Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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I would have sent a msg directly to Kitty, but it seems that I do not have the ability to send msg.


I want to say that I am sorry about the post about reconstructing TFC, I did not want to be offensive toward Dunk, Bioxx, you or anybody who putted effort in TFC. I guess that I have not been clear about the fact that is only pure speculation, "what if...". My question was "what do you think TFC could be if" and not a statement like "let's do it".

And I still wonder, what could happen if some elements of TFC where written in a different way, any many of the thing I have in mind would have no impact on the final game content and gameplay.


You might know Bioxx better than me, but I am sure that he already thought about a rewrite of TFC at some point. You know, when Dunk was almost the lead developer, he implemented the ingot stack and the new leather processing and the barrels, then, Bioxx was planning TFC 2, but he ended up ditching it and came back on TFC. Who know, they might not need to be well paid to think about rewriting TFC (to actually do it is a different thing as I guess they would rather write new features than re-do everything).


Maybe I am just wondering about how the suggestions and the discussions about actual or future feature have a direct influence on what is actually coded. Maybe I am just wondering about the value of a valid and logical argumentation and it's impact on the game.


Again, I am sorry...


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I hate it when developers rewrite the whole game, as it always takes them such a long time to get back to it. I know a friend who's working on a game, and he hasn't been able to release an update for the game since 2012, which is when he started to rewrite it. It not only makes us wait longer (Which isn't the part I'm worried about), it makes other's lose interest, and the developers lose themselves. The only way I can see this working, is if it goes on in the background, alongside with the current TFC. Otherwise, everyone will get all angry at the DEVs, and either leave, or post hate-mail every two seconds.

(Plus, I love updating TFC. :3)


Then again, rewriting would help them add in ALLLL those things they can't do now. Such as changing time to be longer (As was discussed somewhere else), or anything else they've hit as brick walls. If they COULD manage to get a TFC2 working, that would be a significant improvement!


If they can pull it off in a short enough time to not kill the community, or slowly reel it in as they focus on the big fish, then I'm all for it. Please don't waste your time DEVs if you don't think it's a good idea. So far, I like everything about the mod! Just do what you think is right, and don't lose hope! I'll always be waiting for that next update.


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