Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About DanielO

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    Freshly Spawned
  1. Wondering about the challenge of playing TFC...

    I can't speak for 7 Days to Die as I haven't really played it much (not really for me), but Unreal World does seem quite similar to Terra Firma Craft in the direction both go in. You have to work hard and be to survive long term, but the game isn't actively trying to kill you. It's "hardcore" in a sense of requiring more planning, preparation and understanding. Players can choose different ways of starting the game which impacts on the difficulty, and then set their own challenges as well, such as living in extreme parts of the geography etc.
  2. Wondering about the challenge of playing TFC...

    I've just started a fresh game up nice and far north (bits of ice in the water even in the summer!) Lovely tall trees, giant huuuge lakes. Very pretty. I'm hoping that this extreme temperature will help a bit with the food challenge anyhow. I know rye and bellpeppers (strangely) will grow at least, so hopefully can live through the winter. We just need frostbite etc.
  3. Wondering about the challenge of playing TFC...

    Thanks for pointing me to those discussions, I'll take a look. Right now I'm playing in hard core, so that is giving me motivation to not let my max health get too low anyhow. I'm just not sure I have any serious external motivation to develop along the tech tree as it is now. I can live just fine without it.
  4. Hello there. Long time watcher of this mod, but without a whole lot of experience playing it (it used to make my old laptop chug too much). Got a new computer recently so I thought it would be a good time to get into playing TFC again and trying out the updates etc.. Just something I was hoping I could get some information on as I've had some difficulty figuring this out but... I love the way crafting and mining work in this mod, but from a game-play perspective what is to be gained by working towards the iron age? I'm a fan of survival games, but its not clear to me just yet as to whether TFC is actually a survival game in that I need to work hard to avoid starving (which is pretty hard to do right now yes?). Is this something which is going to be worked on with TFC 2.0? I.E. Is the goal to bring TFC closer in some respects to Unreal World? Maybe this is something which could be a mode of some kind, but I'd like to see... - Actual starvation.. - A brutal winter you need to try and live through, without regard to your position on the globe. - Some kind of aggressive enemy which you would want higher tier weapons for the purpose of fighting against them with. So, basically hard core survival, with end game challenges to keep you striving long term to not die. Is this kind of something we might see the game develop towards long term? Or is that a bit too much to hope for?