Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Do you need bellows to make platinum ingots?

9 posts in this topic

Just asking, I got a fair amount and it doesn't seem to melt in the forge or the crucible.


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In the future, questions like this belong in the Support Forum.


To answer your question, I will reference the following wiki page:


This page states that the melting temperature of platinum is Brilliant White. This page also states that the hottest that the forge can get without the use of the bellows is when it is burning coal. When it is burning coal, the highest temperature it reaches without the use of a bellows is White.


So yes, in order to get to the melting temperature of platinum, which is brilliant white, you need to use a bellows.


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Shame there's no animals near main base. All I can find is like one pheasant/whatever and a horse, any tips on finding other animals?


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Shame there's no animals near main base. All I can find is like one pheasant/whatever and a horse, any tips on finding other animals?


Different animals spawn in different climates:


You need to travel to one of those climates to find new animals.


I'm guessing you ask because you need hides to make the bellows. Horses drop hides, so you can make leather with only horses around.


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Despite there only being one around. I'll probably need it for breeding for infinity hides.

Can animals (and plants, on the subject) from different climates survive anywhere?


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Despite there only being one around. I'll probably need it for breeding for infinity hides.

Can animals (and plants, on the subject) from different climates survive anywhere?


Animals can survive anywhere. Plants can survive pretty much anywhere but the extremes. Too cold and crops will die. Too hot and fruit trees and berry bushes won't provide fruit. Normal trees just care about sunlight.


Once again, the majority of this information is readily available on the wiki:

  • Specifically the "Hardy" section of the chart, and the explanation below.
  • The individual crop pages explicitly list their temperatures for survival:


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Animals can survive anywhere. Plants can survive pretty much anywhere but the extremes. Too cold and crops will die. Too hot and fruit trees and berry bushes won't provide fruit. Normal trees just care about sunlight.


Once again, the majority of this information is readily available on the wiki:

  • Specifically the "Hardy" section of the chart, and the explanation below.
  • The individual crop pages explicitly list their temperatures for survival:

Hi kitty. I had no idea about that. It sounds odd for me since most of the fruits that we consume come from bellow the tropic. As someone who has actually lived on the equator I has access to a whole lot more fruits than here in the USA .


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Hi kitty. I had no idea about that. It sounds odd for me since most of the fruits that we consume come from bellow the tropic. As someone who has actually lived on the equator I has access to a whole lot more fruits than here in the USA .


Did you bother clicking the links to see exactly what "too hot" meant? For fruit trees it's a temperature hotter than 38C, and for berries its an average temperature of around 30C. That's 100 and 86 degrees respectively for the Americans reading.


For a single example, we'll look at bananas. I would consider bananas to be one of the more tropical fruits that TFC has to offer. A quick google search of "ideal temp for growing bananas" shows a bunch of different articles stating that to have a happy banana tree, it should be in an area that on average doesn't get hotter than 30C.


Seriously. Check your facts before you question mechanics.


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No kiitty. I did not check google. I had bananas on my backyard. Also avocados, guavas jack fruit, cashew and mangoes. I have no idea what google says the ideal temperature is for bananas. The ones in my house did good.

Those are your words:

The problem with this idea is that it just doesn't make any sense believably. The prospectors pick is an actual tool that really exists, more commonly referred to as a paleo pick. The way that they work is that you use it to scrape samples off of the stone, and then you can look at that sample for traces of different metals.


It seems to me there is a lot of bias from your part. When is convenient you say that something is based on real life. When we point  something else then we are asking for too much realism.

I was in no way disrespectful towards you or the forum, but more and more I feel like I am being bullied. I know you have the power to ban people from the forum. That does not mean is ok to mistreat people that disagree with you.

I remember the forum and the wiki before you, and it was a mess. You did an amazing job with the wiki and the forum is pristine. I am mam enough to recognize all the good work you do for the TFC community. Sometimes I get the impression that you are trying to protect the mod, like every critic is an attack. That is the farthest from my mind and I believe from other people who voiced their opinions. If we did not liked and played TFC we would not be here.

I have nothing to gain by fighting you. Besides your position as forum and wiki administrator, I see you as a invaluable source of TFC knowledge. All I am asking is for a little respect. 


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