Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Modern-ish Pottery

3 posts in this topic

Hey guys! 


I have two issues with pottery as it is:

1. The crucible is never heated. Using "uncooked" clay as a crucible doesn't seem like a good idea.

2. The pit kiln. I don't like it late game.

    Seems weird and annoying to need to collect straw for this, we're civilized people.


I see three ways to improve this:

1. We heat wood to very high temperatures to create charcoal.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but pottery should harden at these temperatures.

    Meaning, any pottery that finds itself inside a charcoal pit, should harden.

    I think that even if any other idea is used (even staying with pit kiln) this should be the only way to harden a crucible, as it is so big.

2. Charcoal could be used instead of straw and wood.

    Pottery is placed inside the pit, and covered by 6 pieces of charcoal.   (Because of the space the pottery takes, the lower half of the block uses only 2 pieces of charcoal).

3. A stove could be crafted (say circle of sheets) and placed on a working forge.

    The stove GUI would allow to place a bunch of pottery in it (probably more than 4), and after a while the clay will harden.


I would love to hear opinions on these ideas and any other ideas you guys have :)




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I agree without about the pit kilns feeling strangely out of place late-game, when everything else has advanced in tech and you're still firing pottery like you did the first night.


Not so sure how I feel about firing pottery inside a charcoal pit; you're probably right about the temperatures, but it feels a bit hackish, and not sure it wouldn't adversely affect a charcoal pit to have open air with pottery sitting on top. The point is to get as much air out as possible before it's fired, after all. The settling of the logs into charcoal also seems like a problem, in this case a technical problem with implementation.


I'd been thinking of ways to approach a more permanent kiln myself. I also think it should be forge-powered, like a crucible, but would be inclined to have it made with fire brick rather than metal sheets. One possibility, the kiln could just be a special ceramic shelf that is placed over a forge and surrounded by fire brick. Pottery can be placed in it with a gui - I'd think 8 pieces seems reasonable, with the rack/shelf to hold them in position - and then cover the remaining sides and top in order to fire it. This way, it might be done scalably - shelves could be stacked, allowing more pottery to fire at once but taking more firebrick to enclose.


Related, I'd personally like to see some decorative options for pottery; perhaps crafting clay with mineral dyes to change the color of the fired objects? as one of the few placeable items, I find myself making pottery just to place on shelves, and the ability to do differently colored pottery would be a nice aesthetic feature.


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This idea isnt worth it. The only constant use of Straw is to fire kilns. Thatch isnt constant because you only build a house once. If Straw remains useless, each time you harvest wheat you will have Straw in shittons with no use. And btw, even civilized people use Straw.


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