Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Realistic Hostile Mobs

5 posts in this topic

As we all know, TFC is about adding realism to Minecraft, and IMO, zombies, skeletons, creepers, spiders, & endermen are unrealistic. My suggestion is to add new hostile mobs to the mod that are more realistic. However, the normal mobs such as zombies, creepers, etc. could be enabled in the config, & the realistic mobs could be disabled in the config in case anyone thinks that this is going too far. Here are my ideas for mobs.

For starters, let's talk about mammals. For this, there would be three major 'groups'; the big cats, the bears, & the wolves. Of course, we already have a bear in TFC, however my idea is that there would be various species of these creatures. For example, big cats would include tigers, lions, leopards, cougars, snow leopards, jaguars, etc., whereas bears would include polar bears, black bears, grizzly bears (aka normal TFC bears), etc., and wolves would include grey wolves, jackals, dingoes etc. (I don't know many wolf species :3 ). Of course though, you wouldn't find all these mobs everywhere; certain mobs would spawn in certain biomes. For example, lions, tigers, jaguars, dingoes, jackals, & leopards would spawn closer to the equator in more tropical climates, whereas cougars, grizzly bears, & wolves would spawn in more temperate climates, & polar bears & snow leopards would spawn in polar biomes.

Of course, there aren't only mammalian predators. For example, in warmer climates, there may be various large reptiles such as crocodiles, alligators, & large monitor lizards. In the ocean, various sharks & large cetaceans (which I know are mammals, but I thought would be more appropriate to classify with marine life for various reasons) would exist.

As for drops, however, I'm not too sure; I'm still fairly new to TFC, but whatever most large mammals such as cows, sheep, & horses drop should be fine. ;)

These mobs however would not only be a threat to you; they'd also be a threat to your livestock, for they'd hunt pigs, chickens, sheep, cattle, & horses, both wild & domesticated. However, you could probably do something with domestic wolves to defend your livestock (I haven't completely fleshed out this idea yet).

So this is my idea. Please give your feedback, & if you have any improvements for the suggestion, post below. :)


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First of all, TFC is not about adding realism to Minecraft. Read my signature and the FAQ page for more information regarding that.


Secondly, it has been planned pretty much since the start of TFC to move the "fantasy" hostile mobs to spawn underground in caves, and replace them with more believable surface alternatives. We're just waiting on the creation of these alternatives before moving the "fantasy" mobs.


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This is something I've often thought about, and I can't wait for this change to happen. Would totally be at the top of my priority list! hehe


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I'm sure you guys have a lot on your table already with 79, but I really like spendabucks suggestion here. TFC has adds a whole lot of diversity in minerals, ores, plants and edibles; it would be really fitting to increase diversity in wildlife as well. A large reptilian would really be appropriate for warmer climates/swamps. Of course, I understand that adding a new mob is an entirely different beast compared to adding some more berry-bushes.


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Oh, I didn't see that, kitty :P . Thanks for letting me know, and I actually like that idea as well; adding the realistic mobs to the surface & moving the unrealistic mobs to the caves. :)


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