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4 posts in this topic

Right now, Terrafirmacraft is a great mod with a lot of potential. However, most of it is currently just metallurgy and variety in stone layers and raw materials. I'm not exactly sure what Bioxx has planned for his mod, but I'd like to suggest some features that fit right in with the theme of a more difficult survival experience, and would add an excellent level of depth to some parts that are currently very shallow.

I know a lot of what I'm going to say has already been suggested in bits and pieces, but I'd like to condense the ideas into a single topic describing how they're linked together. Also, I know there is a butchery suggestion thread, but as I said I'd like to describe it here to show how it relates to the other ideas.

The first suggestion is two things that go hand in hand, those being fishing and hunting. Food is a necessity for survival, and thus it's importance should be stressed when survival is the goal. Fishing would be much easier to implement as a new feature, in the form of net, spear, or possibly using traps to fish. This could very easily expand on vanilla fishing, as you could use the various methods to get different types of fish just by using the items on water. However, it could be made more complex with actual fish mods and the like. Lots of possibilities here.

Hunting is like fishing in that it's a basic method to gather food. Minecraft already has a sort of form of this, although the word "hunting" doesn't exactly come to mind when you're brutally murdering passive mobs. Trapping is a great way to implement hunting, and has a large amount of potential. You could set traps near "huntable" animal mobs, choose to bait them or not, and then retrieve the carcasses from the traps when they're caught. These "huntable" mobs could include things like rabbits or deer, and could run away from the player quickly if detected.

Fishing and hunting constitute the first step of creating food. The next step would naturally be butchery. Butchery could be similar to in Dwarf Fortress, where you can use some kind of workbench-esque item to disassemble carcasses or clean fish to yield raw products. These products could include the obvious meat and bones, but other things as well, including certain organs that could be made into food and tools(such as bags or waterskins), and animal fat. Animal fat has a myriad number of uses, such as tallow for soap or candle making(which could both be plausible items).

Cooking is something I yearn to see done well in a Minecraft mod. There's limitless ways to implement cooking as a game mechanic, and it would definitely be done right, seeing the excellent way things like metalworking have been implemented in Terrafirmacraft. If farming is expanded on, we could have a vast amount of ingredients to cook things out of, and even without additional ingredients we already have an array of items to cook with. Implements for cooking could vary from open fires to clay ovens to metal stoves and ranges, all with exclusive recipes and tiers of food.

I'm not really sure if compiling all these ideas will provide much benefit, but I wouldn't doubt some of these ideas have already been considered by Bioxx, and hopefully this will provide a bit of structure to these related suggestions. If you have anything to suggest that I missed relating to these things, or just want to provide some insight, please go ahead and do so.


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You have a lot of excellent ideas friend, and this is an impressive first post... but everything you just mentioned already has its own topics. There's a search bar on the upper right of the forum. Please check for similar threads next time before starting a new one.

Other than that, kudos for fleshing your ideas out as well as you did.


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You have a lot of excellent ideas friend, and this is an impressive first post... but everything you just mentioned already has its own topics. There's a search bar on the upper right of the forum. Please check for similar threads next time before starting a new one.

Other than that, kudos for fleshing your ideas out as well as you did.

Did you even read my thread? I doubt it, because you replied so quickly. I looked through the entire suggestion forum, and aside from a few scattered suggestions somewhat pertaining to my post(which I mentioned I was aware of), there were no large-scale suggestion threads like mine.

Like I've said at least four times now, I know that I'm sort of rehashing a few existing ideas, but I'm doing it for the sake of consistency. And by the sake of consistency I mean that a bunch of scattered ideas aren't as likely to get noticed as one large thread with all of them in one place.


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Did you even read my thread? I doubt it, because you replied so quickly. I looked through the entire suggestion forum, and aside from a few scattered suggestions somewhat pertaining to my post(which I mentioned I was aware of), there were no large-scale suggestion threads like mine.

Like I've said at least four times now, I know that I'm sort of rehashing a few existing ideas, but I'm doing it for the sake of consistency. And by the sake of consistency I mean that a bunch of scattered ideas aren't as likely to get noticed as one large thread with all of them in one place.

I actually did read your post, and everything here (with the exception of adding more to cooking, which I like a lot btw) has a place in another existing thread.

And there actually was a big metathread for all this stuff... I'd find it for you, but I'm playing DDO at the moment.

Now if you'd put the other stuff in the other threads and made this one just about doing more with cooking... That's a post I'd like to see. Cuz I am 100% on board with that idea.


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