Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[Solved] Pain water

5 posts in this topic

Version #: 79

SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): MP

Suggested Name: Oh God it burns!

Suggested Category: Minor

Description: I played on an MP server last night, and found myself in a giant ocean with no land in sight ( big surprise there :( ). During my trip after around 5k blocks of swimming or so, I began to take damage from the water constantly... like standing in a berry bush. I found that if I submerged myself below the water one block down the damage stopped. When resurfacing for air or whatever I would take damage again. at one point, position myself one block down and out of harms way, then relogging fixed the issue. Later on when the bug manifested again, logging did not fix the problem. This was not a drowning mechanic. My air meter was never empty while sustaining damage from the water. 


Things to consider:

I was near the equator... at ~ -5k or -6k

I was starving: Hunger and thirst were empty, but I was not taking continuous damage unless I was in that top layer of water.

I vaguely remember the temp being around 35.

The biome was Deep Ocean.

Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes (This was a fresh build via MultiMC, configs were brand spankin new)

Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes

If yes, which mods: 

REI, Smart Moving, Player API


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What temperature is it? Look at the first temp-related value on F3.


It's entirely possible that because you are thirsty, and it is hot outside, your player is having a heat stroke every time he is exposed to the sun. This is actually a mechanic that has been in TFC since like late 77 or early 78, but it isn't really documented because its such a rare case.


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Per my OP, I vaguely remember the temperature being around 35. It seems likely that heat stroke is the case... it was warm, and I was very thristy... must have been strange luck when I logged out and it fixed the issue the one time. Also, that implies that the temperature can drop to a safe level by submerging 1 block in water?


It is beyond my power to give you more meaningful information currently. I died as a result of the damage eventually... and seeing as how it was a very long long voyage to get there, I wont be able to repro anytime soon.


Maybe this leads to a feature request where you cant get heat stroke while swimming... I mean, that just sounds wrong to me :P


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The only reason I could think of submerging stopping the damage is if there is possibly a "Is exposed to the sun" kind of check. Since there's a "block" (water) above your head when you are submerged, you aren't directly exposed anymore, so the damage stops.


If the damage was happening in a similar way to like suffocation damage, in that it keeps doing "hits" over and over and over very quickly in a short period of time, then I can almost guarantee that it was heat stroke. 35 sounds about hot enough.


As for the feature request, it's very likely that once a more complete body temperature system is in place, the water will have a cooling effect on your player, so the heat strokes will indeed stop happening while you are swimming. It might also end up with the reverse, where you start going into hypothermia if you are swimming when its too cold.


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I would have to agree with you kitty, in that this was probably heat stroke... given the circumstances anyway. I would do what you do when a bug is rejected, with this thread, and thanks for lookin into it!


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