Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Dirt bricks, mud walls and stuff.

13 posts in this topic

Building a house in TFC is hard when you don't have metal tools. I think we should be able to use materials like clay, cooked dirt/mud bricks, and maybe cow poop.

When people started to get settled, they began with stone houses. This is not really possible in TFC, due to the fact that cobble can't be placed on another cobble without support. I suggest making 2 blocks high cobble walls possible, so people can make cobble houses with thatch roofs, like the first settlers of the neolithic. Next, people can build bigger houses with cooked mud bricks. Making those will be not that hard, but not too easy. Mud bricks should be dryed by the sun for like one day, so your little caveman will need to stay in his little cobble house all night until the bricks are good.

If a caveman can have those houses, they can start agriculture proprely, having solid and better houses, so they are protected at night.


I think those mud bricks are a thing missing to the mod, and I will be happy to get those.


Timorr, The little noob.


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Hello there, and welcome to the forums! Just so you know, your suggestion of cow poop violates the following section of the do not suggest thread:



Dunkleosteus has stated that he is not comfortable coding any way shape or form of a feces mechanic for TFC. Please respect his decision and do not suggest topics that may be considered "disgusting" in nature. This includes but is not limited to: feces, urine, genitalia, graphic diseases. 


Also, mud bricks have been suggested in previous threads, which you can find using the search bar at the top right corner of the page.


As for your idea: Why don't you just build your house out of wood? A stone axe requires no metal, and wood is readily available. Wood also keeps out pesky spiders, unlike thatch.Also, you can use thatch to prop up your cobblestone walls. You can remove the thatch afterwards and have a lovely cobble cube.


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Yes you can use wood, but I would be thrilled to have mud brick or adobe, or something along those lines added. In the bottom of TFC materials in the creative menu you can see what looks like mud brick with straw sticking out, I don't know if these are work in progress though.


Any of the devs care to confirm?  


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Marvelous how much can be accomplished with that fancy search bar in the top right corner. The bricks you see in the creative menu are placeholders. The creative menu has many of these items, such as hemp seeds, the ceramic pot, ect. They could be for planned features, or plans that were put on the back burner, or simply left behind. Nobody really knows.


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I just forgot to search for it, and please don't talk to me like that, I'm not a idiot. I know what a search bar is.

I was happy to see that my tread got a fast reply, but the reply was just like "hey there, you are too stupid to use a search bar? This is already suggested. Have a nice day!"


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I just forgot to search for it, and please don't talk to me like that, I'm not a idiot. I know what a search bar is.

I was happy to see that my tread got a fast reply, but the reply was just like "hey there, you are too stupid to use a search bar? This is already suggested. Have a nice day!"

Talk to you like what? All I did was inform you that your post breaks multiple forum rules. If you don't like being informed to follow those rules, then I suggest not breaking them. I did not call you stupid, so don't put words in my mouth.


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Marvelous how much can be accomplished with that fancy search bar in the top right corner.


That is like saying to my that I'm stupid. You said it.


I dont like the idea of using logs, because they are long to brake, flammable, need it for kiln, and I think making houses like in the REAL neolithic is better than making Full thatch house or wood and thatch house. I think adding adobe/mud bricks is just adding another possibility for building houses.


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That is like saying to my that I'm stupid. You said it.


I dont like the idea of using logs, because they are long to brake, ugly, and I think making houses like in the REAL neolithic is better than making Full thatch house or wood and thatch house. I think adding adobe/mud bricks is just adding another possibility for building houses.



(Sorry for  bad grammar, I'm french.)

Not to nitpick, but that was in response to bilbobuddy :D And by the second time telling people to use the search bar, I get more creative with my language. I'm sorry that you interpret my flamboyance as an insult.


I agree that a log home is not the most aesthetically pleasing building imaginable (although there is a guide on home to make a very nice looking one), the point of early survival isn't to build a shelter that you think looks nice. Your first shelter is about surviving. Also, shelters in the Neolithic leaned wooden, not stone. That's why we have such a hard time finding dwellings of that time period, because wood rots over thousands of years. In terms of basic shelters, the resources are there. I don't think we really need another material to build starting homes with, since that category has pretty much been filled. That said, mud blocks are a nice aesthetic addition. Extrafirma, a plugin for terrafirmacraft, has them:


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I figured out It actually IS possible to build cobblestone homes in TFC. 


The key is that each cs block must be supported horizontally by at least 2 blocks (and also 1 block beneath it, of course).  The trick to building cs walls is to build a temporary wall next to it so that the cs blocks are supported during construction.  The easiest way to do this is with a mounds of dirt stacked up next to the wall, unless you have saws in which case plank walls are best for temporary construction.  Once the cobblestone structure is complete, the temporary walls can be removed and the cs block will not collapse, as long as every block meets the above mentioned criteria (which will be the case most of the time)


Also, I agree with the OP that mud bricks would be a nice early game addition.  :)


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Sorry. I apologize for my bad interpretation. And also thanks for the cobble house making guide. If only cobblestone was beautiful...


For the wood stuff, what do you do with THAT?Posted Image

Catal Hüyüc, Neolithic village founded 7000 b. c. made out of mud, wood and stone.

(Sorry for the huge image, I'm such a noob that I dont know how to shrink it)


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You can use the BB codes: [.spoiler] [./spoiler], just remove the periods.  And a single example does not a counter argument make. If you had a basket of red apples, and one green apple, the statement - "Most apples in the basket are red" - would still be true, even if you pointed out the green apple.


Also, as per the wood, I'd like to point out that Çatalhöyük has undergone basic restoration. The wood you see in the picture is a later addition by archaeologists for structural support and reconstruction.


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I know, I'm talking about the stone used. I'm not talking about the wood, I know it is not 'authentic'


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There are already placeholders in TFC for mud bricks. This topic breaks rule #1 of the suggestions forum, and as it doesn't add anything new to the conversation, it has been locked rather than merged into the older thread.


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