Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Build 79 Oredict Entries for Compatibility

3 posts in this topic

Build 79

Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes
If yes, which mods?  Codechickencore, NEI, Industrialcraft Experimental build 647, Gregtech build 5.05.10

*I'm really happy that TFC is getting Oredict support and am thrilled at the cross-mod compatibility that likely should follow from that eventually.  It's WIP, I know.  Here are my initial observations:


The way that TFC is currently oredicting some things causes cross-mod inequities, or sometimes just doesn't enhance compatibility much.  

  • Ore of the standard (.25 ingot) quality, appears to be oredicted the same as a vanilla ore block.  Other mods' processing turns the single .25 ingot item into 2 or more ingots' worth of metal.  The IC2 macerator is a prime example.
  • I saw that Tetrahedrite, Native Copper, and Malachite are all oreCopper, with similarly simplified entries for Iron.  This might cause confusion when a mod would normally handle Tetrahedrite or Galena differently than their native-metal counterparts (for processing byproducts, or for using magnetite for its magnetic properties rather than just metal content)
  • I suggest some method of crafting the smaller ore items into larger ore items that represent a full ingot's worth of material (4x .25 quality items, 3x .35 quality items, etc.) for enhanced compatibility, as processing low-quantity byproducts from large quantities of a material is important for some mods.  An example would be gold ore items into a vanilla gold ore block or IC2's Crushed Gold Ore.
  • TFC two-ingot metal sheets might go well as plateCopper, plateIron, etc. for cross-mod compatibility, and requiring two ingots per plate to craft a machine casing early on is already in line with the idea that material efficiency increases as technology/skill increases.

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The ore processing issue is going to have to be fixed via a crossover mod. There really isn't all that much we can do to fix it. We're just going to remove the .25 ore mapping to vanilla ore blocks and instead have it as a TFC specific ore dictionary entry. If other mods want to use our ore in their ore dictionary stuff, they'll have to map it as such.


If you can find me a mod that has ore dictionary entries for the specific ores, and that those specific ores are actually handled in a different matter than the other ores of the same metal, I will add in specific ore dictionary entries for them. None of the TFC ores have any sort of processing byproduct when you process them via TFC methods.


Once again something that has to be done via crossover mod.


Could you get me a list of the exact ore dictionary entries for those plates?


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The ore processing issue is going to have to be fixed via a crossover mod. There really isn't all that much we can do to fix it. We're just going to remove the .25 ore mapping to vanilla ore blocks and instead have it as a TFC specific ore dictionary entry. If other mods want to use our ore in their ore dictionary stuff, they'll have to map it as such.


If you can find me a mod that has ore dictionary entries for the specific ores, and that those specific ores are actually handled in a different matter than the other ores of the same metal, I will add in specific ore dictionary entries for them. None of the TFC ores have any sort of processing byproduct when you process them via TFC methods.


Once again something that has to be done via crossover mod.


Could you get me a list of the exact ore dictionary entries for those plates?

Minetweaker will probably solve 1 and 3. will solve 2 and 4.


Otherwise, oredicting varies at several points
tools (craftingToolSaw)
tool heads (toolHeadSwordPlatinum yes, it has low durability)
It may make sense to have these oredicted with yours, except that the heads do still need to craft into different tools.  I think removing Greg's manual tool crafting and leaving it with only his assembly machine crafting recipe will keep production of his tools limited to high-tech times, and always allow production of TFC tools when the player has reached the proper metalworking stage long before an assembly machine.
Railcraft also uses poor ores:
Railcraft -> orePoorCopper
Railcraft -> orePoorGold
Railcraft -> orePoorIron
Railcraft -> orePoorTin
Railcraft -> orePoorLead
Each smelts to a nugget of metal.


I posted on the GT thread, too.


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