Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Cleanliness, mood, and their affects

7 posts in this topic

Health systems have been suggested already, so I won't get too deep into that but I think cleanliness and mood could be good sub systems of that.


Cleanliness could directly affect health by leading to illness.  (if you've been mining and you get dirty, or if you have blood all over you from a fight with zombies you could get sick, etc.) Or it could make mobs more aggressive toward you and animals harder to catch by being able to smell you from farther away.


Mood would affect your stamina in some way.  If you're dirty or cold or wet for long periods of time you'll get more depressed.  Maybe your animals could react differently to you in this state, say refusing to breed or something.


Resting in hot springs, or creating a shower would clean you and improve your mood.  Sitting beside a fire or having a dog follow you could also improve your mood, etc.




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We've been over this before I'm afraid - mood is a no-go, because the point of TFC is that you aren't supposed to be perceiving yourself as a character in a videogame... you should be perceiving yourself as  being IN the video game. These things aren't happening to Steve, they're happening to you.


When it starts to rain when you're on your way home after a long journey, and you find a zombie in your house because the spawn protection ran out... you shouldn't just have a number in your stat bar decrement, YOU - you, sitting there in your computer chair - YOU should heave a frustrated sigh and frown as you dispense the intruder.

When a cold snap comes in late autumn and kills your crops earlier than expected, Steve shouldn't just lose progress on some bar - YOU should be panicking and scrambling to collect your precious seeds before they despawn.


Steve shouldn't feel emotions. You should.


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Yeah, but the enviroment should also react to YOUR mood. That is basically what the mood part of the suggestion is.

Cleanliness is another thing too. More blood = Even more blood, unless you clean yourself first.


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but... but... why would my mood effect the environment?

Just because I'd depressed, doesn't mean nature is going to be depressed along with me.


If I'm happy, the most that can happen is me is I'm more cheerful and tackle jobs with more enthusiasm(though, if I'm hungry or simply weak, that enthusiasm will evaporate right along with my stamina).

If I'm depressed, the worst that can happen is I mope around doing nothing while nature runs me over and slaughters me.


And I say the player does that well enough without any bars.


But I do like the cleanness suggestion.

But how will we clean ourselves? jumping in a pond is liable to get us dirty just as much as it gets us clean, and saying 'you'll get filthy and slowly die of diseases unless you find a hot spring' is well, not nice.


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Hygiene could be interesting. You have to remember, though, that people only recently started taking baths/showers. They would only take 1 or 2 baths in their entire lifes, if that.


But, please, no mood. We don't want to turn this into The Sims.


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Goddamnit, my phone keep refreshing this page. Is there any auto-saving feature? /rant

Nausea: You get the potion effect as well as losing cleanliness, fullness and nutrition. Caused by prolonged contact with blood or just getting too dirty. Drink milk or wait for it to wear off.

Hypotension: You lose speed and effectiveness based on severity of the hypotension. Caused by not consuming salt for a long time or by being wounded. Eat salted meat, drink homemade saltwater( water jug and 1 salt ), or consume plain salt( decreases hydration ) to reduce severity. Ground rock salt gives 32 salt. Fill a barrel with saltwater and seal it on sunlight. 4*$bucketworth hours of sunlight later take the salt with a paper. Craft the salt paperbag on its own to get $bucketworth salt.

My two cents on diseases.

We need soap too.

Burn a log on a forge or firepit to get 4 ash. Alternatively, you get ash as a byproduct from charcoal pit. Fill a barrel with freshwater, add $bucketworth ash and seal it. Later, take out lye from the barrel with buckets. Get fat from animals( no no eating chocolate) and cut them with a knife to get tallow( and halves its weight ). Or, get oil from ground oil-bearing plant. Craft tallow/oil with lye to get soap( weight +30 oz, fat minimal 20 oz ). Get to water and eat soap. Soap usage depends on dirtiness. Springwater halves soap usage.


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Hygiene could be interesting. You have to remember, though, that people only recently started taking baths/showers. They would only take 1 or 2 baths in their entire lifes, if that.


[Citation Needed]


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