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Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Darian Stephens

[Answered] Health Numbers

6 posts in this topic

In a (Relatively) recent version of TerraFirmaCraft, numbers have been added to your health. I would like to know if there's a way to change that. I had a preliminary check in the config, but couldn't find anything about this.

So, yeah, I'm looking for a way to disable showing your exact health with numbers, since I prefer the ambiguity of the bar and it showing your rough health.


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There is not a config for this, specifically because the maximum health amount is dynamic. So starting out one pixel of the bar might represent 10HP, and after you level up a bit it might represent 30HP. There was also a lot of confusion without these numbers because your maximum health is affected by your nutrition level, and by eating you often increase your maximum health because you improved your nutrition. With the numbers visible, you see that your current health remains the same, and the maximum goes up. Without the numbers visible, it looks like you took damage because your current health remained the same, but you are no longer at max health.


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I know, but I personally liked not knowing exactly how much damage I could take, or how much damage monsters would do.


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I would rather not add the config option still, just because of that confusion. While you may know how it works, there will inevitably be players who don't know, turn that config on, and then get confused and think they are taking damage when they eat. Even if I add a message to the config option explicitly explaining how the bar works, I can guarantee you there are going to be players who don't read it.


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If they can't be bothered to read what changing a config setting does, I don't see why anyone else should have to deal with consequences they bring upon themselves.

I find it really weird to see my health constantly ticking away, and the bar didn't give me that sense of urgency to fill my nutrition bars, and if I neglected them, I would have to deal with the decreased health once I became aware of it, usually through getting attacked.

I don't know what I could say to convince you... Is there some other way to disable it, through a mod perhaps?


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An addon might be able to do it if they override our event handler for it, or just find a way to re-draw the bar on top of the text to hide it. You are more than welcome to make a post in the suggestions forum and include a poll in the topic. If the poll and discussion indicates that there are a decent amount of other players that would use the config option, and that it wouldn't cause that much player confusion, I'll reconsider.


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