Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Ali Bob

[Solved] Crashed and reset char skills

3 posts in this topic

Hi all!


I recently found this mod and have had a lot of fun with it, but after a couple of years I felt like I had nothing more to do. Then I discovered TechNodefirmacraft in the ATLauncher(mod compilation).

I encountered a bit of a problem where I got mauled by a bear and my game froze - which I have never encountered in 'vanilla' TFC, so thats probably something with the modpack / me. I had to force quit the game and restart to fix it. But I started at spawn with an empty inventory. After a couple of curse words and a bit of running, I was back on track with backup tools. I didn't notice that my charecter skills also had reset till the following spring(10 mins ago), when I tried to use a hoe and couldn't get the nutrient levels to show. All of this is sort of irrelevant backstory for my following question.


Is there any way to manually set my skills(via ingame commands / file editing)?


I know you probably can't / won't open up that can of worms to bugfix a 3rd party modpack problem, but I'm hoping that its possible to do a quickfix. All the tools /armor werent that big of a deal, but I'd love to get my skills back.

Edited by Ali Bob

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Yes there is a command called giveskill that you can use. Make sure that you have debug mode enabled by either editing the config file to enable it, or using the /debugmode command to toggle it. The syntax is

/giveskill playerName skill.skillName number

The different skill names are skill.armorsmith, skill.gensmith, skill.toolsmith, skill.weaponsmith, skill.agriculture,, skill.prospecting, skill.butchering


As for what number you should use, it depends on the skill since they all increase at different rates. Here's the numbers you'd use to reach the very start of Adept, Expert and Master levels:


General Smithing: 84, 250, 750

Tool/Armor/Weapon Smithing: 34, 100, 300

Agriculture: 100, 300, 900

Cooking: 68, 200, 600

Prospecting: 500, 1500, 4500

Butchering: 34, 100, 300


The only other thing to note is that the bar isn't a linear scale, so halfway between two level numbers (e.g. 84 & 250 = 167) is going to put you closer to having the bar 60-70% complete.


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This was exactly what I was looking for. I have tried one of the commands and it seems to work as you said. I'm going to tinker more after work.

Thank you!


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