • Winter means that it's colder, so while fruit trees and berry bushes won't produce fruit, the fruit that you have already harvested will decay slower. Depending on how cold it actually gets, the fruit can possibly survive the winter to keep you satisfied as long as you harvested enough beforehand.


  • All steps of the grain (harvest, grain, flour, dough, bread) decay at the same rate.

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Useful info for old hands as well as noobs.Thanks, Kitty.


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