Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[Solved] Blueprint crash on use.

14 posts in this topic

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SSP/SMP (SinglePlayer/MultiPlayer): SSP
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If you answered no to the above question, delete all 3 TFC config files (TFCCrafting, TFCConfig, TFCOre), do NOT edit or add to any of the files, and try to reproduce the bug.
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If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them? (Yes/No): Not using.
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All bug reports should have an answer of "Yes" to this question. If you refuse to uninstall Optifine/Cauldron, and cannot reproduce the bug when the mods are not installed, do not bother making a bug report, as it will be locked and ignored. link of the Crash Report: Crashed to client: Log:

Description: When I used a blueprint(with saved data on it) on a block a GUI opened. I clicked done. Some thing sounded like it broke, the I crashed to my client. On reloading the world and using the chisel, it vanishes, Maybe broken? Also seams to happen when the stack is used up.

Edited by Arctic_Wolfy

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I'm going to follow this thread because the same thing was happening to me a while back. Probably back around build 79.15 or so. I don't have any crash data, though.


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According to the crash report, the blueprint you were holding didn't actually exist. If I had to guess there might be an issue removing the last blueprint from the stack, and the item you were holding was nothing more than a ghost.


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According to the crash report, the blueprint you were holding didn't actually exist. If I had to guess there might be an issue removing the last blueprint from the stack, and the item you were holding was nothing more than a ghost.

That's what I was thinking. Also, why does using a blueprint cause the chisel to take so much damage? Is this a bug? B/c I can't make but a few blocks with it when using the blueprint, but when I do it manually it doesn't take that much damage.


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I've just tested both SSP and SMP, and the blueprint uses up the exact same amount of durability as it took to make the original block. 1 durability for each little square removed.


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I've just tested both SSP and SMP, and the blueprint uses up the exact same amount of durability as it took to make the original block. 1 durability for each little square removed.

Weird... Then why would it take more damage for me?

Unless... I guess it takes one damage per slab? I'm guessing that's the difference. I cut it down a few slabs before I started to remove tiny squares.


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Yeah, that would be the difference. It's taking the amount of durability it would take to do the entire thing using only the little blocks.


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This crash should be fixed for 79.26


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Yeah, that would be the difference. It's taking the amount of durability it would take to do the entire thing using only the little blocks.


*If* blueprints are a thing in TFC2, and they work in a similar way - might it be worthwhile to try to optimise this a bit so that if an entire layer is removed  it does that and kills 1 use of the chisel instead of chipping away 64 little squares , killing 64 uses of the chisel (which is what I'm assuming this is doing)?

Edited by ChunkHunter

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It might be possible, but it would be extremely finicky. It also would probably still end up using more durability than what the player used with chisel mode because the slab mode of the chisel doesn't necessarily always remove the entire face. For example, if you chisel the east side of the block, and then chisel the north side of the block, there is a strip that was already missing from the first chisel that the second chisel doesn't re-remove. Basically, such a dynamic scanning would require a really complicated system to implement. Especially compared to the current system where it simply loops through each mini-cube once, and if it is empty space, damages the chisel.


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Is there any way to copy a blueprint? Besides using it in world the using a stack of blueprints on it?


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No there is not. And considering blueprints have a lot of NBT data on them, which doesn't tend to play nice with crafting recipes, it's probably best if it stays that way.


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No there is not. And considering blueprints have a lot of NBT data on them, which doesn't tend to play nice with crafting recipes, it's probably best if it stays that way.

Vanilla writable books can have a lot of NBT on them too, but you can copy them.

Thou IDK what version that was.


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That was added in 1.7.2, but the key difference is that it uses two completely separate items (a written book, and a book and quill) to do the copying. Blueprints don't have a separate item for their blank version.


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