Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Medicines, gunpowder, and other mixtures...

5 posts in this topic

Well, while travelling through TerraFirmaCraft, it became apparent to me that all 3 ingredients of gunpowder are readily available in the mod. Charcoal, sulfur, and saltpetre. And it brought me to thinking, what if Bioxx added a mortar and pestle to the game to grind minerals and certain ores to mix together? Like the alchemy system of Vanilla, but riskier, harder, and less rewarding.

You can make medicines that could go with diseases you catch while mining, logging, farming, and from animals. As well as seasonal disease. This could also apply to livestock through food and water sources. While some are harmless, others, like heavy-metal poisoning, could create large life-threatening problems (adding another risk to mining). This also gives reason to watch the temperature (with a possibly added thermometer made from mercury and glass) and stay out of the rain.

Gunpowder can be made, but must be stored in powder horns, or, if placed in world, barrels (like log piles). Gunpowder will be highly reactive, and if exposed to water will be destroyed, while if exposed to any fire source (i.e. torches, campfires, bloomery top or bottom, forge) will explode. It will be made through ground charcoal, saltpetre, and sulfur. The storage barrels will be made with wood and can hold water as well as powder.

You can craft a musket from steel and certain woods (don't want a pine stock, do you?), meaning it will be in the stage of the game where it makes sense that you would have one. It will be slow loading, and it's ammo will be lead balls, meticulously made from a ceramic bullet mold (8 single-use bullets to one mold). Barrel forming may use a drill also used for possible piping. It can be made differently per advancement level, requiring more mechanisms per level of advancement. (i.e matchlock, wheellock, flintlock) The flint in flintlocks and wheellocks will need to be replaced every so often, giving another use for all that flint. These levels also add to durability and reliability.

Use of this high-powered weapon comes with the risk of harming yourself, and a cloud of black smoke. The weapon will degrade, with each level of degradation slightly increasing the risk for an exploding barrel (destroying the weapon). However, it will remain the ultimate weapon of the game, and another objective to aim for beyond red-steel. It also corresponds with the time-period for the game.

I think these stay with realism while adding that satisfaction of "I made a f***ing powerful weapon!" that we all enjoy. As well as the survival aspect that I personally love.

Thank you all for your time and thoughts left below.

~Kelton Lyn Kennedy


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Your the first person that has sold the gun idea to me... I cant even do it. If it was like this in game i dont think many people will hate it. Its hard to make, not to OP but still a bit. (really it should be a bit OP, for the fun of it)


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already been discussed piece-by-piece in other threads.

The sulphur+charcoal+saltpeter=gunpowder idea was well liked, and it was decided that muskets would definitely be a no-go, but flintlock pistols (or rifles) could be conceivable. I then pointed out that flintlock is too recent, but that matchlock would work.

There was a HUGE medicine and disease thread lurking somewhere around here too. I suggest scoping it out, it's really cool.


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Thanks for your replies. I skimmed through quickly, so I might have missed the mentioned threads. I was using the term musket as it is generally smoothbore, not rifled as a rifle would be. This would, in turn, mean accuracy is affected as well.


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Your the first person that has sold the gun idea to me... I cant even do it. If it was like this in game i dont think many people will hate it. Its hard to make, not to OP but still a bit. (really it should be a bit OP, for the fun of it)

By this, do you mean many people have tried to sell the gun idea, but mine was most successful?


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